Triumphantly Entering
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· 6 viewsJesus enters into Jerusalem to prove once and for all He is the one they've been waiting for.
3/21/21 - Matthew 13 - Truth Unveiled
v.1 - at a house, few people, now he goes for the huge multitude (5,000 in Matt. 14:13)
v.1 - at a house, few people, now he goes for the huge multitude (5,000 in Matt. 14:13)
ch.12 tells us the theological concept - people listen, but it’s up to them to decide what to do with it, and just like fruit, it takes time to finally see whether it’s real or not
ch.12 tells us the theological concept - people listen, but it’s up to them to decide what to do with it, and just like fruit, it takes time to finally see whether it’s real or not
ch.13 illustrates that concept through parables and He goes and tells those around Him this concept.
ch.13 illustrates that concept through parables and He goes and tells those around Him this concept.
v.2 - sound travels better over water; taught sitting down, typical way of teaching
v.2 - sound travels better over water; taught sitting down, typical way of teaching
v.3-9 - The parable of the sower - v.18-23 - Explanation
v.3-9 - The parable of the sower - v.18-23 - Explanation
-A sower - Not specified (1 Cor. 3:6-7)
6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. 7 So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. 8 Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.
The New King James Version. (1982). (1 Co 3:6–8). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
-seeds - Word of God - always good
-soil - person/heart
-wayside (Side of a path) - Doesn’t understand it
-birds = Satan
-Didn’t understand b/c of their heart (see purpose) (Pharisees)
-rocky ground - Hears, joyful, but no root, temporary
-sun - tribulation/persecution
-thorn plants - Hears, but choked b/c of the world, root w/ no fruit
-choked - the world
-between spiritual highs
-good soil - hears, understands, bears fruit and produces; acts on it
-produced grain - shows it
-Comfort in knowing God will increase in you; purpose is tenfold, etc.
-Ends with this saying, meaning you better hear this
-Those that are accepting his message will understand
*Not in the sense of understanding every part, but the main idea
-You look up interpretations, there are many
-Point of Parables:
-comparing to common situations of His day
-Pointing to the truth using comparison, analogy, or hyperbole
-1/3 of instruction was done through parables
-familiar to unfamiliar to familiar
-In these, repetition
-Need to know:
1) social, historical, cultural context
1) social, historical, cultural context
2) number of main points
2) number of main points
3) direct audience
3) direct audience
4) repeated symbolism throughout different parables
4) repeated symbolism throughout different parables
5) Conclusion
5) Conclusion
v.10-17 - Why?
v.10-17 - Why?
-Seems to conceal truth, whether to not let the Pharisees understand at all, or for not inciting a riot/insurrection, for as we’ll see next week on our study on Palm Sunday, the moment He exposes himself, he’s arrested (Luke 19:39-40)
v.12 - -2 Cor. 3:14-18 - we all have that veil until the HS comes into our hearts
-Before: watch anything; Liberty to please myself (beneficial)
-After: Everything is critical; Liberty to please God (god’s will) [Gal. 5:13]
-May not seem as liberty (TV guide of allowed vs. not, YouTube allowed...)
-As we read, pray, and fellowship, we see the reality of the Gospel and are being sanctified day by day
v.14-15 - Is. 6:9-10 - ears became dull b/c they chose not to listen/obey
-this command is to Isaiah, not to God.
-God is not dulling it, but they are
v.16-17 - we as followers must be happy to understand, for we have that freedom
v.24-30 - Seed is planted, but there are some that receive the wrong seed (word)
v.24-30 - Seed is planted, but there are some that receive the wrong seed (word)
-The real converts v.s. not are separated AFTER fruit is shown
-Don’t want to kick out/belittle saved
-Comfort the afflicted, afflict the comfortable
v.31-32 - Tiny seed that grows to a 10-foot shrub
v.31-32 - Tiny seed that grows to a 10-foot shrub
-Used by teachers to show the smallest possible amount
-Note, not about faith, that’s Matt. 17
-the beginning doesn’t distinguish you(Conversion), but the end result (Maturity)
-Birds? Satan
-This shows that the church will grow amazingly (hyperbole), but people against God will be perched up in there
-Not the Bible, Salvation is different, Sanctification choices, etc.
-1 John 4:1-3
v.33-35 - Leaven/yeast is always a symbol of sin (Exodus 12:15)
v.33-35 - Leaven/yeast is always a symbol of sin (Exodus 12:15)
-It causes dough to ferment and rise
-Repeating what we’ve been saying
~50 lbs. - feeds 150 people
-Leaven would be basically invisible, yet when mixed, it overcomes all aspects of the bread
-ex: solutions gallons for tsp/tbsp
-Psalm 78:2-4 - dark = obscure
-pushing them to not be like their rebellious parents
-Though their parents didn’t do it, they won’t hide it
-Will tel us why it’s so important to not hold back
v.36-43 - Superficially look like people of God
v.36-43 - Superficially look like people of God
-Point: God, the Judge, decides who goes with Him, who doesn’t
-Stems from righteuous, or those who are in right standing
-Lawlessness? offending God?
-That’s all of us (Romans 3:10-12; 20; 22)
-Only made right through Him
v.44 - Past verses now set the scene for the next set of parables
v.44 - Past verses now set the scene for the next set of parables
-Those who will be called righteous, shine bright for their Father; Why?
-What should be the reaction?
v.45-46 - Leaves the greatest things he found, just for the KoG
v.45-46 - Leaves the greatest things he found, just for the KoG
-Point: KoG is worth more than the best in this world (Hidden treasure, pearl)
v.47-53 - Our responsibility, those that understand, to let others know (we’re the sower)
v.47-53 - Our responsibility, those that understand, to let others know (we’re the sower)
-Because we will be held accountable, not lose salvation, but if it’s entrusted to us, if we get that privilege, why not?