Sin, Sickness & The New Authority
Hey, good morning. Everybody. Happy Sunday redeemers good to be with you today. Michael just informed me that he forgot to dismiss the kids. So if your kid is still here they can go also supposed to do a shout-out to a live stream over here and over here camera one and camera to write. Hello. Welcome. Glad you're here. I think it's like I'm going to middle this kind of like interesting situation. My family I think is watching on a live stream right now and not my wife and kids but my like dad and my sister and my brother who's in Italy so love this technology Seca provides for us a little bit of freedom to be able to connect like everything else right now. It's kind of essential for us wants to be with you yesterday. Was I mean by all accounts purposes a beautiful day? right it doesn't it just kind of feel like we're getting towards the end of like this dreary dark depressing winter 2020. It's like what's that? I don't remember anymore. It's so nice outside. And for me, I love spring for many reasons one is that we are about 4 days away from the beginning of baseball season. Yes, they're still Baseball fans that you haven't given up and I appreciate that. Thank you so much yesterday. I'm a big Mets fan. You guys know about me by now Michael last we talked about my ridiculous Mets hat which was both rude, but true and that's fair today. I actually packed like for Mets Hat into my bag of is like Michael which one should I wear this mess out of this mess out of this mess out of this mess at but yesterday my wife and I got up and it was just as beautiful day. And so we did what Redmond people do we put kids with double BOB and we headed down the boss trailer for the way home together. We headed down the trail we ran up and down the trail and then my wife said when the most amazing things you could possibly ever say which is why we just get something to eat downtown. That was like gas. This is going to be a good day. So we went down to while ride which is a place with food and also adult beverages we went there and I had some fish and chips which was great. And I had a drink that I won't tell you what it was but it had hops in it and it was delicious. It was in the stall glass and it was great and I just sat there I was like This is it. I'm like, this is all I wanted for the last like a year-and-a-half is this right here outside eating beautiful weather at hanging out my family. My kids were happy and they were eating and they were actually eating the food that we got for them, which was awesome. So that was great. Yes, and so just felt like everything was kind of coming together. I was like, this is it and I was like Lord, I'm ready.
Take me home. This is it just so good. And so I think that's so awesome just be able to sit and acknowledge the fact that last usually hard it's still going to be there still some challenges you have to overcome but to be able to just sit outside enjoy the beautiful weather was an amazing thing I'm talking about but I wanted to speak that we're going to talk about a section of scripture that is confusing. It has a lot of implications for us nowadays. But before we get into the actual scripture, what I want to do is just take a couple minutes and just recap where we're at in the gospel of Matthew. Okay. This is like Netflix season 4 of the crown. We got to watch the recap today. What actually happened in last 3 Seasons. It's been a year. So I just kind of all get back on the same page as where we're at. I get to Netflix references first sermon. That was my first one. All right. So here we go here in a few questions I have for you. I'm a middle school teacher. So I'd like to ask questions to see if everybody is with me and if you answer correctly, it means they're all on the same page if not have to go back and read. Everything in Matthew up to this point is going to take a long time. So do yourself a favor and know where we're at in Matthew? Okay. So question ever won. My main man Britain's Got slides. He's rocking it back there. The gospel of Matthew is all about the kingdom of
Yes, good. I miss having good kingdom of God can was having good r on the same page before he said it but that's okay. We'll just move on right and it's also about discipleship sell the gospel. He's all about the kingdom of God the king of heaven and discipleship is this new order is this new organization of people and thoughts and how the culture supposed to work and butts up against our natural way of doing things 2K second this kingdom of God are having his display through the work of Jesus good when in doubt just go with that answer. Okay, Jesus, who is the king in the Kingdom? All right, so it's all about Jesus. Who is the king in the Kingdom? All right, three never going to get a little bit more specific in this Kingdom. The blank are elevated.
Humboldt the oppressed aporia. All of that works gay the broken the unexpected there now elevated. All right, or as in Jewish society and Roman excited to his success to an extent the people who are marginalized or humble or broken or not seen as having value specifically if you were sick you were seen as basically having no Worth to society. If you were a child your kind of seen as irrelevant until you were old enough to do work. Okay, that's the system that uses his kind of bringing the kingdom of God into new sing all the people you thought were marginalized and who didn't have value at her work important elevated there now rising to the top tell the people that we look at and go this is what the kingdom of God is all about. Okay now, And the sick are healed. Okay, right. We all can agree with that to an extent to the extent. They were comfortable with feelings on those things that we're kind of go. I don't know how I feel about this whole healing thing or shield for now. The religious establishment of the time did not blank Jesus. Do not what?
