Pride before Fall
The Pride of Babylon
The Pride of Babylon
Ignoring the warning of God (7)
There is no consequences for my sin
Living for the pleasures of this world and self (8)
Thinking that we are above catastrophe and harm
Believing that God does not know of our wickedness (10)
He does not watch me
I am seperate from Him and will rule myself
Believing we control our future (12)
We are in control of our own fate
Psalms 10
Proverbs 16:18
Isaiah 9:9-10
The Humbling from God
The Humbling from God
There is no throne (1)
Those who hope in the power, prosperity of this world will be dissappointed
He will stop their mouths (5)
Sit thou silent
He will bring destruction according to their pride (8-9)
They will come suddenly when they least expect it
Their false trust will be exposed in a moment
He shall cause them to wander (14-15)
They will have no direction or thought of the future
Their weakness will be exposed