March 21, 2021 - Jimmy Winfrey

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And his beautiful family to Ecuador last year and get to know them but he is with reaching and teaching he will be leading us and encouraging us today and speaking a little bit more about him him and his family and his ministry that got his place two men. I like to welcome you guys to Jimmy Winfrey.

Good morning. You have your Bible with you this morning. You can open up the song 96. Psalm 96 Why you turning there? Just want to say thank you for having me this morning. That was a joy to worship with you all and even as we were singing and saying the words we are the church. We are the hope for this Earth. And that's the truth as I'll speak about this morning. Ultimately God has chosen to redeem Fallen sinners like you and me to gather together into what he calls the church in order to make disciples to the ends of the Earth. He has chosen church is just like this to be his vehicle Redemption his vehicle for proclaiming his glory and man what a privilege it is to be a part of it. Amen. Let's read starting in verse 1 of Psalm 96. Sing a new song to the Lord let the whole earth sing to the Lord seemed to the Lord bless his name Proclaim his salvation from day-to-day declare his glory among the Nations his wondrous Works among all peoples for the Lord is great and greatly to be praised for he is feared above all gods for all the gods of the peoples are idle. But the Lord made the heavens Splendor and Majesty or before him strength and beauty or in his Sanctuary ascribe to the Lord you families of the people describe to the Lord glory and strength ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name bring an offering and enter his courts Worship the Lord in the Splendor of his Holiness let the whole earth tremble before him. Stay among the Nations the Lord Reigns The World Is firmly established. It cannot be shaken. He judges the people's fairly let the heavens be glad in the earth Rejoice like to see in all that fills it ReSound let the fields and everything in them celebrate all the trees of the forest Will shout for Joy before the Lord because he is coming for he is coming to judge the Earth. He will judge the world with righteousness and the peoples with his faithfulness was prey.

Father we are so grateful that you have chosen to redeem of Fallen people like us and to make us your ambassadors to give us the gospel and our mouths to take to the ends of the Earth because ultimately we know the missions exist because worship doesn't and you deserve the worst of everything single tribe tongue and Nation on this Earth and father. We want our lives to be about the purpose of spreading your Fame is so that you receive the glory that you are due and father, even if we read this song that reminds us of Revelation chapter 5 and that day that we've long to be a part of we will gather around the Throne of the Lamb who was slain with our Brothers and Sisters in Christ from every tribe tongue and Nation worshipping the one who gave himself up for us and saying Worthy is the Lamb Do was slain Worthy. Is he to receive honor and glory and power that is due his name because he alone is Worthy. Father give us that motivation. Give us that Vision give us that dream of seeing your name proclaimed among the peoples of the earth. Thank you for the opportunity to get together with the Saints of Red Hills this morning bless this church bless their efforts to reach this community this state this nation and their efforts to make a difference in missions around the world. Thank you for the sweet brothers and sisters and all that. They mean to us and our family in Christ name we pray. Amen. Well, thank you so much for having me. I'm going to talk to us a little bit about our calling with reaching and teaching and how you all are an integral part of that because as I mentioned previously God has chosen to use the vehicle the local church to be that through which he makes Disciples of all Nations. And so if we want to go to the first slide here just to tell you a little bit about myself. I've been here before. I remember so many of your smiling face and so glad to be back with you. I hope that as Anthony mentioned and I'll talk about towards the end of the presentation. I hope that I can see many of you guys in Ecuador ministering alongside us because it's Anthony and Brandon would testify to such an awesome opportunity to go and make a difference for the Lord to the ends of the Earth. And so I'm going to talk about the opportunities that will have to do that as well. But just a little bit about me and my family so my name is Jimmy Winfrey and I've been with reaching and teaching intern. Hope Ministries for 6 years now the majority of that in Ecuador to place called Cuenca Ecuador. I'm married to my wife Heather. We've been married for 15 years. Now we met at Boyce College in Louisville, Kentucky, which is actually we're Brandon and I know each other from as well and so I have been by the way praying for you all during this transition. I know how difficult it must be to have a pass for the quality of Brandon Moving on but just to encourage you as much as Brandon loves his church as much as you all love this church and care about its future the lord loves this church more than you all to Jesus loves the church so much that he gave his life up for his bride and so he is Sovereign and he will care for the church and you can eat. I can guarantee you that and so just know that we're praying for you all in your transition as we speak for a new pastor as well. We have 5 kiddos ages 11 to almost to Wallace. Our youngest was born on tax day couple years ago. And so we're getting ready to celebrate that his birthday is always easy to remember our four-year-old Weston was born in Ecuador and interesting enough. My wife is a quarter Korean. Her grandma is from Korea. And so when we got married, I just kind of expected that all of our kiddos would be kind of dark skin dark hair but most of them ended up looking like they're from Utah and you know, and I was just like, I don't know how that happened but it did but Weston he has dark hair and dark skin and we always joked that it's because he's ecuatoriano and he was born in Ecuador. So he looks like the MP small and so we have my kiddos and then I told Anthony last night and I think you guys are actually the first outside of our immediate family.

