From Defeat to Victory
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We are not fighting the good fight of faith from the position from trying to get the victory but from a position from already won the fight that Jesus secured for us in the death, burial, and resurrection.
This victorious life isn’t just for just for the preacher or the 5 fold ministry. Its for every believer.
We must never except defeat and never surrender to spiritual darkness as a Christian.
14 But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.
15 He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.
The triumphal procession was a big victory parade. It was conducted in Rome to celebrate great military victories.
Like a St. Patrick’s Day parade in Chicago, these were major cultural and civic events.
1 & 2 Corinthians The Fragrance of Christ / 2:14–17
a Roman general would drive his captives and the spoils of war before him down the main thoroughfare of Rome. He would be greeted by the loud cheers of Romans citizens, and a cloud of incense would be burned for the gods as they paraded to the temple of Jupiter. To the Romans, the aroma was the sweet smell of victory. To the captives in the parade, it was the smell of abject slavery and perhaps even death.
The captives would be the army, high ranking officials, the general, and kings. The parade would be a open show of their defeat. It wasn’t a private matter. They would parade the captives humiliating them by stripping them of their weapons and clothing and marching them through the streets naked. Eventually leading them to public execution.
They would also have all the spoils of the defeat. This would include the enemies possessions and what not.
If the enemy has your joy, peace, and health it doesn't belong to him anymore. Christ has defeated darkness and nothing can keep you from victory. Christ paid for your rest , joy, peace, love and all the fruits and gifts of the Spirit. Most importantly His presence.
This is what happened to the celestial enemy powers at Christ’s crucifixion.
To live in victory we must understand what Jesus did for us.
PART 2 (A)
When Jesus was in the Garden nobody took Him against His will. Judas gathered the Bible says a cohort of men in the Greek means a battalion around 3 to 600 soldiers and officials to seize Him.
These were highly trained soldiers.
Armed with weapons.
Everyone knew and heard of the power that Jesus operated in. They were so intimidated by the power of Jesus that they brought out 600 men to seize Him. The Devil was intimidated by Him.
The Devil is scared of who is on the inside of you.
Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world.
The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you and in me.
We have overcome this world.
I don’t have a big target on my back. I’m not scared of his power.
When thoughts of failure and feelings of depression attack your mind, recognize them as an attack of the devil trying to make you believe you are less than who you are.
Realize that you are a threat to him and his kingdom.
Part 2 (B)
4 Then Jesus, knowing all that would happen to him, came forward and said to them, “Whom do you seek?”
5 They answered him, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus said to them, “I am he.” Judas, who betrayed him, was standing with them.
6 When Jesus said to them, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground.
In Greek its just I AM. He just identified Himself as the “I am” of the Old Testament. The power of Him identifying himself as I AM and speaking it out was so powerful that it caused these soldiers to fall on the ground. That’s powerful!
All the hear say of the power of Jesus was true! He showed them that they were not going to take Him by force but that He was more powerful than army.
No one took Jesus but it was His voluntary choice to go with the troops.
53 Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels?
12 Legions = Legion is 6000 angels. 6000 x 12 = 72,000
Consider in that in Isiah 37:36 a single angel took out 185,000 men.
If each of the 72,000 angels took out 185,000 = 13 billion 320 million.
There is no force strong enough to resist His power.
no sickness
financial turmoil
relational problems
political force
When the Great I AM opens His mouth and speaks, every power that attempts to defy Him or His word is pushed backward and falls to the ground.
So lets put His Word in our mouth and begin to declare it over our life.
Jesus boldly declared who He was, and His attacker fell backward
When you boldly affirm who you are in Christ, attacks against your life will fall backward as well.
When Jesus said I AM I believe there was at least one person raised from the dead as well.
51 And a young man followed him, with nothing but a linen cloth about his body. And they seized him,
52 but he left the linen cloth and ran away naked.
The Greek word for linen cloth is used in one other place. It was the same type of cloth used to wrap Jesus for burial.
When the body is prepared for burial, it was washed, ceremonially cleaned, and buried naked in cloth exactly like the one described here.
Also there is was a cemetery toward the base of Mt Olives in which the Garden of Gethsemane is located on.
The power that was released to knock the soldiers back also raised this guy from the dead!
No foe could have withstood the power of Jesus if He had chosen to resist His enemies.
If you resist the devil, he cannot withstand the power of God that resides in you.
Jesus willing laid down His life for you and me. Jesus told Pilate that he could have no power against Jesus unless it was given to him from above.