Maundy Thursday, April 1, 2021
As we go to God's word this evening. They think it thinking about three words. always nothing and love a reed from three passages of scripture this evening beginning and 2nd Corinthians Chapter 4 verses 8 through 10. Paul wrote We are afflicted in every way but not crushed. Perplexed but not driven to despair persecuted but not forsaken struck down but not destroyed always carrying in the body the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. I'm from 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 2. Fry decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
I'm finally from John Chapter 13 Verse 33 through 35 little children yet a little while. I am with you you will seek me and just as I said to the Jews, so now I also say to you where I am going. You cannot come a new commandment. I give to you that you love one another just as I have loved you you also are to love one another by this all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another. always is 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 10 Paul indicates that he and his associates are always in their bodies carrying the death of Jesus. What does Paul mean by this odd statement? What does it mean to carry in the body the death of Jesus make no mistake. Paul understands that Jesus's death was a unique event that happened at a particular time in history in a particular place in history. Never the less. He also recognizes that the selections and hardships that he experiences are a manifestation of the deadness of Christ.
No for a Believer for a disciple of Jesus. To participate in the sufferings of Jesus is something we ought to experience. We should anticipate suffering.
but all people suffer not just Believers, however, the believer suffers with a connection to what Christ has been through in a way that a non-believer would not The believer participates in the suffering of Christ to a lesser degree and without any saving effect what scripture tells us the experience of the believer suffering is connected to the suffering of Christ and that's what Paul is talking about.
In these versus one of the questions I wrestled with as I consider this idea. Of Paul and his associates always carrying in their body the death of Jesus was whether or not this was just a physical experience. Did this only pertain to his physical body well and studying this I came across a commentary by James Denny who was a Scottish Theologian and preacher from the 1800 who wrote an excellent book on the atonement. He also wrote a commentary on Corinthians and he speaks to these verses. He says the use of body and of mortal flesh in these versus has been appeal to in support of an interpretation which would limit the meaning to what is merely physical. That is I am in Daily danger of death. God daily delivers me from it. And that's the life of Jesus is manifested in me. This is of course included in the interpretation given above but I cannot suppose it is all the Apostle meant the truth is there is no such thing in the passage or indeed a human life as a merely physical experience to be delivered to death for Jesus sake is an experience which is at once physical and spiritual. So what did he is suggesting there? Is that as disciples as we follow Paul's example, we are to always carry in our bodies the death of Jesus, but not only in our bodies. Are we to carry the death of Jesus? We are also to carry in our minds and in our hearts and in our souls the death of Jesus and this isn't only necessary as part of our everyday life and experience as Believers, but we need to realize that it leads to the manifestation of the Resurrection Life of Jesus in our bodies and in our souls
Maundy Thursday is a great time to intentionally and I purposely carry the death of Jesus and our minds and our hearts and our souls.
And as we do so as we always carry in our body and mind and soul and heart the death of Jesus. We realize the need to always remember that it was arson.
They put him on the cross. It was our sin that required death. We need to always remember that as we always carry in our body & Soul's the death of Jesus. We should be able to sing with conviction the words from how great The Father's Love For Us to behold the man upon the cross my sin upon his shoulders ashamed I hear my mocking voice call Out Among the scoffers. It was my sin that held him there until it was accomplished his dying breath has brought me life. I know that it is finished. The Monday Thursday is a day. The always carry in our whole being the death of Jesus and I always remember it was my sin that required his death. And in doing so as a is approaching Easter weekend that in that way. In doing that on Monday Thursday, and in fact on every day of the year, we are lying ourselves with Paul's approaches. He describes in 1st Corinthians.
nothing Paul and his interaction with the Corinthians decided to know nothing except Jesus and his death again from 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verses 1 and 2 and I when I came to you brothers did not come for claiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom for I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified to know nothing does not mean the Paul cast aside every particle of knowledge he had but rather he had the gospel and it's crucified King as his singular focus and his singular passion while he was among the Corinthians. In his heart and in his mind Paul did not throw out his knowledge and understanding of the scriptures. He did not jettison his understanding of justification. He did not throw out his awareness of church polity or is grass but the necessity of repentance or anything else with which he had previously renewed his mind, but at the very Forefront in the very center of his thinking and infections was Jesus Christ and him crucified.
Go to know nothing, but Jesus Christ and him crucified certainly means to ponder and to meditate and to examine it to reflect in to evaluate and contemplate the death of Jesus.
We must remember that in pondering and meditating and examining and reflecting and evaluating and contemplating. These things are meant to be more than just an exercise of our brains. These things are meant to provide fuel for the fire of the affections of our hearts.
Well known him about the atonement describes this impact that Christ's death has upon the heart.
On a hill far away stood an Old Rugged Cross the emblem of suffering and shame and I love that old cross where the dearest and best for a world of Lost Sinner was slain, so I'll cherish The Old Rugged Cross till my trophies At Last I lay down I will cling to The Old Rugged Cross and exchange it someday for a crown. Always carrying in the body and soul the death of Jesus is for the purpose of worship the knowing nothing but Jesus and him crucified has its ambition the Adoration of Father Son and Holy Spirit.
Now for us at Westland Alliance Church, as it was explained to me when I became an apprentice here behold before I ever even heard of a Maundy Thursday. I didn't know what Maundy Thursday was. I can understand why people were saying to days-of-the-week beside each other. What's Monday Thursday?
But it explains it was explained to me that Monday Thursday was an evening to gather and evening that was in the time of Jesus hours before his suffering began in Earnest to take up a burden. So what's a light burden but to take up a burden of carrying in our bodies and in our minds in our souls the death of Jesus and knowing nothing, but him crucified. It was understanding that prerequisite to taking up my own cross was the need to take up Jesus's cross in my mind and in my heart. But I might have my mind renewed in my affections inflamed. Trace sacrificial and savoring suffering is meant to enrapture us and excite us and elevator exaltation to God.