Heather Heather's about nine weeks along and you know, I just think that it was just such a blessing to be a part of the baby dedication and in God's Sovereign timing to be here for that. I just won the most countercultural things that we can do as Christians is to talk about the blessing of children because we live in a culture that thinks that children are a burden we live in a culture that is willing to kill their children in the womb and in order to advance their own purposes in in life and yet the word of God tells us that children are blessing and they're like arrows in the quiver of a warrior and as we have children as Christians, we were able to point them in the direction of godliness and shoot them out to make a difference in this lost and dying culture. And so what a blessing it is, but even as I was thinking about that, I was like, I'm not so sure how countercultural it is here in Utah because there are a lot of children running around. Most of it is countercultural even though it may not be so much here. We were joking about that a little bit last night with Anthony, but we're just so thankful for God's blessing on our family. So we had the opportunity to serve in Ecuador for the last four and a half years and then just recently reaching and teaching change presidents and the man Ryan Robertson who is the new president of reaching and teaching. He was previously doing mobilization, which is basically recruiting in preparing missionaries to go to the field. And so when he took over at the present of reaching and teaching we had a conversation about the possibility of me taking over his previous position and so after much counsel and prayer we decided that that would be an opportunity to impact not just Ecuador while we continue to go back and teach and disciple passwords in Ecuador, but also to impact so many other nations as well. And so now we have the opportunity to do that via mobilization as I'll talk about here in just a second. If you want to go to the next slide one of the reasons that reaching and teaching exists is because we believe that the local church is God's means for making disciples of all Nations. So ultimately a church needs a leader and so often around the world. Unfortunately pastors are just not equipped to lead their churches. One of the reasons that reaching and teaching is necessary is because missionaries for so long would go to a place they were playing a church which you know, it'll be three or four people in a house and they would call that a church then they would move on after a few months do that again move on do that again. And so the fruit of that is for example in a place like Zambia where they they planted many of those churches over half of those churches in Zambia are now Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Halls or Mormon temples. And that's so unfortunate, but it's a result. It's a fruit of not fully obeying all of the Great Commission because the Great Commission calls up to make disciples and not convert the Great Commission calls us to teach them all that Christ has commanded us and we simply can't do that in six months. It takes time and it takes relationship until reaching and teaching is fully committed to spending all of God's people to obey all the Great Commission and a big part of that is equipping pastors to fully understand the word of God so that they can help their people to do so and I think for us so often it's hard for us in our context understand that because we've always been blessed with such great pastors like Brandon who are equipped have an understanding of the scriptures that they can import to us and we just can't imagine what it would be like to sit under a Shepherd who simply doesn't understand the gospel and yet unfortunately at this graphic here shows 85% of pastors around the world have no theological training whatsoever. So here in the state one for every 276 churches. Sorry, there's one trained leader for every 276 people here in the states one trained leader for every 276 people here in the states. And that's why most of the country there's a church on every corner and most of those churches have a leader with the alot of Education. Once you leave the United States. It's one trained leader for every four hundred fifty thousand people. And so this great need for theological famine relief is just beyond anything that that we often think about but it's one of the greatest needs of the global church and to what we want to go to the next slide we go around the world and we teach these modular 1 week courses, we do more than just this but this is one of the central things we do we teach these modular 1 week courses three times a year for three years. So it's basically giving pastors leaders those who have been called to the ministry Opera. To have a seminary come to them because so many of them would never have the means