Faith in Action - The story of a Harlot held in high regard!

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Good morning Church!
I want to thank each and every one who has made it out to the Lord’s house on this beautiful day!
This is the day that the Lord has made and a little over 2,000 years ago this is also the day that Lord was raised from the grave and therefore we ought to rejoice and be glad in it, Amen!
Aw preacher, you’re crazy if you think that Jesus rose from the grave. Oh yeah? Well tell that to an empty tomb, Amen!
You go look in the grave of Joseph Smith, Buddha, or Mohammed and tell me what you find. You’re gonna find yourself a bunch of dried up brittle bones but you go to the tomb of Jesus my dear friend and the only thing you’re gonna find is an empty grave!
He’s not there for He has risen!
And that my friend is why we are here today!
To remember the miracle that took place on that Easter morning, oh so long ago, when our Lord Jesus Christ rose from grave and defeated sin, death and hell!
He walked out of that tomb and was seen by above 500 brethren at once the Bible says before ascending to the right hand of the Father where He now resides making intercession for those who put their faith and trust in Him.
We serve a risen Savior today friend and that above all else is what sets us apart from every other religion in the world.
Our God is alive!
With that being said, we are going to be looking today at a very unorthodox message considering the occasion but with God leading the way, my prayer is that you will see glimpses of Jesus shining through the scripture before us today and that ultimately if there is someone here who doesn’t know Him, that you will come to know Him before it’s everlasting and too late.
If you have your Bibles with you this morning, I would ask you to turn with me to the Book of Joshua Chapter 2. Joshua Chapter 2.
And we are going to be looking at a message I’ve entitled “Faith in Action — The story of a Harlot held in high regard.”
For those who have been working through our Bible reading plan with us, last week we met a lady whose name was Rahab.
Now, Rahab didn’t have a whole lot at all going for her but somehow, she ended up making her way into the hall of fame of faith in the Book of Hebrews, she is found side by side with Father Abraham in the Book of James and even made her way into the lineage of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew.
This unsuspecting stranger, that most would write off as good for nothing, ended up being listed side by side with some of the greatest names in the Bible!
And when you understand the how, it all begins to make sense.
You see, in...
Hebrews 11:31 By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace.
Rahab believed and therefore she was saved. She put her faith in the God of Heaven & Earth and because of such, she and her family alone was saved when God gave the city of Jericho over into Joshua’s hand.
Not only was it because of her faith but it was because she put her faith into action! If you look in...
James 2:25 Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way?
Not only did she believe that the God of Heaven and Earth was real but then she acted upon that faith!
And I’m here to tell you this morning friend, you have believe that there is a God and still go to hell.
The Bible says that even the devils believe and tremble!
If you want to be gloriously saved you have to put that faith into action and do something about it!
That’s why the Bible says in...
Romans 10:9–10 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
At some point friend, you have to let the world know of your faith in Christ!
There was a verse I came across this week that explains this same principle...
John 12:42–43 42 Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: 43 For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.
The Bible says that even many of the chief rulers believed on Jesus but they wouldn’t confess so because they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God!
They believed but weren’t willing to confess therefore I believe they perished in their sins!
Jesus said if you are ashamed of me before men, I will be ashamed of you before my Father and this is a perfect instance of that!
You must put your faith in action friend!
And when you do, who knows, your name just may end up being held in high regard just like the harlot before us today!
And this is the port from which we will launch this ship into deeper waters by looking at how a harlot named Rahab ended up getting rehabbed and held in such high regard for ages to come!
As we work out way through the message this morning I want this one thought that God gave me this week to be forever upon your mind...
It doesn’t matter where you came from or where you’ve been. All that matters, is where you’re going!
We pick up here in Joshua chapter 2. As we read last week, Moses is now gone and the torch has been passed on to Joshua.
Joshua is about to lead the people into the land of Canaan and the first city that they will come to is the city of Jericho.
Now, before passing over, Joshua wants to get a plan of attack in place so he sends two spies over to take a look at the city and see how would be the best way to overtake it.
And this is where we pick up today.
Joshua Chapter 2 Verse 1.

