The Resurrection, Appearances, and Ascension of Christ.
The Resurrection, Appearances, and Ascension of Christ.
Matt. 28:1-20; Mark 16:1-19; Luke 24:1-53; John 20:1—22:25
1. Matthew’s Account of the Resurrection and Ascension. (Matt. 28:1-20)
• Who were the first to go to the tomb of Jesus? What did they encounter when the arrived?
• What was Jesus’s Message to them?
• What was the religious officials response when they heard the guards report?
• Why is verses 16-20 called the “Great Commission?”
2. Mark’s Account of the Resurrection and Ascension (Mark 16:1-19)
• What were the Ladies going to Jesus tomb to do? Who were these ladies? (16:1-3)
• What did they see when they arrived at the tomb. How is Mark’s account different from Matthews?
• Who was the first person Jesus appeared to? (Mark 16:9)
• What was Jesus’ command to the disciples before his ascension? (16:14-20)
3. Luke’s Account of the Resurrection and Ascension (Luke 2:1-53)
• Luke 24:31-27 is the Emmaus Road encounter with Jesus. What are some interesting accounts of this story? Why did the men not recognize Jesus? What happens when they do?
• Luke 24:36-43, Jesus appears to the disciples, what is their reaction? What does He say to them to assure them it is He?
• Luke 24:44-4, what does Jesus tell the disciples, and how does that apply to us today?
4. John’s Account of the Resurrection and Ascension (John 20:1--22:25).
• John devotes 2 Chapters to the Resurrection and Ascension, Why do you think John felt it important to give more details about the activities surrounding Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension?
• Why was the Gospel of John written? (John 20:30-31)
• What was the major emphasis of John Chapter 21? What did Jesus mean by “Feed My Sheep?”
• What are the similarities of the Gospel accounts? What are their differences? Which Gospel accounts were your favorite?