or resources to get to a seminary in the state. Usually nothing like that exists in their contact. So we bring it to them until we teach them new testament old testament hermeneutic preaching all those kind of things that you would learn it learn in a seminary setting and so by doing that we give Christians around the world and opportunity that they would otherwise never have so these pictures are actually I'm sure you can't see it. But Anthony and Brandon are in the left corner way in the back of that picture of our class in Guayaquil that we taught. I guess it's been almost two years now. We've been trying to get back there. But of course with a quarantine in the pandemic, we haven't mailed to get back but we're hoping that I'll talk about to have another class in January, but we gather churches and their leadership from All around this area to come together and they study it's amazing to see I hope that for me if you got to be a part of it. It's amazing to see these leaders come and just be so hungry to learn more about the word of God in eastern Ecuador Amazon rainforest is maybe some of y'all are familiar with Jim Elliot and the missionaries that were martyred. This is very near on to that area. We have a class in the Amazon rainforest where pastors and leaders will travel 5 Days by boat just to come to our training because they're so hungry for the word of God and we have to like that all around the world with reaching and teaching and so it's just such a privilege to be able to go and share God's word with them. So that would in turn they can share God's word with their people right? It's just like Paul said to Timothy and 2nd Timothy chapter chapter 2 verse to what you have learned from me in the presence of many witnesses pass on to Faithful Men Who will Turn do likewise. That's God's plan for reaching the nation's it's that we would make disciples who make disciples who make disciples. That's exactly what we're about all over the world. So that the best Ecuador right there in the map and no stars just represent different training sites that we've established Guayaquil is the one that Red Hills has adopted and we just can't be more thankful than a partner with a church like you and let me just say we don't just partner with any church. Unfortunately in the Southern Baptist convention, you know, you can have a church that is a member of the Southern Baptist convention and we wouldn't agree with virtually anything they believe and that's really sad, but we're still thankful for solid congregation like Red Hill so we can partner with and we can trust that you all believe the truth and you're going to preach the gospel and you're going to help people around the world to believe that gospel. That's that's God's grace in your life. And so I hope that you understand And appreciate it if you want to go to the next slide. So another thing that we do as far as in my role of mobilization not only in teaching classes. We do the one we classes. We also established the seminary in Cuenca Ecuador, or we could do even more in-depth teaching in Ecuador and we have these classes and in several countries all around the world that we have the privilege of teaching in but I also have the privilege of teaching at a place at Boyce College which is the undergraduate school of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. And in that role, I've had the opportunity to disciple and teach young people both College and Seminary age. We have a Sunday night study and our house and so this is just our group from our Sunday night study several of them have to call to Mission and even among those who and I would say this to you, especially young people here today. Whatever your vocational calling maybe whether it's to full-time Ministry whether you may want to be a missionary or you want to be a businessman or or lawyer or whatever doctor. It doesn't matter. I would just encourage you to think and pray Lord. How can I use whatever you call me to do for the spread of your gospel to the ends of the Earth. How can I use my life? Lay it down in order to make your name famous around the world because ultimately we can't do this which is too few people going. We need this for me to go and it just as we staying and we're going to look at here in the scriptures in just a second. The church is what puts fear in the darkness. The church is what Satan is afraid of he's not afraid of a few individuals because it's just like if you guys have ever seen like National Geographic like when a lion is getting ready to try to get you know, I will to be through receiver or something like that. Do you ever see a lion like run into the middle of this huge herd of stampeding wildebeest to try to get one that doesn't happen? Cuz what's going to happen to the line. He's going to get trampled and he's going to die. That reminds me of Simba in The Lion King.