The Profession She Was In(Ch. 2 Vs. 1)

The first thing I want you to see this morning about Rahab, is The Profession She Was In.
The Bible tells us here that the spies upon entering the city came into a harlot’s house named Rahab and lodged there.
It has been said that there is a possibility that Rahab ran an inn in the city of Jericho for travelers passing through.
As I began to study this week and dissect the scriptures, I believe this could have very easily been the case.
First off, why would the first place the spies go be a harlots house?
I would like to think the men that Joshua chose to search out the city had more restraint about them than to search out the red light district as their first stop, ya know?
Therefore, if it were an inn and the spies had been traveling all day to get there, it would make sense that the first place they would go would be an inn to get some rest, right?
Secondly, as we will see here in a second, the first place the king sends men to look for the spies upon hearing of their entering into the city is Rahab’s house.
Now, to me it would make sense that if Rahab did indeed own and run an inn, that would be the first place to check for ill willed travelers passing through trying to find a place to rest.
And thirdly, an inn would be the perfect front for Rahab to hide other activity that she was enthralled in which was prostitution.
And that’s where I want to take a minute and dive for just a second.
There is no denying that Rahab was a harlot. She is even referred to as such in the New Testament in scriptures we just read a minute ago.
Here was a woman who was steeped in sin. She was lost and undone. Dead in her trespasses and sins.
She lived in a Pagan city, where she worshiped Pagan gods and undoubtedly based upon her profession, she more than likely even took part in some of the Pagan sexual rituals that took place throughout the year.
She is the perfect picture of a person in the world who is lost and in need of being saved.
And as I began to think about this woman Rahab, I couldn’t help but to think more about her profession.
She was a harlot. A prostitute. And the more I began to think about her profession the more I began to think about what it was that took her to that point in her life.
The Bible doesn’t give us any back story on Rahab but as I began to ponder upon it this thought came to my mind…who wakes up one day and decides I want to be a harlot?
What little child grows up saying, “when I grow up I want to be a prostitute?”
The reality is, I just don’t think it happens.
This isn’t a profession that Rahab chose but rather a profession that chose Rahab.
It could have been because she couldn’t find any other job to provide for her family. It could have possibly been because she was somehow forced into it or it may have had something to do with the Pagan rituals that took place serving their false gods.
But whatever the case may be, it’s hard for me to believe that Rahab chose this for herself and enjoyed the lifestyle she had adopted!
I believe she probably woke up every morning saying just one more day. One more day and maybe something will change and I can quit making my living like this!
I believe she probably went to sleep at night crying out to the false gods of Jericho asking for someone, anyone to see her situation, to hear her pleas and to have mercy on her and deliver her from her situation.
But the problem was, the gods she was crying to had no ears to hear her pleas, no eyes to see her situation, and no eyes to see her pain and anguish!
What she didn’t count on though was that the one true God was listening to her prayers, He seen her affliction and He felt her pain and little did she know but soon He would give her the opportunity to be freed from the oppression she had been living under for so long.
The one, true, living God was about to give her an opportunity to change her life forever.
And the thing i want you to know this morning friend is this…that same God that heard the prayers. pleas, the cries of Rahab hears yours as well!
And just as He is about to give Rahab an opportunity to changer where she spent eternity, He’s affording you that same opportunity today!
He’s allowed you to make it out to His house, to hear His word preached, and to hear of His great salvation and you too are able to change where you will spend eternity!
Rahab was lost but little did she know, she had already been found!
Maybe you’re lost here today and in need of being found! Well, guess what, God knows who you are and right where you are and now it’s simply up to you to put your faith in action and trust in Him just as Rahab is about to do!
So we see Rahab’s Profession. Next, let’s look at the Prevarication She Tells.