Do you like him then accept him? All right didn't like it because he was up ending their way of doing things. They built this system a tradition that had value and they didn't like Jesus write a nice way of putting it in five. Kingdom of heaven is the blank Kingdom remember this we could go back to the matter at Michael's teaching weeks and weeks and weeks ago. It's the upside down kingdom or the right side up Kingdom. How can it be both interesting? It's upside down to us, right because the opposite of what we but it's right side up because it's in line with the way that God does things. It's not upsetting his way of doing things. This is the way he does things but to us, it's very different. It's upside down. It's counterintuitive, meaning of values things and life differently from how we value them. So just a quick recap. That's where we're at. So, let's slide into the gospel of Matthew Matthew chapter 9 verse 1 Can we go look with me and your bibles if you have the ESV Thinline Bible? It's on page. 813 same what this mean? You're like right there. I just want to make eye contact with you all the times. I just stare into your eyes and come with me now and getting into the boat. He crossed over and came to his own City and behold some people brought to him a paralytic lying on a bet and met Jesus saw their faith. He said to the paralytic take heart my son your sins are forgiven. Let's go back to the quick.
As a teacher in the Middle School day first thing they tell you about teaching is you have to have classroom expectations. Anybody in here a teacher or is anybody in a classroom before has anybody here been in a classroom before? Okay so far so good. So we're so sad classroom expectations will become more and more like floating and like love and they said we don't want to call it expectations expectations are too intense or going to call it something different. So when I was in school Pacific University, they were like call it classroom Norms. All right, they're saying is you are setting up for your kids. What is normal in your classroom? Anything operating outside of that is not the norm right eye as an authority figure have the ability to say this is what it's going to look like in my classroom and to operate outside of that is to operate outside of what is expected of you. right now I work with 11 and 12 year old boys and girls So they all go. Oh I see. I got to class medications. I got to memorize and I'm always going to do them every single day. No. Despite our best efforts kids are still kids and humans are still humans. And as we all know many of us including people in this room and in society as a whole don't like following rules, right that's human nature. We naturally want to push up against the rules that are given to us, especially in a western Society where it's kind of like a speaker truth. I love that phrase Speak Your Truth meaning my truth, but I believe to be true to be fundamentally different from yours. And that's okay, even though they're completely incompatible with each other. It's interesting to think about this conclusion because it just like in a classroom. There's this temptation for all of us to push against Authority. It's natural for us not saying it's a good I'm just saying it's the way that we operate is the story of mankind from Genesis all the way to where we're at. Now. There is this opposition to the way things are supposed to go. We also live in a culture with authority is seen as both oppressive and welcoming the same time. We have a million authority figures that you reject and we have a million three figures that we unequivocally except as being true. So what story is really interesting because the dynamic of it makes this kind of stiffen up for kind of already? I don't like Authority. I don't like someone told me that have to operate this way. Alright Fair understandable, but we have to understand is it a kingdom of God has a king. And that King has Authority. And odds are it's at some point one point or another going to butt up against what you want to do. All right, we have to accept that and move with it. Okay. I've never been somebody who's been really opposed to Authority. I'm a pretty strict like rule follower. I'm not like a skateboarder that wants to let you know why they're bored and everything and just wants to oppose security guards or whatever. I don't have that kind of part of you that wants to do that. But I understand that some points be kind of butt up against these ideas of authority. But here we go in Matthew. Jesus is going to announce to the world his authority. So here's the situation you crosses over a moving from the Gentile World rat last week or two weeks ago with Brett to now to the Jewish world. He comes into the Jewish world. He says this gets into a boat across over to capernium, which is Jesus HQ. That's where his ministry took place and people brought to him a paralytic Amanda could not walk and he was lying on a bed and his friends carry them to listen the same story in the gospel of them to see Luke that they cut a hole in the ceiling and lower their friend down to be close to Jesus cuz it's so packed same story little bit of different formation. And they bring them to him and obviously they wanted to be here but notice what she is his response is right. He doesn't say okay or Kilgore says this take heart. my son your sins are forgiven.
