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Recording has begun. It's good to see you this morning. We really time that while didn't we and so we're glad that you're here. We just talked about quickly about the slides for the things that are coming up and all of that and if you missed the movie playing at the end again, we will take during this time. If there's any prayer requests we need to add when I can update the whole list, but if you have something that can't wait until Thursday. I don't know how that sounds. Okay, but you can't wait till Thursday then let us know and we'll we want so he just went into the hospital last night or something. We want to know we're going to be praying for them. So I don't want to do away with her at all. In fact, we will have a full 30 minute for meeting then on Thursdays. But so that's how we're doing that we're glad you're here looking people to come and check out what we're doing. Nobody knew I didn't know until this week and I said, I'm ready. Time to jump in the nest and so I just trust that you'll be blessed and then it will be a blessing to you. We will start talk about on Thursday night bible study and moving forward time to get moving forward again, and I've been thinking about that a long time. I kind of know the direction and then also one comment and things like that, so I'm not just doing it all myself. But I do want to comments are we are planning on the downstairs. I getting finished up this month and really the fault was the have a place where we could do some Youth and we could also do adults and we could also do family. And so it only be a place Church on to be a place you come and enjoy the fellowship with each other you want to be able to come and enjoy activities together in some sense and then we'll talk about things outside too, and I'm not big on inside. I'm big on outside churches to reach out. We want to have some solid things reaching into the people can come too if you like. We did Jesus over the holiday again. I think that went really well we could look at when we do a meal we could do it be able to move if you want on that day we can talk about that or we could plan a movie night a different night also so you can be thinking about that.

One thing I recognize is the slide for the for the birthdays really ought to be down next to this one rather than up going through. You don't need to see in a hundred times if they give his birthday, but it gives us some time to sing. So I'm going to move this life of birthdays April birthdays. If you have any April birthday sign up for friends and family of the church that you would like to be selling to I'd like to make sure we don't miss anyone. So that's where we are with that. I'm does anybody have an urgent prayer request that we can pray for you before we begin?

Okay. Well then I guess we need to sing to the Kate at this point. So she is going to be nine. She's nine going on 19 and we're experiencing that already, you know is they get to be about the same?

we had the keyboard clean a number of months ago, and it's never worked since it was dirty and it needs to be cleaned professionally, but back.

Happy birthday to you.

Only one will not for salvation.

All right. So what's today?

We're going to be getting singing this morning. God Will Make A Way, we're going to sing it through two times. Okay?

Barbie makeover

What do all the train?

Home Depot Suite with all this rain forest

Aren't you glad that that's true?

Just moving on for God doing what he wants us to do. He's going to make a way and it's going to make a way in your life to When Things become difficult and when things just like this leg in the God we want this to be a blessing to you. We're not going to complain about it. We're going to say God knows he knocked us out of taking a second vacation. We tried once and we didn't make it right the second time. I did the lag. Has been really good and we praise him for that. Hopefully this week Tuesday. I have another doctor's appointment and I'm just in the boot for the last two weeks. So hopefully they're going to say I'll write you can begin walking. Well, I didn't wait. I've been walking around the house without it, but coming across here at the rock or something and then say walk in Hollywood have any houses. Thank you for asking though, and I'm looking forward to wardwell. Just getting out of this chair and everything else.

Hopefully that'll take place. Okay, The Old Rugged Cross?

The Old Rugged Cross by the way

for the day

Can you play a Jesus song?

I will remember you fondly, babe. Can you play the song?

Amazing Grace not going to throw something in maybe you've heard it song Amazing Grace with the chorus my chains are gone. So it'll come that way. I think you've heard probably just didn't recognize you did if you haven't it'll be the first time to do that for you, but it's a beautiful song it would put together and so we're going to try to Shake it Off sing two verses of Amazing Grace then it'll play the chain my chains are gone. And then the last two verses of Amazing Grace.

Call my house.

my heart

Okay, and it switches back to the twas great. We didn't try to get that flag from through doing just pick up at was Grace that taught for me. Sorry.

Okay, I guess I didn't.

Will fix it up for next time. Okay. I thought we had it. I didn't think the course was twice. Anyway, we'll worry about that raceway. Go okay this time.

Good to have you with us. That's not too bad. It's absolutely the worst mag. We had we're doing pretty good outside.

