Steve Smith Memorial

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Good Afternoon
I wanted to start off by saying that I truly appreciate you all for trusting me with such an important task in remembering Mr. Steve, though most of you know him as husband father, friend, and his most important title BABO
I want you all to know that I love you and I know this has been an extremely difficult time. Not just since he has gone home to be with the Lord but also throughout his battle with Parkinsons.
But we know where he is this afternoon he is in paradise. Rachel doesn’t know this but one day I was with Steve he was sitting on the golf cart and I asked him if he knew the Lord.
Steve did what steve did he kind of chuckled and he said absolutely, he looked out over his land and he said do you see all that I said yes sir he said theres no doubt who created it all and I know Him.
One thing I loved about Steve was his ability to have a different perspective on just about anything. Whatever it was that we discussed he always had a way of making me laugh.
This must have been just a part of who Steve was because as I looked at pictures of Steve being posted on facebook I noticed several quotes, one in particular hit me.
“Nowhere better to spend the night… your dad always made it a good time...”
I looked at pictures of him with that smirk he kept on his face and he did have an infectious laugh when we were having conversations together.
But one of the things I saw in Steve was his quiet but strong spirit. He had convictions he had beliefs and he was calm and concise when talking about whatever they were.
I remember the first time I saw steve he was dressed up in a halloween costume and I thought what in the world is going on they went all in that year for halloween… Both He and Stephanie have a uniqueness to them that I really enjoy
In a world of people portraying themselves to be something they are not you did not get that with Steve He was who he was take him or leave him.
I respected that, I still do
Steve and Stephanie met 50 years ago this month. 46 years of marriage what a testimony!
One thing never in question was that he loved all his family deeply and he was very proud of his four grandchildren.
His grandchildren loved him as well, golf cart rides, tractor rides, going to the DG for snacks, walking around the pond; alll of those things were made extra fun when Babo was with them.
In his younger days he loved to go to Lake Seminole with his best friend and ride the air boat from dawn till dusk. Fishing, frog gigging and finding fun everywhere they went.
People always enjoyed his antics and he would always make everyone around laugh. He was appropriately given the nickname WILDMAN by his friends, and he was a wild silly, fun loving man.
The Bible teaches us that greater love have no man than for a man to lay down his life for his friends.
Well having served as a firefighter for 35 years he sacrificed alot to be willing to do that.
He was proud of the land he grew up on He loved nothing more than to be out in nature.
If you needed a helping hand Steve was there. One thing he would always say was whatever he had it was yours too.
What a great life he lead, it has been said that life is not found in the number of years you live but in the life that is in your years.
Steves life was full and vibrant and he tried to soak up every drop he could
But one of the unfortunate things about these old bodies is that they wear out, this flesh is not where any of us are destined to spend forever.
These bodies are on loan to us and one day we will face trials in our flesh and move on to our eternal home.
Steve battled Parkinsons which is a disease that isn’t for weaklings. It limited him even though he fought to keep going and doing as he had always done.
But today he is totally free running through paradise knowing life where there is no sickness o disease, and no pain.
He has put on immortality
1 Corinthians 15:50 HCSB
Brothers, I tell you this: Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, and corruption cannot inherit incorruption.
Listen all of us including Steve are flawed individuals all of us have fallen short of the standard of God we have all fallen short of that standard no matter how great a person we are and we need some incorrupt to change us.
There is only one who was perfect and He was perfect in our place because none of us can ever be perfect His name is Jesus the Messiah and the Bible tells us he paved a way for you and me to experience Heaven.
We cannot go to Heaven in this body no these bodies limit us, instead we have to leave this old world so we can go to a place of peace perfection and joy.
Some will go as Mr. Steve did but some of us will go in a different way. That day is fast approaching
1 Corinthians 15:51–55 HCSB
Listen! I am telling you a mystery: We will not all fall asleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the blink of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we will be changed. For this corruptible must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal must be clothed with immortality. When this corruptible is clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal is clothed with immortality, then the saying that is written will take place: Death has been swallowed up in victory. Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting?
There is no victory in death for someone who knows the Lord Like Mr. Steve The only sting left in death is with us, we hurt we grieve but Steve is not he is more alive today than he ever was down here
He enjoyed being out in nature he enjoyed the handiwork of God Himself
Well today he is living in a home built by the hands of Jesus the one who created the sun moon and stars.
What a blessing!
He has been reunited with JuJu or Julia, his brother, Paul
If Steve loved to see the beauty of GOd creation then how do you think he feels now standing in Heavenseeing the sea of crystal glass, seeing angels seeing the colors shooting out from behind the throne of God
The Bible says a rainbow of emerald shoots out from behins Gods throne and his face shines as jasper and has the appearance of a ruby.
When they worship in Heaven notice what they say
Revelation 4:11 HCSB
Our Lord and God, You are worthy to receive glory and honor and power, because You have created all things, and because of Your will they exist and were created.
I think about what Steve said
Do you see all of that?
Yes sir
There is not a doubt in my mind who created it and I know Him
Well now he sees him and is blown away by the beauty of Heaven I assure you.
I dont know why but this song reminded me of Mr. Steve the whole song
“I will make my way across the fields of cotton
and wade through muddy waters one last time
and in my dreams I come out clean when I reach the other side
I’ll spend my days watching sunsets where rainbows never die”
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