I believe in Jesus Christ. . . . He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

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“We believe in Jesus like we believe in Spider man or the other superheroes, right?”
That’s what a family member once asked me. No, of course not!
But I realized when they said it, how common such an idea can be. Jesus isn’t around us right now and the way we talk about Him is always in the past tense.
Of course, Jesus’ image is everywhere today. He appears on TV, movies, shirts, websites, art and tattoos. But where is Jesus physically and actually today?
I remember conducting an easter egg hunt years ago, and before sending the children out to find eggs, I read the Resurrection account from the Jesus Storybook Bible. There was a mother listening who had been to church all her life. She came up to me after and was shocked. She had never realized that Jesus came back to life after He died on the cross. She was stunned by that, and then asked… where He is now?
It’s been said that by ascending, Jesus took the risk of being forgotten. How true that is. Some focus on Jesus’ birth. Some give attention to His life and teaching. Others emphasize His death. Still more exalt the Resurrection. But few give focused attention to His ascension and session.
How many of you have even heard of the Ascension? Or even a sermon about Jesus’s ascension into heaven? Good Friday is very important, when Jesus died for our sins, and Resurrection Sunday, when he was raised from the dead is undeniable— but Jesus’s life and ministry did not stop there. He didn’t just disappear into non-existence.
The cross and empty tomb are at the very heart of the gospel message. But, for many people, Jesus’s ascension is simply an afterthought to Easter and Good Friday.
The Apostles Creed affirms the opposite. This glorious affirmation powerfully expresses Jesus’ past and present work: He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
Jesus is not just spider man, He is risen. But He is not here. He ascended to heaven where He rules right now!
This is a powerful truth today, but it’s even older than the Apostles Creed itself. In fact, the apostle Paul, who had been an eyewitness of the Resurrection wrote to one of His disciple-students name Timothy. In that letter, he included what many believe was a very early creed of the first Christians. It is a powerful summary of what the gospel is and even what we have been walking through for 8 months.
“Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness:
“He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.” 1 Timothy 3:16
Just think about those lines. He was manifested in the flesh: that is His incarnation and birth, and bodily death. He was vindicated by the Spirit: that is His miracles and ministry. That is also when the Spirit raised Him from the dead, vindicating Him. He was seen by angels: that is when the angels announced His resurrection. He was proclaimed among the nations and believed on in the world: that’s the mission that has driven Christians ever since. Then finally: He was taken up into glory! What does that mean? I want to look at that from two vantage points: What happened on earth and What happened in Heaven.
Here’s what the disciples saw from there view on earth. After the resurrection, Jesus taught his disciples about God’s kingdom for forty days according to
Acts 1:3: “He presented himself alive to them after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them for forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God and then, after that in
Acts 1:9-11, while his disciples were “were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven. He was “taken up” to heaven!
I know that Jesus rising up in the clouds may seem like something out of a Monty Python skit. But it really happened. In front of their very eyes, they watched the risen Jesus that they had spent 40 days with start rising up in the air. He kept going. He kept climbing. They looked up and watched, seeing nothing but the bottom of His feet. Until a cloud overshadowed Him, and He was taken into heaven.
Now here is the reality that was taking place in heaven that they didn’t see: At Jesus’s ascension He entered into the temple of heaven and then He sat down. He was installed as the true ruler of the world.
“After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. (Hebrews 1:3)
“We have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven. (Hebrews 8:1)
“When Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God. (Hebrews 10:12)
Sitting down is an indication of completion and finished work. Jesus did not sit down on a throne in Jerusalem or in Rome, but on the throne in heaven. He did not sit because he is fatigued; he sits currently because his saving work is finished. He has offered the once-for-all sacrifice for sins to purify his people and secure our peace with God.
And what does He do there right now? The exalted Lord Jesus is now in heaven interceding for his people as our true high priest and advocate.:
“Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.” (Hebrews 7:25)
Don’t miss all this important language. The cloud that overshadowed Him as He ascended was not just a cumulous cloud. Clouds all throughout scripture are the glory cloud of God that surrounds Him in majesty. It’s always a sign of God’s presence.
Jesus was not a rocket just shooting off into outer space. He was received into heaven. And when He entered heaven, what did he sit on that He sits on today? It isn’t just a wood throne He sits on. It’s the throne of God. And no one sits on that except for the divine Himself. This is a gigantic claim to the divinity of Jesus. Jesus shares God the Father’s very position of divine rule over all creation. He rules all things as God who rules all things! The throne of God is reserved for God alone. Sitting on the right hand doesn’t mean the kiddie table, it means a shared throne.