My favorite movie, there's so many good lesson to be learned, but we'll move on know what to do. He goes for the small the stick the young write the isolated and that's exactly what so many of our Christians are like out there trying to do things by themselves. We are not called to this Lone Ranger Christianity. We're called to be part of the local church in order to build outside so that we can build others up and then we can do this together and that's why I as we're going to see in the next life you want to go on it's so important that we see our role in God's Great Commission in his plan to reach the nation's for Christ. So if you want to look in Acts chapter 13 Acts chapter 13. I want you to see the importance of the local church in specifically the importance of the role that Red Hills has to play in God's plan to reach the nation's so this is a Chapter 13.

starting in verse 1

the word of the Lord says this now in the church at Antioch, there were prophets and teachers Barnabas Simeon who was called Niger Lucius of Cyrene mannion a close friend of Herod the tetrarch install. After worshipping the Lord and fasting the holy spirit said set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them. Then after they had fasted prayed and laid hands on them, they sent them off. So being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Saint Lucia. And from there. They sailed to Cyprus arriving in salamis. They proclaimed the word of God in the Jewish synagogues. I want to look at this passage for just a moment. What's Happening Here What we have is a local church at Antioch that was full of various people from various walks of life who had been saved by the same Lord. If you want to look here, we have Barnabas we have Simeon who was called Niger Niger is simply a Latin term for black. This is a North African brother who was saved and was a part of the of the church at Antioch Lucius of Cyrene Manny and a close friend of Herod the tetrarch. So we have poor people we have rich people we have royalty. We have normal people and then you have saw. And who was Saul he was a religious Pharisee of Pharisees who had persecuted the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and then by God's grace he was converted for what purpose for this very purpose here. What's it say Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them. And what was that work to be sent out to proclaim the gospel to the ends of the Earth in in lookin verse for for example, you see that they're being sent out to Cyprus which is which is across the sea from Antioch. And then what do they do in first 5 they proclaimed the word of God? You see it's a simple task. We are called to preach the word preach the word in season and out of season and when it's not preach the word when you'll be loved and when you'll be hated preach the word why because Romans 1:16, the power of God unto salvation is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is Our Calling. This is what we do together as the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. And so when you think about a missionary or an apostle, it comes with the word apostille in the Greek, which is simply spent or set apart. What are you called to do as a church? Well, not every single one of you has the vocational calling to full-time Ministry or two full-time missions, but all of you have a calling to participate in the Great Commission. You really have three options when it comes to this. You can either be a cinder Witch by virtue of being a member of Red Hills. You are cinder because not only do you support missionaries like us financially or through the Cooperative programs IMDb, you are just by virtue of being a member of this church. You are a cinder right or you can be a door in which you actually go and do what God has called missionaries to do like some Saint Barnabas here so you can be a sinner Center not a sinner. You can be a funny story. I'm sorry a side note. I can remember one of the fun things about being a missionary is language learning fun and one of the hardest things and but the good thing is like the funny or your mistakes are the more memorable they are and so I can remember one of the first times that I was in Guayaquil, which is where Red Hills partners with us. They have a different accent on the coast there Spanish. They basically kind of cut it in half and they don't say the whole word which one you're kind of learning Spanish. You're kind of like I need to hold word, please. You know, I'm not I'm not an expert at this, but I can remember one time the church took us to a restaurant and somebody asked me if I wanted sofocado sopa pecado and I was like, I can't eat thin soup anybody here speak Spanish sopa soup and pecado is thin I was like, I'm a Christian I can't eat since that's really bad and then they explained to me that know they're asking you if you want soap up a Scotto cuz I don't say their asses and face got it was fish. And so I was like a fish soup thin soup. I'll pass on that. But so we're all called either be cinders. goers three options because we're all called to participate in the Great Commission and so by virtue of being a part of this local church. You were sending out missionaries, you're sending out workers to take to get to go into the Harvest and to proclaim the word of God and you all are part of that. And so I will talk about in just a second the responsibilities that come with that that I pray that you would take seriously because it's a huge part of God's plan to reach the nation's and not only should you strive to be attending church where you are searching for opportunities to send missionary because look this local church set apart Barnabas