A Root of Bitternes
A Root of Bitterness
Ephesians 4:29-32; Hebrews 12:15
Bitterness defined –
Resentful: ______________ _________________
Hostile: expressing ____________ _______________
Dwelling _______________ on a _________________
Bitterness is -
"Attitude without __________________."
“Drinking _____________ and hoping the other person ______________.”
Bitterness is a Root Sin –
Root sins include:
1. _______ – Proverbs 13:10 Only by pride cometh contention. . .
2. Bitterness – Hebrews 12:15
3. Improper _____________ System – I Timothy 6:10 - For the
love of money is the root of all evil: (literally “all kinds of
Root Sins:
1. Affect ____________ part of your life
2. Result in many other ______________ that often seem to be ______________________.
3. Damage our ___________ with God and our fellow man.
Steps Into Bitterness:
- __________________ to a verbal remark, action, or lack of
- Hurt _______________.
- Repulsive feeling toward a person at the thought or sight of
- __________________ wounds and frequently talking about them.
5. Alienation of a person.
6. Verbal slander against the person.
7. Lack of __________________ to God.
8. ____________________ like the one you despise.
Bitterness is a Sin because . . .
1. Bitterness is sin because it is ______________ against the
___________________ of God. Romans 5:3-5; 12:19-21
- Bitterness is sin because it is flows from a ___________________ heart and refuses to ______________________. Matthew 6:9-15
3. Bitterness is sin because it violates the _______________ commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Matthew 22:37
4. Bitterness is a sin because it is an _______________ that defiles our lives. Hebrews 12:15