Do you see everything that this is telling us? Jesus is the king who sits on his throne, and the priest who stands to pray for His people on earth! Jesus is a royal priest and priestly king. He is our Great High Priest who offered his own righteous blood, brought it into the heavenly temple, and as our Lord God, He sat down on the divine throne.
Now I know speaking about this makes some people confused and uncomfortable. What most people imagine when they think of heaven and spiritual things is some abstract and incomprehensible, but good place. It’s somewhere where you transcend your current perceptions, and you're sort of awash in general good feeling. Or its positive or natural activities that make you feel spiritual. There might be floating clouds, something like the old Philadelphia Cream Cheese commercials. It’s all abstract, maybe naked flying baby cupids or something. And for a lot of people, it’s easy to not believe in that and for others it’s hard to get excited being there! In fact, I read a study where 72% of people believed they would go to Heaven, but Not Sure About their Friends.
Part of the difficulty here is that since the Enlightenment, the culture around us has told us that the only things that are real are the physical things of earth, what we can perceive with our five senses. So, if we can’t see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, or touch it, it’s not real. You and I may think it’s real personally, but we’re told we can’t be sure, and we definitely can’t insist it must be real for anyone else.
But this is very different than the Biblical view of the everything. The Bible and most other cultures around the world assume and affirm the reality of a real unseen world, more ultimate than the seen world. We need to listen to a little of Mr. Rogers here, who often said “What is essential is invisible to the eye.” There are plenty of things we trust daily that we cannot see. We have faith in lots of things we don’t even see or understand. Your tablet works when you turn it on, even if you can’t explain it. There are invisible TV and radio waves that cannot be perceived until you switch the receiver on, and their effects can be observed. I know one friend who is receiving radiation for tumors. He enters a machine that spins him around and shines ultraviolet rays on him. He doesn’t feel anything, until later when he gets sick from it.
You see, heaven is another dimension of reality. In fact, it is the dimension of reality, the control tower of the universe. And the Bible shows us that there is a vast temple-complex in Heaven that God created as His base of operations for all of His creation. This is mind-blowing, I know!
Heaven and earth are not just different locations, far apart from each other. They are different dimensions of God’s creation. The physical and the spiritual. They can overlap and interlock with each other. They’re not like oil and water that don’t mix. In the beginning, they were one, but the two have been deeply broken by our sin. Yet God has been faithfully redeeming the connection.
In fact, Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and ascension are at the very heart of that process. And one day, in the end when Jesus returns, the connection will be fully restored. In the words of the hymn “This Is My Father’s World” “Jesus who died will be satisfied, and earth and heav’n be one.”
That is why Christ’s ascension from earth to heaven and His present rule in heaven is such a big deal. You see it is in Jesus, that the connection is re-forged, forever binding heaven and earth, the physical and spiritual together in Himself. We don’t have to look anywhere else; we don’t need another access to the spiritual world. Christ is it; Christ is all!
The ascension reminds us that this whole thing is not just history, but this is real, this is real right now in the present and real in the future. Jesus is, right now, in a glorified human body on the throne of the universe, wielding “all authority in heaven and on earth”. He is not just our suffering servant on a cross and He is not just the Man who rose triumphant from the grave. He is currently our actively ruling, actively conquering king.
And this is so important because Paul told the Colossian Christians: “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:1-3
Do you see that!?
You may have been warned before not to be “so heavenly minded that you’re no earthly good.” But here, Paul urged Christians to be more heavenly minded, not less.
“So, if you have been raised with Christ,” he instructed them, “seek the things that are above”. That’s a command. The apostle wanted them and us to desire, pursue, and run after heavenly things. He also told them to “set [their] minds on things above,” which means intentionally thinking about, reflecting upon, and meditating on heavenly things. But not just abstract clouds: Think of the one who is now in heaven! Christ Jesus himself!
This is not so that you start to despise earthly things or withdraw from the world. Don’t ever try to avoid present suffering by escaping into a pie-in-the-sky future. Instead, be so heavenly minded for the sake of the earth and the world. And you can see this because the rest of Paul’s letter tells the Colossians how they should live in practical, down-to-earth contexts and relationships.
Being heavenly minded, means being Christ-focused. And when you actively live your life with the knowledge that Jesus is alive and controls things in heaven right now, it changes everything from personal morality, relationships in community, worship, marriage, parenting, work, time management, and relating to outsiders. Focus on heavenly things so you can truly and rightly engage in earthly things!
And this is so important right now. Given all the socio-political chaos and controversy around us. My fear is that so many of us have a small picture of Jesus. When we think of Jesus, we don’t think of anyone who is still alive who can help us and answer our prayer. But do you realize that the Resurrection changes everything!