This morning. We're going to look at the big story of the Bible. One of the things if we're going to reach people is we have to understand and be familiar with an even be able to share the big story of the Bible. I don't want to say a whole lot other than in the panther group an independent fundamental Baptist Church evangelism happened when it was a big event when it was a mistake mean things when people came for special things and some people we could save some people wouldn't those who didn't usually didn't come back some day did get saved in something. They didn't come back and it is kind of American Christianity at least from a Independent Baptist. Maybe even a Bible Church way of looking at things and it takes the responsibility off of people because you just get people out now that's always been a tough thing for us getting people that we've had a lot of good things. Don't get me wrong, but at the same time it takes responsibility off. The individual believer to reach people. I put it on the pastor and the event big event bigger than big more people more people more opportunities to see people saying that must be right because you want more people to get change. Do you need a bigger event and you continue with bigger and bigger event at until you get known as the event church when they have a big ass dad then there's going to be a banjo and then people don't come because when we know they're going to preach to us differently when we had these big event because they they want to make a decision. What were they really do and what we do displays what were about there's nothing wrong with this? Please don't think I'm saying the way I grew up was wrong or anything like that. I thank God every ounce of what I've gotten all the way through. But I also realized the Bible wasn't meant everybody get together. See people save go home live your week. Maybe in the Bible study. Maybe just something else. It was meant for each one to evangelize the world to evangelize their neighbors or friends their family and to feel comfortable doing that night. I'll never feel comfortable. You know what? I believe you will because the more you're in love with Jesus you start wanting to share that it's just like and it doesn't mean everybody does it the same way some people like to write letter they'll write letter grade of Danville Mystic letters. My mom did that a lot with the family members on birthday a birthday card with a little letter to them and money always wanted to make sure they didn't give me nothing wrong with that at all. And there's only you can write evangelist letters and you can write him when people are in the hospital.

Letter explaining to them how much you care for them. And but what happens is without a relationship Jesus did things through relationship. Really did that's how people knew he cared for them. That's why he was so effective in reaching people because he develop relationship. He didn't miracle for people. I think that's sort of doing in a joining in relationship and he would raise someone's daughter or the Lapras man. We saw it on the Jesus thing and it just it just grabs me when I just fully hugs the guy with leprosy.

Are you going to be my guests piano on and he's laughing and he did and he and he says go show yourself to the priest and he changed. And is he goes he comes to hug Jesus again and say thank you. And and here's a g.

Anyway, Jesus in a lot of different things to reach people and it doesn't mean we won't ever happen to me and joystick meeting here or we won't ever do that. But understand we study this together number of the same for a good soil and we did a lot of presentation that we learned that people are all a different places in their life. And because they are they need to be approached with certain things so that they are moved along this stages of coming to know Christ not just okay time to give me the gospel whack. You know, some people attended is that because that's not where they were in their life. And the author's there are people waiting, you know for good news and I got it so you don't need it out. It's just it's not the only way of doing things and if we don't want to meet people where they are then do people that will just go away and they'll go away and they'll come and go away and my goal is that as we develop relationships each of us with people we sense where they're at and we'll will review some of the stuff but and then that we understand one thing that we can do and we don't do it all in one time. Today is the quickly tell the big story of the Bible. Because that's what it's about. The Bible is a big story not story as in Fairy Tail. It's a big story about God love for us. and we can look at it in for categories the slowest Through the Bible those categories you'll see there are creation fall Redemption and restoration. So we're going to look at that and we have all kinds of material to help you learn that we haven't you can get the app for free and it it will you can listen to the stories about 5 minutes or