Is Your Money Working for You
Is Your Money Working for You?
2nd Last Sunday of the Church Year
November 15, 1998
Many people think this parable is about how to use money. It is not! Instead, it’s about God’s gifts, the spiritual things he gives for our use. Everybody recognizes the value of money, especially in a market driven economy like ours. But sadly, there are few who seem to recognize the value of God’s spiritual gifts.
In this regard, we, ourselves find it much easier to read this text in a purely literal way and miss the point that it is a parable in a common earthly things are presented to teach about spiritual things. But because of our fallen, sinful nature, we still have a hard time grasping the simple truth that “no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.”
In other words, we are prejudiced in our carnal, unspiritual way of thinking so that we miss the spiritual things God has given us as blessings. In fact we naturally tend to gravitate toward those things which have no eternal value at all. That’s why we fail to see the spiritual message in a parable like this one. The old unbelieving Adam still lurks in even the best of us. So, our unbelief prejudices us against God and his means of grace, but where they are faithfully received they yield fantastic blessings.
Our unbelief prejudices us against God and his means of grace. Just take a look at the odd servant of the three in the parable and there is a very clear picture of how our sinful nature effects us.
This servant is clearly the odd one because he failed to see the value and potential in the gift the Master gave. You see, the power is not in the servant to make the gift of the one mina productive. The power is in the gift itself. Unbelief doesn’t see this. And for this, the unbelieving servant loses even what he thinks he has, even though he accepted the gift and heard the words, “Put this money to work until I come back.”
So, let me ask, “Is Your Money Working for You?” Is it producing what the Heavenly Master requires? We know the world certainly thinks little of God’s gifts The Church, the means of grace, even our incarnate Christ seem inconsequential when compared to our present and seemingly compelling human needs. It is no wonder then, that a Christian congregation can emphasize dollars over against these spiritual gifts.
So, what is the value and potential of the spiritual things God has given us? In Mt. 13:31-33 Our Lord describes his kingdom in terms of mustard seeds and yeast, tiny, almost invisible things that are packed with power and potential. Even the smallest can yield many times itself in reproduction. Likewise the seemingly mundane things that God gives to us. Even though they are only bread and water, wine and Word, they carry the power to reproduce the kingdom.
Ø They give life where there is death.
Ø They offer forgiveness where there is condemnation.
Ø They work strength where there is weakness.
Ø They bestow faithfulness where there is faithlessness.
Even so, “Is Your Money Working for You?” You have heard the proverb, “use the gift or loose it.” Is there not a lesson to be learned here? The faithless servant suspiciously presumes that his master returns his distrust and will therefore give him only something of little or no value. So, let me ask you, what is the value of God’s gifts to you? Are they worth investing in? Are they worth giving them ample opportunity to do their work? Are they worth your time, treasure and talent? They are, indeed! Whenever provision is made for the simple gifts of God to touch human life, the power of reproduction is at work. Even though it is so hard for us to discern God’s gracious work…
God’s gifts are to be received according to the gracious spirit in which they were given. You see, the heavenly Master’s seemingly incomprehensible nobility and superiority are revealed through these simple means, and that by His own command. Notice that the master gives the same gift to each servant. Some reject not only the gift, but the Master as well. Others accept the gift and put it to work in simple trust that the Master has intended it for good. Another receives the gift without trusting the giver, and consequently looses it.
Now we get a little perspective. The faithless servant was odd among the other servants but he was all too common among the general populace. Salvation and redemption are the exception to the rule and reveal the compassion of Christ. And that is what we have been given in Word and Sacrament, the means of grace. We are not the ones who make it work, God is. And God can be trusted.
When the means of grace are faithfully received they yield fantastic blessings. What is noteworthy about the first two servants is that they credit their “success” to the inherent potential of the mina they were given. Listen to their words. “Sir, your mina has earned ten more.” And “Your mina has earned five more.” You see, the real question is not whether we are getting a just return on our investment of time, treasure, and talents in the church. The real question is this: Is God getting a just return on his investment in us.
When we receive God’s Word and Sacraments with gratitude, joy, and faith in the one who sent them they produce tremendous “returns,” including the forgiveness of sins, eternal life, fellowship with God, and strength for sanctified, holy, living. This is why giving Bibles to people is so important. This is why having a bulletin with the readings printed on it is so important. This is why providing time and money for education, and for being educated in the Word of God is so important. They are God’s investment in us.
This world is going to send us many things that may cause us to doubt the goodness of our God. But, we have the gifts of God’s reproductive power right here in Word and Sacrament. Thus, by looking at the small sum of his glory which he has given us in his Means of Grace, we are also lifted up and commended by God. “Well done, my good servant!” The Master replies. “Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten…five…cities.” Simply amazing what God and His gifts can do, isn’t it? Amen.