Knowing nothing, but Jesus and him crucified reminds us that there is nothing but his death that can cleanse us from her sin. There's nothing but his death which can cleanse us from our sin. What can wash away my sin nothing, but the blood of Jesus what can make me whole again nothing, but the blood of Jesus for my part in this I see nothing but the blood of Jesus for my cleansing this my plea nothing but the blood of Jesus nothing for 10 for Senate own nothing, but the blood of Jesus not of good that I have done nothing but the blood of Jesus this is All My Hope and peace nothing but the blood of Jesus this is all my righteousness nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow. No other Fount I know nothing but the blood of Jesus So this Monday Thursday evening, let us purpose to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified and let us Endeavor to always carry in the body and in the soul the death of Jesus that we might with gravity and gladness glorify God. This is something we can purpose to do enough practice that is particular to Disciples of Jesus post-resurrection. On the ferry first Monday Thursday, the disciples were largely unaware of what was about to transpire nevertheless. We still share some things with them on that Monday Thursday. I'm at Monday Thursday. Jesus met with the disciples and it was then that he instituted the Lord's table communion, which we will share together this evening. But there was something else that Jesus gave the disciples that connects with us on this Monday Thursday.
Something that he shared with his disciples before they left that Upper Room.
And he was tortured and crucified.
love Monday Thursday is the day. We commemorate the Mandate that Jesus gave his disciples Monday comes from the Latin word mandate them or commandment it was on the Thursday of Christ final week before he was crucified that he spoke a commandment to his disciples Jesus and his disciples. I just shared what we now call The Last Supper Jesus wash the feet of his disciples. And then he made this statement a new commandment. I give to you that you love one another just as I have loved you. You also are to love one another. Now this mandate or commandment gives us a very practical way to apply knowing nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified it gives us a very practical way to apply always carrying in her body and mind and heart and soul the death of Jesus.
We desire that as our minds focus on Jesus Christ and him crucified as our minds focused on the death of Jesus that will make its way into your heart.
And the Holy Spirit will use those wonderful throughs to inflame or affection that we won't be moved to worship and gratitude. But we want it not to stop and are hard but moved for my head to hurt to our hands so that it actually changes the way we live our lives so that we might walk in a manner worthy of the Gospel. And it's crazy man date on Monday Thursday 1st Monday Thursday that points the way love one another. Just as I have loved you the application is to love but the specification is to love as Christ loved.
How has Christ loved us? His actions following giving that mandate later that night in the next day described for us and explain for us. What Christ's love is like it's a sacrificial love Jesus loved his disciples to the point of death on a cross Jesus's death on the hill called Calvary is the epitome of sacrificial love. I've quite a collection of books on the atonement and one of them has a particular title that is appropriate in light of this. It's called Death by love.
How is Christ loved us sacrificially? In Christ's mandate is a weirdo love one another with that sacrificial love and then we will never walk and it perfectly Jesus instructs us. So and so we Endeavor to obey but how how can we love one another so selflessly? Let me suggest you the very thing we've been talking about always carrying in our body and soul of the death of Jesus and knowing nothing but Jesus and him crucified is the very means of obedience to the Mandate that Jesus gave the cross in the cross alone provides for us The Godly ambition in the spiritual ability to love each other sacrificially.
The Commandment is a Commandment that comes with a beautiful promise.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one. Another Theologian d a Carson says the new command is therefore not only the obligation of the New Covenant Community to respond to the God who is love them and redeem them by the oblation of his son and their response to his gracious election, which constituted them his people it is a privilege which way we lived out for claims the true God before a watching world. Brothers and sisters we desperately need this in our church family. We need sacrificial love empowered by the love of Christ as demonstrated on the cross. We need this to be the very currency of our fellowship. Especially in these days. Monday Thursday is named after Jesus's mandate or his command that we love one another as he loved us which he would go on to demonstrate through his suffering and Death on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins brothers and sisters. We need this from each other, but the world the unbelieving world needs to see this and experience. This love is well, they need to see it and experience it that they might turn from their sins and turn to the one who sacrificially and lovingly lay down his life. We need people to know us as those who love each other sacrificially that they might see in it the sacrifice that saves them from their sin if they believe in Jesus. So let me encourage you this Monday Thursday evening to meditate on three words always nothing and love we always carry the death of Jesus in her heart soul mind and body always remembering that it was our sin that required his death. We know nothing but Jesus and him crucified in there is nothing but the blood of Jesus that can cleanse us from our sin.
And we ought to love one another as he has loved us.
In a few moments, we have an opportunity to literally carry the death of Jesus in our hearts and in our bodies through participation and communion, which was also instituted on the first Monday Thursday. And from there we will end our time together by knowing nothing but Christ and him crucified through song.
But my prayer is my encouragement is my admonition is this evening that as you leave? nothing But Jesus Christ and him crucified will be on your mind and heart and soul. And it always in your mind and heart and soul and body you will carry the death of Jesus.
And that as we prepare to celebrate the Resurrection Life of Jesus on Sunday that you will love one another.
Always nothing and love let's pray.
Father God we thank you for your words. We thank you for list teaching of Paul in this explanation of how he saw his life as a disciple and we pray that you would help us by your spirit that you would help each one of us to always carry in our body and soul the death of Jesus and to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified.
And father God we pray that those glorious truth.
As we understand them with our minds your spirit would move them into our hearts and there they would inflame our affections that we might worship and love God and from there. They would move to our hands and we might practically live the mail by loving one another sacrificially. We pray that the world might see us loving each other even as you loved us.
And see you in at the great sacrifice. your son suffered for us pray this in Jesus name we man.