people that may want that for their phone and you may want to share with other people get a person this interested in you may say hey you want to watch the check this out later when you're at home. And with the factors that story tells us how we got here what happened and something awfully happened just not this world does not represent the creation story that we know right the wrong world right now something happened. That was the fall and that changed everything. absolutely everything and so from the fall on God didn't abandon us. He's looking to bring Redemption to all who would believe. One thing for sure. I am still committed that anyone can come to no price and God wants everyone to come for the price even though he will not force them to do that. But if they die without price they will do it at their own expense and a throne choice. I made the choice to go to heaven. Why don't you let me handle going to have to say standing before God book rope and then I never made that choice. Okay, so creation fall Redemption and restoration and we've got maybe 20 minutes for this for you. There's a couple songs putting we may use or not. Okay, but what I want to do is ask the Lord's blessing because I believed that this could be vitally important time for you today. Why I don't know. I know this this is what he laid on my heart if we're going to grow we're going to need to make sure we grow not just numerically but that we grow spiritually. Anybody can feel a building now. We have a hard time, but anybody could feel the building. They were people down along the road that had money under the chairs certain chair. If you hit the magic you got the money and they said they felt they were packed there were people doing snakes down there. I mean, I've been here long enough to know all kinds of things that went on and that there were people handling snakes, you know? Okay wonderful. Don't put don't count me in for that one. If that's your thing. You can't let me know. We'll see maybe we'll set you up with it. They can do something we want you can do it like Moses if you can take the snake out of your internet, but in your Rod you Girard and then throw it down and have it a snake and then pick it up and go back to the rod. That's that'd be pretty impressive. I would do that. But anyway, let's have a word of prayer Lord. Thank you for your love. Thank you for the opportunity. And again, I'm so thankful or do you just pulled everything together many many hours. So that really everything worked. Well, I've been in my foolishness of introducing a new song without spending the time with Virginia to make sure you're on qled. So I pray the Lord that you would just help us now though the time it quieter or just to look at your word and you really learn how you could use us. I am glad that we might see people come to know price and we thank you for that in Jesus name. Amen. Okay, here we go. Chapter 1 the story is like a book. You don't have to call a chapter one, but I put it in the four chapters were going to do for chapters today and we're going to do them briefly. If you want further material or to do some work on that Thursday night will be a great time. If you say hey Pastor, I want to learn more about that story and how can we use it and Thursday night after the permitting I'll do, you know what session or two on that and I'd love to just ask, you know, I'm more than willing. I love this stuff and I'm so glad that God brought in our way. But the creation tells us the way it ought to be Like that tell God made it in the beginning. God created the Heaven and the Earth. God created people in his own image God for all the advice Aid and it was very good. That is the summary of God created Created and you can go longer or shorter. We got study book on. I like 50 lessons from the Bible that you can go through those and you'll learn more about creation in the fall. And this is just an overview and a very good overview because it tells us that everything was good and we were there at God's creation for him. So don't create the world and it was very good all the relationships between Dawn people and creation were per hour in order. These four relationships are between people and people people in God people in creation and people in themselves and these relationships everything they got together in the garden and they call the evening. Sorry in the car all the time thinking about what it might have been like if they got together in the pool, and they There was Fellowship the Creator with his creation and they Fellowship they share with one another. We don't know everything they chair but we do know that hurt himself with them and they share them self with him. And by the way, that's what true relationship is based on relationships in our world are broken or fractured. They don't work. Well many times even in the best of relationship will look and I just a minute. But remember God created us in relationship with him and in sent perfect relationship with him and each other and with the animals.