And His ascension means He is attentive to us. He can hear us talking about Him right now. This isn’t abstract. He is the Lord of the universe that just decided your heart should continue beating. He is a real man, who lived on this real earth and is still in a human body. Think about it, on the other side of your prayers, on the other side of the songs of worship we just sang, is a real human and divine ear that heard it and received it.
When you were sleeping last night, Jesus was alive at work. When you woke up this morning, He is continuing to rule. As you go about your day, He is praying for you. This is stunning because this is never acknowledged around us, and not recognized by ourselves. We open up social media or take the risk to watch the news, and it’s just full of conflict… and nothing to do with Jesus.
Yet, Jesus is the high and exalted, eternal God, seated at the right hand of the Father on the throne in heaven. That’s a Jesus we can pray to. That’s a Jesus we can worship. That’s a Jesus we will stand before him at the end of our life and give an account for all that we have said and done and believe. That is a Jesus we should respect and lives our lives in view of.
If you actively Remember that Jesus is presently reigning as king and remains active and engaged in our world and our lives, you will live boldly! In Ephesians, 2:6, Paul says” God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.” You see, Jesus has seen fit to positional seat us with him so that we share in his authority. You may wake up gloomy, you might go to bed depressed, but Christ is alive in heaven and you have direct access to Him!
You do not need to be harassed by evil spirits, by tormenting dreams, by demonic accusations, and emotional strongholds in your life. Therefore, live boldly, confidently, and strategically as servants of the exalted king of heaven. Your labors and work are not in vain. You can go into your job, whatever it is, tomorrow, with a head held high, because Jesus is the ascended King.
For you who are currently suffering, take heart today. Jesus is not indifferent to your struggle. He has endured great suffering and is thus the most merciful and sympathetic counselor you have ever met. He still carries His wounds, and in His wounds, you find healing. Take your cares to your ascended Lord who hears your prayers and can respond with all heaven’s authority.
This is what makes sense of any prayer. Think about it, if you had direct access to the President, would you use it? Prayer is not just a domestic intercom; you have direct access to the control center of the universe.
The ascension means “get busy!” We have work to do. This gives us more confidence and excitement than ever before. I’m sure the disciples were terrified and worried when He was leaving them. But now, our Lord is in the control room of the universe, working through us. We are to be “witnesses for the kingdom,” his ambassadors, representatives of the King.
This also means you can have hope in the future. If Jesus really raised from the dead. If He got up, actually spent 40 days being seen by other people. If He actually ascended to heaven. If He rules as King right now. If He can hear your voice… The everything is going to be alright. Whatever you are worried about or afraid of, berthing is going to be ok. You might be crying right now, and that’s good and fine. Then after you cry, wipe your tears and remember that He is alive. Cry your tears to Him, utter your prayers to Him, then remember He is alive and ascended, and you’re going to be ok.
And this is very important to remember today! Jesus ascended and is supreme, the only God, ruling and reigning over all things and all people. Today, this very moment, it doesn’t matter what the issue is or who the people are. Jesus is reigning! Over the young and old, He is king. Over homosexuals, heterosexuals, bi-sexual, pan-sexuals and the entire so-called spectrum. Over the wealthy and those experiencing poverty. Every ethnicity under heaven, those who are Republican and Democrat and Independent. Those who are educated and not, the wise and simple, those who live in the suburbs, those who live in the cities, those who live in the rural areas. He is king over those who live in the past, those who live in the present, those who live the future,
He is reigning in authority over all religions and belief systems over Buddhist, over Jews, over Muslins, over Jehovah’s Witness, and Christianity, atheism and agnosticism. Just because someone doesn’t believe in His rule, that doesn’t erase Him or diminish His authority.
Jesus Christ rules over the healthy and the sick, those excursing in a gym right now and those dying in a bed as we speak, all generations. He rules over the living and the dead. He rules over all the nations, all the Kings, all the kingdoms, all the issues, all the ideologies, all the philosophies. There is simply nothing above Jesus and outside of His command. He rules and reigns supreme overall, after his ascension, his glorious exaltation.
That is Jesus! Who is alive and well today, seated on his throne, in heaven at the right hand of the Father? And you can have a conversation with Him!
Jesus is not a superhero, He is not spiderman. He is no longer a broken man on a cross. He did not stay in the grave. And His real body rose, ascended through the heavens. And sits enthroned over the universe He created. This is not the Marvel Cinematic Universe; this is Our Father’s World.
Hebrews 1:3 makes very clear: “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.”
After the birth and incarnation, He sat down. After the death and resurrection, He sat down. After the ascension, He sat down. After ascending to the cross beam, being lifted up, He yelled out it is finished. After he broke out of the grave, He demonstrated it was finished. And after He sat down, He is making it finished as we speak! Amen and Amen
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