Once Works, Now Fruit
Galatians 5:16-26
Walk by the Spirit, not by the flesh (5:16-18)
In Paul’s vocabulary, to walk in the Spirit or be led by the Spirit means to go where the Spirit is going, to listen to his voice, to discern his will, to follow his guidance.
No Christians are so spiritually strong or mature that they need not heed his warning, but neither are any so weak or vacillating that they cannot be free from the tyranny of the flesh through the power of the Spirit.
Rather believers are now energized to fulfill the true intention of the law precisely because they have been set free from the law by the possession of the Spirit.
Once works of the flesh, now fruits of the Spirit (5:19-23)
Paul did not contrast the works of the flesh with opposing works of the Spirit. The “works” of the flesh are the products of fallen human beings in their devising, conniving, and manufacturing (in the sense of “made with one’s own hands”) efforts at self-actualization.
Put to death the flesh (5:24-26)
Crucifixion of the flesh is described here not as something done to us but rather something done by us. Believers themselves are the agents of this crucifixion. Paul was here describing the process of mortification, the daily putting to death of the flesh through the disciplines of prayer, fasting, repentance, and self-control.
True Christians do not succeed in completely destroying it (that is the flesh) while here below; but they have fixed it to the cross and they are determined to keep it there till it expires.” This verse tells us that there is no shortcut to spiritual victory in the life of the Christian.