Cuz God is a god of relationship. And if we miss that we missed the very first opportunity to help people to come to knowledge of trusting Christ as Savior because he wants continued relationship.

Is it you never free to message and somebody says so want? Especially the day we're living now things have changed over there. He's been almost 30 years and then when I was here 28, I mean I was just young and everybody looked at me that young man and now it really looks at me and I'm glad you're here just to look at me that way somewhere rather I but the fact is that

This is so vitally important. We understand relationship that way when relationships later we'll talk about that fail. We can help to be peacemakers and restore relationship relationship with people so that we can restore relationship with God and then people would understand. He truly loves them. He loves we met with them not out of obligation. Well, I guess I got to go meet with my creation. The creation Eagle all the wanted to meet with them. And they with him. And if we miss this emphasis this building relations with other people on relationship, we already chop ourself off at the knees if we're going to try to bring them to do price. Well, I think you can just give him the gospel and then they'll trust Christ. They may say words. They may pray prayer.

But we're trying to see them come into relationship with Christ. And the only way they're going to do that is if they understand the relationship that we had with him to begin with with God in the garden and because we can develop relationship with them, right? Now I've had the opportunity now. I did some coaching with me not me doing the coaching. I have some coaching about a year ago two years ago now covid-19 has stopped and I've been doing that year. I learned other things I didn't necessarily like but that doesn't matter. I've always learned to learn to pick the truth out and get rid of the whole the good stuff and the good Services stuff that really is based on the word of God and one of the things I believe it pointed out to me as we are drastically missing the aspect of relationship and we wonder why we go to the wrong they don't want us on the front porch that stopped a long time ago, right and you know, the most opportunities that I have found is through either at work or through developing relationship. We do the kids to the Ballgame or somebody that God brought into my life. And so there's probably more because I'm always looking for people to be in relationship with that. I'm in the cold at 8 call debating today. Do you know and I haven't really put a lot of seed down yet because I went to school to be prepared before putting the seat down because that makes really good scent start in the Bible. Jesus said look at and here's how you get good fruit. And here's how you get a lot of good fruit. You throw it right where the seed is prepared? Cuz if you throw it on the Wayside not been through some name a German 8mm, maybe in the weed and some may be walked upon but others that go on the tilled soil the prepared soil. And really we don't do the preparing all of this is about God doing it threw us right. That's what Christianity Christianity isn't going out and doing forgot I go out there. I pass out these trucks I go out do this whatever you want to do. But you know on if it comes down to you doing it is still you doing it don't mean to be critical in any way shape or form. But if you were going out and a number of things the God can use in your life. In other people's lives. Then you're going looking for God to open an opportunity. And that aubergine maybe just to do some killing. Preacher when are you going to get the word of God to him when God says, you know what? I think the soil is ready now. Hey boy, we could take forever. Yeah, you could take forever you really could but the fact is is that in two wives right. Now. I have just gotten to the point. One of them was not nearly as long but the first one I spent two years and covid-19 with it and we weren't hardly getting together nothing but the person said to me, you know why we've been talkin for a long time and I think I'm ready for what you have. that was a wonderful preacher took 2 years yet that This person said I think I'm ready for what you have and I said rate when can we sit down and talk about it and the leg interfere? And hopefully now it'll be coming off and I know I'm still working with that person and I'm waiting again to sit down and to be able to start talkin about relationship in the garden. Then we can move forward to Wyatt. Isn't that way? But when somebody gives you that quote, do you know what I have? No clue. I mean, I have no concern that the chilling is been done may have to go find an area that still needs but the point is asking the waiting the one thing and I thank God for that and that's how I'm seeing it happen and I do believe so anyway, God create everything works according to God's intervention intention intention. The world was made for human flourishing there. We could live in joy in the presence of our maker worshipping God by loving him and one another forever. That really sums it up. Doesn't it? That's what the garden was about relationship with God relationship with each other and intended to be forever.

And rather than okay. I want to give you the gospel here to talk to you. No.

Are some questions we can ask our self to prepare us when we share those kind of things but you need to answer these for yourself because these are kind of things you can ask questions, but it'll help give you a little bit of thing thinking. What was the meaning of a life? What was the meaning of life for Adam and Eve in the garden?

Pretty simple, wasn't it? The meaning of life for Adam and Eve was till the garden and they were given they were given work they were given something to do. Call Luis work by the way, people say oh no word came before the fall. A God gave out of me something to do the children to keep the garden. And and to meet with and enjoy the life. Gave him enjoy the animals enjoy the the nature. Enjoy one another the two of them and enjoy the Creator. It's like it's that they've been frozen Julius warming by the way. What do you do? This is a question. I just came up with what do you think would be very very important in our dealing with people if that's the kind of relationship they had. It's a word that begins with three letters begins with the letter j and ends with the word in the letter Y What's the word that begins with j and ends with Y and it's a three letter word for relationship if people don't enjoy if there's not an enjoyment there. Not a relationship. I can't wait till they get away. They're so pushy or whatever the case may be. Baby, Jesus is in our life member I said and this is where that comes out of really God said to me if you're going to tell my story you got to tell my story when you're feeling good when you feel when you have with your leg all messed up and you're going around and you've still got to be able to tell my story with joy. Because it is a story of Julie, but thankful the what's the meaning of life II away what we created for very similar question. What were we created for? Again, these I would not necessarily share with people telling the story. I would share it by not answering just demonstrating it in your life. Thirdly why we hear they're all very very similar and they all focused around God and His creation and the opportunity to enjoy him and Aberdeen, New Jersey. And God has been working in my life helping me to learn to get to enjoy people and even if there's something there is really hard harder to enjoy.