The Prevarication She Tells — (Ch. 2 Vs. 2-7)

Now, if you’re like me, you’re probably wondering what that word means.
The word “Prevarication” means to deviate from the truth or tell a lie in a sneaky way!
And that’s exactly what we’re about to see Rahab do.
Now, before we read this I do want to say this…God detests and does not approve of lying!
Proverbs 12:22 Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: But they that deal truly are his delight.
Jesus said that when a person speaks a lie they are acting like the devil for he is a liar and the father of it!
Lying is what caused Adam and Eve to sin in the garden of Eden, remember?
Lying is not OK but in the peculiar case before us, I love what Tony Evans said about it…he said,
“Rahab was confronted with two sinful options, lying or abetting the execution of God’s representatives, and she chose the option that would bring the most glory to God — protecting His people!”
And that’s exactly what she did. Look with me in Verse 2-7 at The Prevarication She Tells.
Vs. 3 — You see, immediately upon hearing of two Israelite spies entering the city, the King sends unto Rahab’s house looking for them. This helps me to believe even more that she was running some sort of inn for passers by.
Vs. 4-5 — And this furthers my suspicions of her being an inn owner even more. She says, “well hold on a minute let me go look and see who all is here.”
While the men wait at the door, she takes the two spies and hides them upon her roof and then returns and says, “you know I do remember two men coming in earlier but I didn’t know where they were from and they’ve already left. They went out about the time it got dark and time to shut the gate. I bet if you chase after them quickly you will catch them.”
The men believe her false statement and take off out the city gate trying to catch them!
Little did they know she had taken them upon the roof and hid them under stalks of flax.
Now, flax is a plant that is grown for it’s stalk and it’s seed. It’s what they used during this time period, as well as wool, to make clothes.
You would take the plants and lay them out in the sun to dry out and then when the dew fell upon them in the morning, from my understanding, the usable fibers for clothing would separate from the stalk and then be woven together to make clothes.
So Rahab had taken these men upon the roof where she had some flax laid out to dry and hides them under the flax stalks.
Now, as I was reading through this, here’s the thought that came to mind…Rahab laid it all on the line to save two men she didn’t even know all because she wanted to get to know their God!
Isn’t that good?
You see, as we’re going to learn in this next section, she had heard of the God of Israel and how He fought for His people and that was the kind of God she wanted!
So as soon as those men came and said to her, two Israelite men came in here today, she immediately thought about the God of Israel and how she wanted a relationship with Him!
She wanted a relationship with a God who cares, with a God who hears, with a God who feels, with a God who sees and with a God who fights for His children and therefore, she was willing to lay her life on the line to get that opportunity to know Him!
If they had of found those two men hiding on her roof, no doubt they would have been killed and they would have killed her too for aiding and abetting!
But there’s another thought that also came to my mind here.
Just as Rahab laid her life on the line to gain a relationship with the one, true, living God; the one, true, and living God laid His only begotten Son’s life on the line so that you might have a relationship with Him!
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
The Lord Jesus Christ, laid down His life so that sinful man could once again have a relationship with Holy God just as they had in the Garden of Eden before man’s fall.
God laid it all on the line for you this morning friend and if that isn’t something worth shouting over I don’t know what is!
He didn’t wait for you to make the first move, He didn’t wait for you to lay it all on the line, He wanted a relationship with His greatest creation so bad that He was willing to die for it!
How many other god’s have given their lives for their creation?
None, AMEN!
Romans 5:6–8 6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. 8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Praise be to God, I don’t know about you but I’m thankful that He cared enough about this ole sinner to lay His life on the line for me!
I’ve failed Him time and time again, I’ve made foolish mistakes, I’ve said foolish things but praise God almighty He never left me, Amen!
He fights for His children and He’s willing to lay it all on the line for a relationship with those who will call upon His name!
We serve a good, great and gracious God this morning Church!
As that new song says, He is Good God Almighty!
So, we’ve seen the Profession Rahab was in and the Prevarication she told. Next, let’s look at The Proclamation of Her Faith.

