Many Peoples, One Kingdom

Gospel Project Spring 21 VCF  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The Plot Thickens!

Acts 11:1–3 ESV
Now the apostles and the brothers who were throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God. So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcision party criticized him, saying, “You went to uncircumcised men and ate with them.”
God had sent Peter to preach to Gentiles! Jewish law had strict requirements on how to act and what to eat. By staying with them and eating with them, Peter was in violation of laws regarding things that are clean and unclean.
Acts 11:4–6 ESV
But Peter began and explained it to them in order: “I was in the city of Joppa praying, and in a trance I saw a vision, something like a great sheet descending, being let down from heaven by its four corners, and it came down to me. Looking at it closely, I observed animals and beasts of prey and reptiles and birds of the air.
Why would this be strange?
Acts 11:8–10 ESV
But I said, ‘By no means, Lord; for nothing common or unclean has ever entered my mouth.’ But the voice answered a second time from heaven, ‘What God has made clean, do not call common.’ This happened three times, and all was drawn up again into heaven.
3 times.
JUST THEN! Three guys show up.
Acts 11:11–14 ESV
And behold, at that very moment three men arrived at the house in which we were, sent to me from Caesarea. And the Spirit told me to go with them, making no distinction. These six brothers also accompanied me, and we entered the man’s house. And he told us how he had seen the angel stand in his house and say, ‘Send to Joppa and bring Simon who is called Peter; he will declare to you a message by which you will be saved, you and all your household.’
Acts 11:15–17 ESV
As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell on them just as on us at the beginning. And I remembered the word of the Lord, how he said, ‘John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.’ If then God gave the same gift to them as he gave to us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could stand in God’s way?”
Peter sees firsthand that salvation has come to people of all tribes.
Acts 11:18 ESV
When they heard these things they fell silent. And they glorified God, saying, “Then to the Gentiles also God has granted repentance that leads to life.”

Game changer

When Jesus commanded to make disciples of all nations, he didn’t mean only Jewish disciples from every nation. He opened the doors to all people.

“God has granted repentance that leads to life.”

Often times we act like the grace of Jesus is something to be hoarded, or can’t (or won’t) be accepted by some people.
What kinds of people are we tempted to rule out as being able to come to faith?
Punks. Terrorists.
West. Bieber.
Israel was prommised great blessings if they kept the covenant; they were also warned of great curses if they broke it. The difference now is that Jesus fulfilled all the obligations of the old covenant and then inaugurated the new covenant. By His perfect obediene, Jesus fulfilled all righteousness and obtained the blessings of the old covenant. On the cross Jesus received in his body all the promised curses for covenant breaking. By this same death, Jesus also inaugurated the new covenant in which God promised to restore Israel...
The Holy Spirit had been at work -before- Peter got there.
What are some ways God prepares unbelievers to hear the Gospel?
Life events, seeing a changed life, cultural norms that point to the Gospel.
How are you changed by the Holy Spirit working in you?
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