If you were a Jewish person you heard somebody say that they be like somebody for me to my dick my son. Wake up one morning and going. I'm a Yankees fan.
Love you missed your whole life to this point and you think that's an okay decision to do that. It would kind of be like, but that's not the way things go. All right and behold. Kids Zone choices, you can make whatever choice you want to make me want to spew Yankees fan. That's fine. But you can't be a Braves fan. That's not going to be okay. The scribes said to themselves describe the people that understood the scriptures forwards and backwards. They were like the Pharisees at Authority. They had accepted these Traditions you say this man is blaspheming blast any simply means to speak irreverently about you says that he's forgiving sins. They're saying that Jesus is approaching god with a reference. But knowing their thoughts Jesus says this and I just love that I love the way to use approaches people who challenge the things he's doing because he just asked him these questions, which I think is so profound for our time just to ask a question. He says this why do you think evil in your heart for which is easier to say your sins are forgiven or to say rise up and walk? I love that question because I go. Well, neither one of them is particularly easy to do. Remind standpoint. I can't do either one of those things but a lot of commentators point to the fact that him saying your sins are forgiven was actually easier thing for him to do because it meant you couldn't be seen. You can't see the sins be forgiven. You can't see somebody rising up and walking so that would be deemed is more difficult. But he says this that you may know that the son of man has Authority on Earth to forgive sins. And then he said to the paralytic rise up pick up your bed and go home and heroes and went home and the crowds thought and they were afraid they glorified God who is given such a 32 men's. Let's just get through a little bit of background here this title. He gives himself. He says I'm the son of man is 80 times in the gospels 31 times in the gospel of Matthew where Jesus chooses the title for himself. And where does this come from Sanam? And we know that that's afraid of Jesus supposed to message Been Around Church. But if you were Jewish person and this time you'll be taking back to Daniel chapter 7 for Dino gives this dream about this picture of the Kingdom's all rising and falling and then this Ancient of Days on a throne because this whole picture of the Ancient of Days God on the throne giving power. They says there's somebody coming like the son of man like a son of man a human being who God gives authority to and a kingdom to Brett. So when Jesus says he says know that the son of man has a throwing her to give since he's doubling down there pushing back against him. He's at the son of man me the son of man has Authority Under to forgive sins. Pronounces that to the people. I love what he does or doesn't just say it's easier to say your sins are forgiven or rise up and watching this does both. 9th grade who say your sins are forgiven. He also says what's easier. Rise up and walk and says the guy home.
and people Marvel that glorify God Is Sing such Authority has been given to men and then that this whole movement pivots in the section about fast and we're just going to read this really quick cuz I want to spend the most of my time in the last 2 verses it says this in chapter 4 first chapter 9 verse 14 Play the disciples in John Keynes him saying why do we have the Pharisees fast for your disciples? Do not fast and honest question? Why don't your disciples fast we fast it's a tradition. Why don't you fast? 3 disciples go fast. Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them. The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them and they will not fast. No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on Old garment for the patch tears away from the government and the worst terrorist made now, there is new wine put into old wineskins. It is the Skins first and the wind is still in the skin to destroy. The new wine is put in fresh wine skins and so both our preserve know we could spend a month just talking about that passage write what I want you to take away. I meant for the purpose of our context which again is talking about the kingdom of God the picture of God being King what things look like in the kingdom of God uses on the throne. The poor are Marching Lancer elevated. He basically saying this I'm doing something different. I'm doing something new. This is not the old way of doing things is not compatible with the weight. I am doing things. Now this is the same throughout the whole Old Testament is not important anymore. It's not saying that cuz he comes to fulfill that we can't say that about it, but we can say is that we can't shoot warrants Jesus's new tradition into these old way of doing things the old way of doing things off the poor and marginalized as not significant. But Jesus is turning it on its head. He's saying it's not going to work if we shove a piece of Bishop Winans old wineskins, they're going to burst they're going to break that don't work together very well and that's evidenced by the fact the Pharisees don't like Jesus. I know if you know this but Jesus was not crucified because he was a really good moral teacher. Kelly told her by to love each other. Because he cared about people that's not why he was crucified. He was killed because he claimed to be God. So this old way of doing things it's not going to work. But this new system does New Kingdom right to slide down 2 Verse 18. And while he was saying these things to him Behold a ruler came and knelt before him saying my daughter has just died but come and lay your hand her and she will live now. I want to remind you guys will an amazing cinematic Masterpiece from the 90s. It's a movie. It's called Home Alone. Brilliant Macaulay Culkin, whatever happened to him. We don't know. Anyway, Catherine O'Hara the mother of Kevin McCallister. I just remember that name. That's awesome based on its she has the scene with John Candy witches in airport. Just trying to get back to seeing her son. And she says this my dude says, please I'm desperate. Remember that is red camel colored coach and John Candy.
