Marks of Maturity - Part 3
Marks of Maturity • Sermon • Submitted
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Lesson Three: The Household Model - 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12
Review: Mature church leaders and members will be marked by Faith, Love, and Hope.
Thesis: Mature churches understand and imitate God’s plan for leadership in the family.
Mature Leaders Give Motherly Comfort (2:7-9)
A. Gentle in the Gospel (v.7)Jesus’s example - Matthew 23:37
B. Selfless in the Gospel (v.8-9)
II. Mature Leaders Give Fatherly Charge (2:10-12)
A. Blameless in Behavior (v.10)
B. Exact in Exhortation (v.11-12)
1. Walking worthy (Ephesians 4:1)
2. Comforted (2 Tim. 1:1-7)
3. Charged
Now What?
Questions to ask:
Are we demonstrating the fruits of gentleness, love, and self-less giving?
Are we living blameless?Are we exhorting one another?
Actions to take: A mature church needs to be diligent in giving both a mother’s comfort and a father’s charge.
“God is the first object of our love: its next office is to bear the defects of others. And we should begin the practice of this amid our own household.” -John Wesley