Response to Dysfunction
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Response to Dysfunction
Response to Dysfunction
. Today i would like to continue on with what Ps Keith has been talking about concerning the covenant promises of God to us, and the requirements that God states in his covenant with us, that we need to fulfill.
. A covenant or an agreement is not going to come to fulfillment if both sides do not do what is required! (Its like building a house, they will build it if you come up with the money, no money no house)
. For our connection to the covenant God made with us, he requires our obedience.
. Our obedience to his Word and to his Will, both of these are divine things in nature, God does not and is not calling us into obedience of anything that is in the natural, but is calling us to become obedient to these Spiritual things.
. This is an important distinction to make because the Word of God is quite clear that we are not to fall into or be in obedience or in love with anything that is of the natural world.
. Now a big part of our obedience, you could even say it is the most important part, is to admit and confess our sins (our moral failures), so that we can find forgiveness via the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross.
. Which brings us to the verse’s i want to share today found in 1 John 1:8-10 ( i did listen to Keith’s message last week and i know he shared from this as well )
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.
. For Jesus the act of sacrifice on the cross for our sins was a one time event, he never has to go through that again, he died one time for all sin.
. And when we accept Christ and confess him as our Lord and Savior that also is a one time thing, we don't need to re accept Christ every time we make a mistake!
. But here is the truth that we need to grasp, when we make that declaration and accept Christ, our Spirit is saved, our Spirit is cleansed form sin, and when we die and leave this earth it is our spirit that will enter into eternity with God.
. But while we remain on earth, until that day we go to be with him, our flesh our physical bodies still exist in this world that is filled sin, and simple by being in this world, and being surround by temptation and surrounded by the works of the enemy. our physical selves are still prone to sin.
. This is not something that only a few of us will face but it is all of us, we will continue to sin and continue to fall short of the best that God has for us, even if we desire with every part of ourselves to bring honor to God and his Kingdom.
. We cannot get to the point or fall into the trap of the enemy that we begin to believe first of all that we have no sin, and secondly that we no longer need to confess that sin!
. check out verse 9 again from the passage we read “If we confess our sins. He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”
. That IF is important because that IF is our obedience to the covenant of God that opens us up to the blessing and favor that he has for us.
. What im about to say is a statement that i have been making to our church in Cobram and i believe its applicable here today as well! “Becoming established and living in the blessings of God and functioning in the spiritual gifts, does not come without a genuine attempt on our behalf to live a Holy and righteous life”
. or a genuine attempt at obedience to the covenant God has made with us.
. See sometimes we feel as it we should no longer be sinning, and in a perfect world that would be the case! but we do not yet live in the perfect world! and our flesh is still prone and even drawn to sin as much as we wish that were not the case!
. Check out this conversation in John 13:5-10
After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded. Then He came to Simon Peter. And Peter said to Him, “Lord, are You washing my feet?”
Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.”
Peter said to Him, “You shall never wash my feet!”
Jesus answered him, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.”
Simon Peter said to Him, “Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head!”
Jesus said to him, “He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of you.”
. Jesus is teaching his disciples and us here that those who have been cleansed and those who have accepted the truth of Jesus as the Son of God and the sacrifice for our salvation, only need to continue to wash their feet is his example.
. but what he is showing is that the part of you that is still connected to world will continue to get dirty, simple as a result of being in it. and you need to continually wash this part clean so that it does not stain you or spread further.
. So our response to our dysfunction needs to be to continue wash it from ourselves and we do that by confessing it to God and allowing him to ‘wash our feet’
. Our enemy loves to trap us in this thought, ‘ you cant confess your sin to God or talk to anyone about it, because you should be perfect already! you need to hide this and never speak of it to anyone, and never take it to God because he will be disappointed in you’
. I want to ask you this question “How do you respond when you fall into dysfunction? Do you respond with humility and reflection? (ownership of our dysfunction) or with pride and defiance? (saying that we have no sin)
. Its important because our obedience to Gods Word is required for participation in the covenant!
. My heart is to see all of us receive the promises of the covenant, so please i encourage you, we are going to pray right now, please listen to the Holy Spirit, and if there is any dysfunction or any sin that you have not given to him, do it now.
. Dont hold off don't say ill do it later lets get it done. lets allow Jesus to wash our feet, lets be obedient to fulfill our part of the covenant promise.