There was a kid thinking. Is that a bad thing was like desperation like a swear word cuz it seems kind of shocking when she says it.
But desperation is a state that everybody ought to be in at some point when it comes to Jesus and I want you to put yourself in the role of this ruler. So he has this battle against the Pharisees and scribes throughout scripture. This kind of disagreement that ends up with him being crucified will look who comes to him and verse 18 a ruler comes to him. So be a synagogue rulers he will take it was jairus's Jarius later on in the Gospel of Luke at this is that same story? He says this my daughter has just died but come and lay your hand on her and she will live
So this individual comes from the old way of doing things. but in desperation his daughter Dies who wouldn't in that situation are out any possible way to fix the situation, right? I think it's profound.
That this ruler is the first person in this section about healing to come to Jesus and say my daughter has died. Where is everybody else is Legend would have said to him go talk to this Jesus guy who's an insurrectionist? is blaspheming But who doesn't do this, it's just like every other part we see in movies and situations where a kid is dying or a family member is dying. The someone is praying and they're not praying to the universe. Not praying to Karma. They're praying to God. If you're in a situation like this for your child your family members dying. Your main motivation is not to go. Well God whatever you want. The main motivation is for God to heal you want that you believe that God has power. But even if you don't fully believe that in desperation, you're going to air that out cuz you have no other option. I think this is an interesting conclusion for all of us to come this point where Jesus looks at and goes are you desperate for me? Are you desperate for healing? And so Jesus rises and falls with his disciples verse 20 Behold a woman who had suffered from a discharge of blood for 12 years came up behind him and touched The Fringe of His Garment first. You said you were self if I only touch His Garment I will be made well. Here again is another picture of desperation. This woman for 12 years has suffered a consistent flow of blood. Would have left her anemic week but not just physically and pains socially Outcast unclean and we missing this part that is really important for us to realize is that her boldness to come to Jesus when she has to break through several different cultural norms to get to that point and we know there's a crowd of people around Jesus. We know there's a bunch of people that are watching him. Do all these things. This woman in desperation says for 12 years. I tried to be healed from this I am weak. I am broken if I could just get close to Jesus and Touch the Hem of His prayer shawl. I know I'd be made well. interesting logic I don't need to talk to you since I told you to see if you if I could just touch His Garment. Be made while in the gospel Lucas says that when she does that God said he felt power G is as evil power go out from him. I think that's incredible. Desperation coming to Jesus touching his permit and you just doesn't turn around and cast her aside and say all right that you are unclean. You can't touch me now while I'm on clean too and I got to do is whole thing. He says this is his take heart daughter. Your faith has made you well. Notice how similar it is to Jesus's response to the paralytic in the first section. Take heart son. Take heart daughter. Your faith has made you well. And instantly this woman was made. Well when Jesus came to the rulers house and saw the flute players in the crowd making a commotion you said go away for the girl is not dead but sleeping and they laughed at him. So cultural context a little bit Judaism morning was a big thing is all I got was really kind of want to grieve in private away from everybody else in Jewish culture was like a funeral was a big deal and it was flute players In Crowd. They would hire people to come and mourn to make it a big occasion not as a celebration, but as a way to say we're going to process all of this and grieve this together. So Jesus says the girl is not dead. But sleeping in the crowds response is laughter. What are you talking about?
And so he goes inside and he takes her by the hand. And the girls are rose and therefore this went throughout all the district. Again, let's go back to the Traditions. You do not touch a dead person in Jewish culture. You would be ceremonially unclean the Jesus touches the dead girl
It's a new thing. It's a new way of doing things. And it's going to shatter whatever we thought was normal. But he kills this young woman. And the report went throughout all the districts verse 27 and it is Jesus passed on from here to Blind Men followed him crying allowed have mercy on us son of David. And when he entered the house the blind man, can you just said then do you believe that I'm able to do this? The chronicle son of David desperation. I can't they couldn't see Jesus they couldn't see in there. But somebody says Hey Jesus is coming down the road. They go son of David have mercy on us.