and Saul specifically to send them out and think about this for a second think about Saul qualifications. He probably had the Old Testament memorized. He was a he studied under Gamaliel who was like the greatest scholar of his generation. They're sending Out away from their Church. They're losing as a part of their weekly Gathering think about that sacrifice. So often I feel like churches are just like well go to send anybody willing to go right? No, we wouldn't call a pastor just because somebody says I want to be a pastor right? I'll be your pastor Just Let Me OK fine. It's no big deal doesn't matter if you're qualified or right do that with our pastors. Why would we do that with our missionaries? We ought to send out as reaching and teaching. We're really concerned with establishing healthy churches training healthy leaders, but a big part of that is finding healthy missionaries well-prepared missionary. And so I pray that you guys would be willing to encourage the best of the best among you those who know the Lord the deepest those who love the word the most be willing to send them out to make a difference and then guess what race up another one and send him out raise up another one and send. And keep the process going as you impact the nation. That's exactly what we see happening here. And then if you want to go to the next you can stay on this lie, but if you want to go to the next verse in your Bibles Philippians re3 a curveball right there if we just want to turn over quickly to Philippians chapter 4, one of the interesting things here. Is that even though Antioch is Paul sending church, right? If Paul's home church, it's where he thinks that from in a similar manner red heels is not my official sending Church. My membership is at catch this name Bullitt lick Baptist Church outside of Louisville, Kentucky. Okay, that's that's actually where Heather and I first got to know each other. So there's a lot. I don't know if there are any licks here in Utah. There are a lot of licks in Kentucky. My family is from Salt Lick Kentucky. I have an aunt who lives on mudlick Lane So her address is like 111 mudlick Lane Salt Lick, Kentucky. So there's a lot of licks going on in Kentucky, but we are from Bullitt lick Baptist Church in there are official sending her so they sent us out from within their congregation. Right? But look at this here in Philippians chapter 4 Paul Paul is basically riding a lot of his letters in the New Testament to supporting churches who are cinder supporters of his missionary efforts that the majority of his letters in the New Testament are basically prayer letters newsletters support letters back to his sending churches as he's going about his missionary effort, but looking for a flippy in chapter 4 here with me Paul says

What's actually stoop down to 215 in the early days of the Gospel when I left Macedonia? No church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving except you alone for even in thessalonica. You sent gifts R. I need several times. Not that I speak the gift, but I think the prophet that is increasing to your account. But I have received everything in full and I have an abundance. I am fully supplied having received from epaphroditus. What you provided a fragrant offering an acceptable sacrifice pleasing to God and my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ you now for God and Father be glory forever and ever amen. And so the interesting thing here is that Paul not only had fenders from his actual sending but he had Partnerships with other churches in the area. It was a group effort. It was a team effort of churches individual local churches Park. Ring with other local churches to make an impact for the gospel to the ends of the Earth. This is God's plan. God has planned for churches just like this to send out from among its its body missionary and also partner with other churches to support other missionaries. And so for us, for example, we have seven or eight different churches that partner with us. We have many individuals from those churches that partner with us, but all of us have the same goal and what's our ultimate goal is to see the Lord Jesus glorified among the nations from every tribe tongue and nation. And so I would just encourage you guys as you think about your responsibilities as you think about your opportunity to impact the nation pray that you just wouldn't be a sending church, but that you would be staying church that you will be faithful to persevere in giving to persevere in sending to persevere in praying. There's a story of William Carey who we call the Godfather or Not The Godfather, but the father of modern Mission and he was sent out by his church. Then included really famous Baptist elope the allotted name Andrew Fuller and William Carey told his church and and the local Association. I will go down into the depths of the pit to reach the darkness for Christ. If only you all will hold the Rope while I descend into the darkness and I just think that's such a beautiful picture of the Cinders and the goers. It's like there's this cliff and there's this dark dark pit at the bottom and the Cinders are holding the rope and there's a lot of people that are supporting this rope as the missionaries descend down into the pit to preach the gospel in the darkness of this Dying World, but here's the problem so often churches who initially agreed to send they start to let that row Bring as they forget about the missionaries. They don't pray for them. They don't support them and all the sudden is that wrote begins to fray? If it phrase too much what's going to happen missionary is going to fall and so I pray that you all as you have for years with us. And