He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! 04/04/21
Slide One
He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! John 20:1-18
Slide Two
Jesus Appeared Three Times
1. Those Who Went to the Tomb
2. 10 Disciples in a Locked Room
3. Thomas (eight days later)
Slide Three
Jesus Appeared to Believers Only
Death on the Cross Provided for our Salvation
Resurrection Proved He was the Messiah
Resurrection Proved He was the Son of God
Slide Four John 20:1-2
Slide Five
Jesus Chose to Appear first to a
Woman with a Sordid Past
Slide Six John 20:3-10
Slide Seven But Mary . . .
Slide Eight John 20:11-13
Slide Nine John 20:14
Slide Ten John 20:15
Slide Eleven Jesus said, "Mary."
Slide Twelve John 20:17
Slide Thirteen John 20:18
Slide Fourteen
One Question:
Is it Your Heart's Desire to Cling to Jesus?