He brought them into a house and asked a simple question. Do you think I can do this? Do you think I can heal you?
Listen to yes.
Lord play touch their eyes sing according to your faith. Be it done unto you. And their eyes were open and Jesus during the war than look at this. See that no one knows about it. Yeah, right. What is strange response? Why would you why do you say they wanna kill you? Just get my stomach a cookie off the counter and that consist.
I don't do that by the way, just so you know.
But why it like why does she tell him that's why she say about this. No commentators have a really interesting perspective was supposed to say it's probably because you just had a crowd of people around him when they see a human like a blind man being healed incredibly significant to the time serve in the streets of Jesus healed me says, I don't want people to come to me just as this miracle worker.
English is like well it because he's blind. I better go get juice a Jesus. Heal me to
But that cheap and said a little bit. Please notice with all of these people are doing I just told you is like Jesus. I got a foot saying do you love me?
GSI I ran out of money got to kill me.
He doesn't want that. I don't I don't think enough of the commentators and sending so I would say to them want you to come people and she's like, okay just because you can fix my present situation. I'm going to come to you. He does all these he leaves to point to the fact that he is gone. He has authority over these things. But look at what they do, but they went away and spread is paying for all the district.
So that's you do one thing so don't tell anybody. I ride this to be like my son then running to my wife and say mommy and daddy gave me a cookie.
You're okay. But anyway, how could they not though? Let's be honest. Their life was dramatically transformed in incident by Jesus has authority over there sickness.
And then the last one here verse 32 they're doing way but hold a demon oppress man, who is Newt was brought to him when the demon have been cashed out the mute man. Spoke and the crossroad saying never has anything like this. Is it in Israel? They don't say why would you just your God?
The Pharisee said he cast out demons by demons.
Interesting. There's so many actors in the series. There's so many main and supporting actors and extras
what I want us to take away from all of this. Is in this new reality. This new kingdom of God. Jesus is crashing through any sort of cultural norm. You can consider. Healing is one of those things that I think really kind of makes us squirm a little bit depending on your background. If you come from a more conservative theological perspectives. You would say will Healy was a really big thing in the Bible in the Old Testament in the Bible with Jesus, but it's not really happening now. If you come from a more charismatic theological perspective on more fun perspective. You may be like, yeah, she wasn't feeling I saw somebody that you had yesterday.
We also live in a world with someone too much of medical advancements that things that would have been outside of our sphere of healing now are more common. But don't miss emphasis of what use is talking about here. Let's talk really quickly about healing. All right, and I want to say this because I feel like it's really important for us to address. Jesus is doing a new thing. He's turning the world upside down to us, but right side up to him. right It's what I want us to take away from healing. I have been on both sides of this coin. Okay years ago. When can I first started dating? My mom had cancer? And she was at a call of my daddy said your your mother has gone septic. She's got an infection. You need to come home right now. So I got in my car and I drove to Phantom crying and praying God were my last memories of my mom Jesus. Please heal my mother. I don't know what's going to happen. But please heal and I got there I got to talk to her and she was he let me she was right on the threshold of passing away. She was healed and there was medical stuff like that. But I believe that God healed her. without the case three years later mom got cancer again. And this time she did not get the old. So I've experienced both sides of that coin both equally difficult hard to explain. But he only has one of those things that makes us feel like we're always entitled to the right response our response, right? But we have to understand a prints and principles about healing. So I want to talk about this and then we can will close talk about healing the number one. Everybody will be healed eventually. Everything on this Earth is temporary. These people were healed in scripture and Lazareth was risen from the dead eventually dies. Can we have to understand that our greatest need is not to be physically healed on this Earth. That's great and it glorifies God and it's suspends grieving for a little while longer and makes us live a few more years and enjoy a few more things, but it's always going to be temporary because ultimately we are finite people. And when we have faith in Jesus Jesus promises us that when he establishes a new Heaven and new earth when he reigns Supreme Lee that all healing is going to take place is going to take away every tear from their I do believe that we have faith in that that means that we can never really be Shield this side of Eternity. You can always Steve it off for a little while longer.