The Proclamation of Her Faith(Ch. 2 Vs. 8-11)

Here is where Rahab’s faith comes to fruition.
After the other men leave, she goes back upon the roof before the spies go to sleep and proclaims her faith in the God of Israel.
Everyone knows the ABC’s of salvation, right?
A — Admit that you’re a sinner and lost.
B — Believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ.
C — Confess Him before men.
Vs. 9 is Rahab’s Admittance. She says, “I know that the Lord has given you the land.” I know that we are getting what we deserve because of our wicked ways.
And then in Vs. 10 look what she says. “For we have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt.”
This happened 40 years prior to this!
And I don’t want you to miss something very important here… she says “we have heard”.
She goes on to say that after hearing of how your God rolled back the Red Sea and then what He did through you to the kings of the Amorites, our hearts did melt and there remained no more courage in any man!
Listen, every person in Jericho had heard of the God of Israel and knew who He was but ONLY Rahab believed!
Everyone else had just as much an opportunity to believe as Rahab did but she alone turned to God instead of away from Him!
Salvation is free and available to all who will believe, Amen!
So, she Admits and then in Vs. 11 she Believes!
“For the Lord your God He “IS” God in heaven above and in earth beneath!”
Rahab believed! HE IS GOD! He is the one, true, living God and I believe!
This was her Proclamation of Faith!
Have you believed upon the living God this morning?
If not, you should! For He is the only way to inherit life eternal!
We’ve seen The Profession She Was In, The Prevarication She Told, The Proclamation of Her Faith. Next, let’s look at The Petition She Makes.

The Petition She Makes(Ch. 2 Vs. 12-13)

She says, “Look guys, I have laid my life on the line for you and I believe in the God of Israel! It’s only right that you allow me and my family to live since I kept you safe.”
Now, look at the Promise Made by the Men in Vs. 14.

The Promise Made by the Men(Ch. 2 Vs. 14)

“Our life for yours”
That was promise the two spies give Rahab. If you don’t tell anyone we’re here. If we get out of here safely, when God gives us the city, we will deal kindly with and truly with thee!
Here again we see Rahab’s faith in action.
She doesn’t know these men from Adam and here they are telling her that if she let’s them go they will not kill her when they take the city by storm.
Once again she takes a leap of faith and says ok. I’m trusting you.
Life or Death that was the question of the day and dear friend it is the question of this day as well!
Have you chosen life or death?
Have you chosen God or the world?
Have you chosen to believe upon Jesus or no?
Jesus said in...
John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
There is but one way to inherit life eternal and that is by believing upon the Lord Jesus Christ.
To die with Christ is to live but to die without Him is death for eternity.
We’ve looked at The Profession She Was In, The Prevarication She Told, The Proclamation of Her Faith, The Petition She Makes, The Promise Made by the Men and finally this morning we will see The Parting of Ways.

The Parting of Ways(Ch 2. Vs. 15-24)

