Things I Learned From My Cat
This is my cat, his name is Clyde. We have always had cats but I think Clyde may be the smartest. I have observed cats for years and think I learned a few things from them. In many ways I am to our cats as God is to me. God made the animals and He allowed man to name them and put him in charge of the them (Genesis 2:19-20). By closely observing my relationship with Clyde maybe I can learn something to improve my relationship with God.
This is my cat, his name is Clyde. We have always had cats but I think Clyde may be the smartest. I have observed cats for years and think I learned a few things from them. In many ways I am to our cats as God is to me. God made the animals and He allowed man to name them and put him in charge of the them (Genesis 2:19-20). By closely observing my relationship with Clyde maybe I can learn something to improve my relationship with God.
- The Cage - Clyde came to me from the Hilton Head Animal Shelter. It is a very nice shelter with air conditioning, and background music. Clyde and the other kittens had little hand made blankets in their cages. It was a nice place but he was in a cage. The thing he wanted most was freedom. I lived in the cage called sin before I came to know the Lord. The world was a wonderful place but sin controlled my life and freedom was what I wanted too. Clyde put a white paw out of that cage asking me to take him home. I prayed the sinners prayer and asked God to take me out of my cage. I took Clyde home and God washed me clean and by His grace, gave me an eternal home with Him in heaven.
- Protection - When we have rain and thunder the cats run to our door for protection. When the rain falls on my life I run to God for protection.
- Forgiveness - Sometimes Clyde makes a mess and I have to clean it up. Then he jumps on my lap and soon I forgive him. When I make a mess I run to God and want to draw near to Him. He dries my tears and forgives me and covers me with his wings. I am happy in God’s lap.
- Praise - When I approach Clyde he wants to show praise and respect by bowing down with his legs stretched out and nails extended. When I approach God, as when I pray, I have a compelling urge to get on my knees and humble myself before Him. It seems unbelievable that the creator of the universe would allow me into His holy presence.
- Obedience - Clyde does not listen to me very well just like I don’t listen to the Lord. I can call Clyde and he turns the other way but if I have something he wants, like food, he comes right away. I have been that way with the Lord, turning my back on Him until I need something then I turn to Him.
Do you have a cat or a dog? Have they taught you anything about your walk with God? I would like to hear what you think. Just click on comments at the end of this post and leave your thoughts.
Source:, June 28, 2008