2 greatest healing is the forgiveness of sin. That's our greatest feel like going again. You're really that's the greatest appealing for us. Yes. It is not possible apart from Jesus. Being forgiven of our sin of our Brokenness of the parts of us that are opposed to God being forgiven of that is the greatest need of the state of the paralytic. Just cuz you'll go he says know your sins are forgiven us the first thing I want you to know.
3 we should always pray for God's will to heal. Always we should pray for that. We should submit our control to God in that round. And then for God decides how things will go. I'm sorry to break this to you. But you're not in control.
I'm sorry to tell you that but in a world of Self-help and leadership books about everything and how to live your best life now and speak your truth. And there's no truth. Absolutely which is weird because that's an absolute truth. I want to go to that too much right now, but the whole thing
we have to understand that we don't have control. And tore our perspective that looks limiting and it is limiting a few things for your life. Your kids lives your friends lives your mom and dad lives your aunts and uncles lives. Those are all under God's Authority. You can Stave off and drink your likes 160 gallons of water. You drink every single day to fight off your stuff or whatever just good. You should be healthy and that's important, but ultimately were finite. We don't have control. And what's interesting, is that a world of Speak Your Truth? We think it's Freedom. We live in the more anxious and worried culture than ever before.
So that's not working. Not working. No, is it wrong to want to live a healthy life? Absolutely. No, it's not wrong to do that's a good thing. Your body is a temple worshipping God and involves being healthy and it's important. Ultimately, it's finite. Here's the thing. You can look at me and go but If I pray for something I pray for healing if I pray for deliverance God has to give me that. He does these people as they do it to me one. Let's just pull back the lens little bit and zoom for the Gospel Matthew to the Garden of Yosemite. Or Jesus is on his face in the garden. What does he say? What is he praying Jesus? If it's your will. If it's your will let this cup pass from me. but not as I will do as you will. Think about that for a second. I'll do Jesus heals all these people and all these miracles in the Garden of Gethsemane when he's facing his greatest hour of me and he's in he's in a stressed environment is broken and he's hurting is doing the cross to suffer not just physical pain, but also humiliation and hurts and all of those things combined together. He doesn't get delivered. from that
She doesn't get delivered. Dad says no.
I understand the difficulty of that place. When God says no this isn't like the Garth Brooks song, I praise God for unanswered prayers because there are no unanswered prayers. They're just not what we want and it's not. Yes. We don't like it and I get it. It's not fun losing someone you love is not fun, but he was somebody you love slowly. Die and go through pain is not enjoyable and that's understandable.
However, the truth of the matter is we don't have control as much as we want. Ultimately God is Authority. He decides how things are going to go. Speechless Williams could be losing a job. This could be going through a hardship. I'm not saying that God is going to say yes or no. I can't promise any of that. I do think that part of operating within the kingdom of God is the fact that God does Miracles. I love this quote from Tim Keller. I'm close with this.
miracles lead not simply to cognitive belief but to worship. and wonder Jesus's miracles in particular whenever magic tricks designed only to impress or coerce instead to use miraculous power to heal the sick feed the hungry and raise the dead why? We modern people think of Miracles as the suspension of the natural order the same. This is not the way things go, but Jesus method to be a restoration. of the natural order
Other words this is how things are supposed to be. This is what it looks like in the kingdom of God.
I hope that this leaves you encourage. I know it's hard, but I don't also hope that it's encouraging you to not leave a guy who has authority over where we're at. To make you feel that freedom of living under that Authority. in step of Jesus each day
Jesus become before you let me know that you are good. Let me know that's in suffering hurt Brokenness as result of the Fallen Humanity that we live in and Addison display to us guy that this world is not put back together yet.
I pray for anybody in here who is going through just a hard season that is desperate looking for you to deliver them from where they're at. And I pray God if your beer will you would deliver them? We surrender that over to you that control.
We thank you for your kingdom of God showing us that there is a new thing happens in the newest Thor t there's a new power. There's a new reality for us. It's why I pray God that we would walk in that newness of Life operating in that new reality.
We would walk with you to understand your truth more and more each day, but also understand that your kingdom is about. Reaching out to those who society says have no value.
We love you Jesus for blessed to be your people are blessed to walk in step with you. Would you comfort us today? Would you encourage us to do as we go and use the