I know you have for years through the walk-through program and other means I pray that you would see your responsibility to not only be sending sending church but a stain Church to read the thoughts from are menikoff who is one of our partner churches in Georgia Pastor partner Church in Georgia. He says it very well and then I want to talk about just a couple ways that you guys can continue to partner with us. Well, Aaron says this we find stay in churches in the Bible churches that kept hearing years after their missionaries went to the field. The Paramount example is Antioch in Syria this congregation sent Paul and Barnabas in Acts 13:3, but state Call four years throughout their Journeys the Believers in Antioch provided a home when Paul and Barnabas returned ask 1428 later, they sent out to missionary teams to Paul and Silas as they were headed north to Kalesa acts 15:40 after much gospel work in Macedonian Decay up all return to Antioch acts 18 23. So this church was faithful now only send but to continue to support and then it goes on to say it would be wonderful to know exactly how the church in Antioch related to these teams while they traveled. Obviously, they weren't doing zoom zoom meetings on the weekends. But nevertheless we can be certain that the Saints in Antioch prayed for boldness. These are some ways that you can be supporting missionaries. They prayed for boldness for their missionaries. They provided financial support. They encourage the workers upon their return and they strategize the best way to keep the gospel going forward like Faithful mother the church in Antioch State alongside Paul and Barnabas. They held the Rope. Antioch wasn't alone other churches with a similar commitment to serve came alongside these missionaries the church in Philippi as one example Paul Heap Praise on these Believers for their unusual Financial generosity No Church in turn into partnership with me and giving and receiving accept you only Paul says in Philippians chapter 4 the Philippian Church made Paul's Ministry in Courant possible. And so as we as we conclude if you want to go to the next slide here. I just want to say thank you for savall for your years of faithfulness already. You all are a part of what the Lord is doing around the world. There are people who have been saved that you'll never meet in this life. But when we get around the Throne of the Lord on that day, when we are gathered together with our brothers and sisters from every tribe tongue and Nation, there will be Believers better there because of your faithful sending it obedient to the Great Commission. I mean, imagine how glorious that's going to be but not only that you all as as Anthony and Brandon and Kent in the past have come with us and talk. I would encourage you as we organize other trips come with us, even if you don't feel like you're equipped to teach theology. Usually the way that we do it is that we have our theology classes at night and we do ministry during the day and so let's say we Have a team that comes from redhill and you all are passionate about a sports Ministry. We can put together a sports Ministry during the day in order to reach the community for Christ and to support the local church of the saint at First Baptist Church in Guayaquil with us. You can be a part of what we're doing and let me just tell you you can ask Anthony once you get there and you meet the people and you see the joy of your brothers and sisters in Christ, despite the fact that they have basically nothing except for Jesus. It's going to be such an encouragement to you and it's going to grab your heart for mission in a way that you could imagine. And your desire to pray is going to be elevated so much your desire for Missions. It's going to be elevated so much because God is going to use those relationships that you formed to encourage you and all that you do and so as we begin to organize a trip Lord willing for next January. I hope that we have 20 people come with us. We would love to have a huge team from Red Hills come and see first-hand what the Lord is doing in Guayaquil Ecuador. And so there are multiple ways that you can be a part of what kind is doing go with us pray with us. If you're not receiving our newsletter, then you should have a sheet here. In your bulletin, this is opportunity to give which of course this is this is a way that you can partner with us just like all of these churches are doing with Paul they're giving financially because ultimately we are support raising missionary and one of the great things about that is that we get to partner with churches that otherwise I would have never come to Utah beautiful as it is and as amazing and state is I would have probably never had a reason to come to two. Are we in Cedar City Steelers this Teaneck It doesn't mean I would have probably never come to Enoch Utah and I would have missed out on so much. I would have missed out on this beautiful landscape that just reminded me of the song that we're at the beginning how the heavens declare the glory of God. I would have missed out on the fellowship with so many of you that have established over the years. And so thank you Lord that this is his plan that we would come together as one in order to proclaim the gospel. And so you can give you can go with us you can pray with us and so I would just encourage you to pray about what your involvement would be and pray about not only being involved but staying involved being faithful to hold the Rope for years and years to come and so I think we're going to take up a an offering. So that's one way that you can give that offering will go directly to Ministry expenses. So we have several thousand dollars a year