The Bible says she let them down by a “cord” or a rope through a window for her house was on the town wall.
Now, I want you to keep that in mind as we finish out this message…her house was upon the town wall and she dwelt upon the wall.
She tells them to go unto the mountains and wait for the pursuers to return and then they could head back to their camp.
Then the men leave her with some instructions to ensure that her and her family will be safe when they return.
They tell Rahab when that when she sees them come into the land, to tie the scarlet rope that she let them down by in her window so the children of Israel will know to that her house and all inside were to be left alone.
And they tell Rahab that all of her family were to stay inside the house when they came to take the city and that if any person were found outside the house that they would not be held liable for their death but if they stayed inside and were hurt then their blood would be upon the spies hands.
Then they tell her that if she tells anyone about them then their oath to her would be null and void and she says to them, “according to your words, so be it.”
And then the Bible says that she sent them away and bound the scarlet thread in the window.
Now, there are three things I want to point out right here as this message comes to a close.
1. First off, is the fact that they told her to bind the scarlet thread to the window when she seen them coming.
Now, to the people of Jericho, a scarlet thread hanging from a window might not seem to big a deal but from the spies point of view it meant everything.
You see, when God was getting ready to bring the Children of Israel out of bondage from Egypt, the last plague He sent on the Egyptians was the death of the firstborn male in every family.
But before He sent the death angel over Egypt He instructed Moses to have the Children of Israel to take lambs blood and place it on the door posts of their houses and when the death angel saw the blood he would pass over that house.
The blood on the posts was a sign of safety for all who were inside.
So, although the scarlet thread meant nothing to the people of Jericho, it meant everything to the Children of Israel for when they seen the scarlet thread they would know that everyone in that place was safe from the impending wrath to come.
And what you need to know this morning friend is although this story is thousands of years old now, the principle is still the same.
If the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ has been applied to the doorposts of your heart then you too are safe and secure from the judgment and wrath to come!
But…But…if you have never trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ, then one day the wrath of almighty God will reign down on you just as it did the people of Jericho and nothing in this world will be able to save you from judgment.
You must be covered by the blood if you intend on making it out alive!
2. Which brings us to the second point I want to make.
The men of Israel told Rahab when she seen them coming to hang the scarlet thread in the door but notice what she did instead.
As soon as they were gone away there in Verse 21, she bound the scarlet thread in the door.
Immediately she made a move to secure her and her family’s safety!
And the point I’m trying to make is this…Rahab decided she wasn’t going to take any chances and I would encourage you today friend to do the same!
If God is dealing with your heart and telling you that you are lost and in need of being saved, don’t put it off!
Act now! Put your faith into action and move toward this altar! Right now! Don’t wait for the invitation, don’t wait for the song to start, don’t wait for me to quit preaching, move right now at this very moment and make your way to this altar and give your heart to Jesus for none of us are guaranteed another second on this side of eternity!
Just as Rahab acted in urgency to save herself, won’t you do the same?
Come while there’s time. Come while God is calling. Come while the Holy Spirit is moving. Come before it’s too late!
3. Now for the third point I want you to see here.
If you remember from earlier in the message, we were talking about the ABC’s of salvation.
And we seen where Rahab Admitted she was a sinner in need of saving and then she confessed that God was the one, true, living God, the God of heaven and earth, right?
But we never got to the confession part, did we?
Flip with me over to Chapter 6 really quick and look at Verses 20-25.
God instructed Joshua to have the Children of Israel compass the city about every day they were to make one lap around the city and on the seventh day they were to make seven laps around the city and then shout with a loud shout and that the walls would come tumbling down.
Joshua did as God commanded and on the seventh day they compassed the city of Jericho seven times and look what happens here in Verse 20.
The people shouted with a great shout and the great walls of Jericho fell down flat!
That is, all but one house!
Look at Verse 22.
Rahab’s house was the only part of part of the wall still standing and all that were inside were saved!
Remember earlier when I said remember that it said her house was upon the town wall? This is why!
All the rest of the wall of Jericho came tumbling down but this one spot!
Listen friend without Christ as your foundation, your walls are sure to come tumbling down but when you build your house upon the rock that is Christ, it is sure to stand the test of time!
What’s your spiritual house built upon this morning?
And look at what the Bible says there in Verse 23.
The spies went in and brought out Rahab, and her father and her mother and her brethren, all that she had; and they brought out all her kindred, and left them without the camp of Israel!
You see, after those two spies left, Rahab got to work telling all of her family to come to her house if they wanted to be saved!
Here, once again, we see Rahab’s faith in action! For there was a chance that her family would turn on her and tell the king and she would then be put to death!
But she feared not, put her faith into action and told all her family to come to her place if they wanted to be saved!
And saved they were!
Let me ask you something this morning friend, when was the last time you told someone to come to Jesus for it was the only way for them to be saved?
Have you ever told anyone what they needed to do to be saved?
If not, why don’t you put your faith in action today and do like Rahab and start herding people to Jesus!
She Admitted, She Believed and She Confessed and look on down in Verses 24 & 25 at the result that came from it.
Rahab and all her house was saved because she put her faith in action and believed upon the one, true, living God!
Won’t you do the same today?!
Won’t you come, right now as they come get us a song, won’t you come and put your trust in the risen Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ today?
His shed blood is the only way you can ensure your safety from the wrath of a Holy God!
Come today while there’s time. Come while He waits for you!

The Protection of the City(Ch. 6 Vs. 1)

The Proclamation of God(Ch. 6 Vs. 2-5)

The Positioning of the People(Ch. 6 Vs. 6-15)

The Proclamation Realized(Ch. 6 Vs. 16-21)

The Promise Kept(Ch. 6 Vs. 22-25)

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