창세기 22장 9절-19절 이삭과 예수 그리스도
성경 : 창세기 22장 9절-19절
설교 : 이삭과 예수 그리스도
찬송 : 새찬송가 268장, 죄에서 자유를 얻게 함은
Key Thought Abraham’s “sacrifice” foreshadows God’s sacrifice of Jesus.
Overview God tells Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac (Gen. 22:2) and Abraham
wastes no time obeying. As the tension mounts in front of the altar,
Abraham unwittingly prophesies God’s plan of salvation when he says
“God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering.” (Gen. 22:8).
God did provide the lamb for Abraham. He also provided the Lamb, his only
son Jesus Christ as the once and for all sacrifice for our sins.
Sermon Outline 1. God’s Salvation Foreshadowed
a. Abraham’s sacrifice of his beloved son (22:1-12)
2. God’s Salvation Provided
a. The ram for Abraham (22:13)
b. Jesus Christ, a sacrifice for our sin (Hebrews 9:26, 28)
3. God’s Invitation to Us
a. Receive his salvation in Jesus (John 1:12)
b. Let Jesus be the sacrifice for your sins (Hebrews 10:1-10)
Challenge Will you accept God’s invitation and receive his salvation?