that we have to raise a Ministry expenses in order to train pastors. Not only in Ecuador, but we are standing Missionaries to Africa where we're going to have a chance to teach classes we have missionaries in the Middle East were about to send a team of three missionaries to Iraq one of the hardest places in the world to go in order to train raise up pastors and Evangelical workers there. We have 38 missionary families in 28 different country. And so we have the opportunity to go and help them to teach these classes all around the world and so all of your money that you give him a love offering will go directly toward paying for those Ministry expenses. Not only the travel but the resources that will be giving to the pastor's including theology book Bibles things that they just otherwise would never have and so that's one way that you can give we also my family especially we live a primarily off of monthly support for our finances and for our our living expenses. And so we need to raise about $500 a month to be funded for next year. And so this is opportunity. If you want to do that, you can just fill this out and then usually I have like a little Thing where we can fold it and I take half and you take half but with this if you are wanting to give monthly they just fill this out. I'll take a picture of it. That way. I'll just have it for my records and then you can keep it if you want to go to the next slide and this is all the information about how to just sign up and you'll just see the screen just like this on the website super simple to sign up and you can just have it automatically come out each month and then you'll be a personal supporting us in our work in the ministry. So if that's something you want to do just see me at the end of the service and then you can go so not only can you go on these short-term trip, but there are multiple opportunities especially for young people. If you are in your twenties and you are praying about the opportunities you may have to do missions or Ministry of to use whatever gift in God has given you there are a couple of different awesome options. I want to make you aware of and that we're going to be talking with the leadership hear about more in the future, but first of all, there's the practicum which is a Six to eight-week opportunity during the summer where you can go to various different countries. You can go to Vietnam. You can go to Ecuador. You can go to Turkey. They're very different places that you can go and get the experience of being a missionary for a few weeks that it's just different than a one-week mission trip, you know, you go for a week and your kind of always busy everyday you're doing stuff. We're as you go 6-8 weeks. You're going to have some down time. You're going to get a feel for what it's really like to be in town of the mundane aspects of being a missionary. You know, I was kind of joking say we would kind of hope that you get sick cuz we get sick a lot on the mission field is eating strange things and being around strange viruses, you know, and so it's an awesome opportunity to go and experience life on the field with one of our reaching teaching family on the field. Not only that that's a six to eight-week opportunity. We're also developing what we call the reaching teaching Global internship, which of the two year program where you spend one. In a really awesome local church learning about what it's like in the daily life of a pastor reading theology reading books about the local church writing papers you do that for a year. And then you go on the field and serve in an international English speaking Church on the field somewhere for a year. So it's a two-year program in which you can just get this amazing experience, or maybe you're getting ready to graduate college and you're just saying, I'm not sure what I want to do next give yourself to missions for a year too. And I promise you God will transform your heart in a way that you cannot imagine and you will want to use all your giftings your opportunities to make a difference for his namesake to the ends of the Earth. I just want to say thank you one more time. Thank you so much for the opportunity to be here. We literally cannot do what God has called us to do without awesome faithful Brothers and Sisters in Christ in local churches like Red Hills. We just cannot thank you enough for for your participation in the Great Commission pray for our family as we're a little unexpectedly having this new edition here soon with with this new child, but we trust the Lord right? We trust the Lord that he space one all these things and one of the great thing about it is that they're developing heart to where they want to see the nation's reach for Christ as well. And so just pray that we would be able to Faithfully Shepherd them and Faithfully send them out like those arrows at the phones talk about and then I just hope that many of you guys can come with us next January. I hope to come back here once a year and visit with you all and just continue to build relationship. But I hope that we can go to Ecuador together cuz that's where we Really develop that bond that you just can't replicate outside of the mission field and stuff thinking. Once again, I'm going to pray for us and then I'll be at the back. If you want to give me this. I was going to tell you also if you want to just if you can't give a totally understand, but if you want to be praying for us more specifically then why don't you just write your name and your email address, even if you can't give and give that to me and I'll add you directly to our newsletter so that you can be praying for us as well.

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