God's Plan Causes Me To See Clearer!
God Will Open Your Eyes To See His Way!
God Will Open Your Eyes To See His Way!
More times than we desire to count, we have allowed our own thinking to sway us into believing that The Plan does not count us in!
It is understandable, due to the natural nature of the flesh!
The carnality that the flesh exhibits can pull you away from who God has called you to be!
God will not rush because we are anxious to get the results, His Plan is His Plan, that He designed and will be carried out, in His Timing!
Remember when Joshua sent the two spies and Rahab hid them; they had to be patient for three days or else they could have been discovered!
Sometimes, we just need to stand still and see the “The Deliverance of God!”
Job 37:14 (NKJV) 14 "Listen to this, O Job; Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God.
When you consider His Works, His Plan, you will have a praise that will cause you to realize that without Him, I would not been able to see clearly now, because of all of the blurred things life has thrown at me, God corrected my vision, He anointed me with
Job, an upright man, chosen by God, to be tempted by the enemy - Some may not realize this, but it is all part of The Master’s Plan - God desires for you to exhibit His Power in the earth so that those who are in darkness, can be illuminated by The Light that shines in you!
Job had to realize that it was not by his ability he was righteous, he was rich and he was chosen to be tempted, but only by The Power of God, we can do anything!
Elihu said to Job; “Job 37:13 (NKJV) 13 He causes it to come, Whether for correction, Or for His land, Or for mercy.”
Everything we have been thru, going thru, or will go thru, God has already planned an escape for you!
He wants us to fully surrender all to Him and know that in Him, we cannot be defeated!
We cannot allow the testing phase to blind us to the Wondrous Works of God! “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. . .” Again I say; “Do not be just hearers of God’s Word, become God’s Word. . .”
Job said; “Job 42:5 (KJV) 5 I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.”
When you know that God is your Father, Who’s in Heaven, but has transcended Himself into you, and have allowed you to be one with Him, then you will begin to see clearer because you no longer just believe, you now Know!
I know it was The Blood for me. . . Job realized that this opportunity was for him to see clearer, and realize that I must know that because God lives in me, I now have Power to be Him in the earth!
Therefore, I can open up my mouth and realize that whatever I speak, must come to pass. . .
I know now that The Power of God reigns in me, He has caused me to be mighty, stronger, wiser, in Him!
Therefore, I am thankful for it all. . . The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, The Great, The Small. . .
I am thankful for it all! I have no regrets, no shame, God I understand that you in me, I am all powerful, therefore God, I will not allow my confidence to be removed from me. . . Regardless of the current struggles, You are all Powerful - You love me unconditionally, even when I am wrong God, you still love me and for that alone, I surrender all. . .
Psalm 111:1 (KJV) 1 Praise ye the LORD. I will praise the LORD with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright, and in the congregation.
God, I see clearly now, it does not matter how difficult the struggle is, God, I know that you are living in me, and you will keep me because your Word says so!