But yeah God continues to be alone. Cuz Jesus got a woman with some free stuff characters so chapter 1 chapter 2 in our story this morning the fall the way it is the way it was meant to be the way it is. Okay Genesis 3 when the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food pleasing to the eye and also desirable for gaining wisdom. She took some of Chaminade it she also gave some to her husband who is with her and he ate it now that really lets us know that both are responsible. How many times is the word of God told Adam to make sure his wife knew not to eat of the fruit. I don't think she was with him when he was told but they were both together. She was with him and he allowed her to go ahead and just eat it and then eat himself until something happened. We don't know how there's absolutely no way to know whether it was Dave weather was months. Theoretically it could have been years except we don't find them having Cain and Abel till after the fall. So there was no childbirth prior to the fallen in descent. Second verse Isaiah 53:6 not only did Adam and Eve fall going to send we all like sheep have gone astray. Each of us has turned to her own way and the ward has laid on him the iniquity of us all now, I can't explain exactly how that work. I only know that God said that is how it works. I don't know too many people that have made it to long into the light before they've said And we're not going to go through any of the tangles today. We can talk about them later. But the fact of the matter is we all sent. And an atom we all sin in the Bible says later than in Christ all will be made alive. So what took place the Bible says it was a great wonderful Joyful Garden with relationship and then secondly Manson This answers a lot of questions for us. They answered a lot of questions, like people will say all the time. Why do bad things happen to good people or even what they might say God's people What the reason is because we live in a sin cursed world. I don't remember. How did Sin get there? vineet Bryant Choice willful Disobedience and insurance They looked at that for long enough it at that Eve said that looks good. It says when she saw that was pleasing to the eyes. And I was desirous to make one wise so forever long that that surfing is there talkin during saying hey look at this and it's a great tree that nut fruit look really good. When you like to have some in by the way, you would just a sport of God you do you get together with him and he shares with you everyday he shares his wisdom with you and what you going to share his wisdom and knows things and you can have it yourself. You don't want have to wait to go to God for whatever the time was. You can have it all the time. And when she saw that it was good to eat and when she saw was desirable to make one wise she took an eight and gave and he ate balls. This is really good news for us now because it helps us answer. I feel really many many time when I was in the Jill's a lot more haven't been in jail. Recently. I mean going into the jail will probably not being taken away. But anyway, I would I would sit down and Jeff and Wallace when there were there up and Luzerne County would do the the bible stuff with me the reformers. We didn't need a third person until I took one on one. So when they had the men with them, I took one of the ones with the women, I'll answer any request your hair in jail. How can I help it was a wonderful time. I did 101 and I would I would know that I could do about three women between they were for before they would be done with the bible stuff for the reformers and will be time to go and but I found it across a phrase that kept going coming up. And even some of the huge but they said you know, what pastor we really like before we really like Jesus is the answer to Warren MI. We hate God. Something's not right if you hate God, but yet you love Jesus. And the reason was they could not reconcile in their life. the loving Jesus who came to help people and the God will allow them to be raped or molested or in families that were just drugs and alcohol on all these things and they became products of their home and all the different things that would take place physical because everything and yet that you were hearing that Jesus Jesus, but God allowed this until I had to develop, how am I going to help him to see the Jesus is God.

And what I did was I understood that if we go back to this story. I can tell them this story and gods no longer on the hook and it sent. Mankind willfully Cho. And in the day that they hate what is it saying? They begin to die. It began tonight. And in the day they fryer there was no sickness no pain, they worked in the garden, but it was fun real fun though with thistles and Thorns know things that have to be dug out or whatever because of the work involved the labor what it what it is what it is when they when they send one of the things that happened in the relationship. Was that Adam by the sweat of his brow had to work. And work hard. Denver women chest pain in childbirth right you and can I meet you at is imagine what it would have been like childbirth that no pain.

That means I guess I'm sure the fact that the mine and we won't go to all the other men who've tried to figure that out. And now they're even tried to become even more crazy. But the fact of the matter is that Shin passed upon all for all have sinned and the reason that there is sick. The reason there is pain there was none in the garden. I discovered recently not discovered but rediscovered we thought about the idea that Aunt After the flood now now not only is mankind simulation. So grievously the god floods the Earth and if you flooded completely with the arc on a floating and then landing on the highest mountain any floods the world a lot of that water came from underneath a lot of that water came from a but we know that as a canopy. It says The Fountains of the of the above were broken up as the same time if that was below water. And so this canopy of water comes down on to the Earth. And now there's something missing the God had created to protect us from the ultraviolet light.

That kind of bee would protect them. Why do you think up to mrs. Or they leave they lived almost a thousand years.

and then after the flood Drastically things change with the climbing to I mean, I like snow skiing but he was a better climate for all people to survive. Man old as the Earth is breaking up in the water's coming up week. We believe the continents were created to what degree and we believe that the water from the canopy is gone and now mankind is living Moses. I think live a hundred and twenty years.

Turn 20 years a lot different from 800 is it? And one of them I think was Methuselah live the longest. I think it's a hundred and some years and most of the food as well. When his name meant when I die plot of the flight, He was the last one. You think about all that? But the fact of the matter is that made a big difference when I came and helped in it? Kenny the way God intended to eat even if you try because it's missing a lot of things. anyway, let's jump further and keep moving at a projected God's rule over that we refer to the rebellious Choice as the fall and because they represent all of humanity their actions affect us to we are through our attitudes and actions declared herself to be God's enemy this Rebellion results in physical and spiritual death. So let's just do some questions for him to move to the third chapter what's wrong with the world?

It was a lot of things were wrong with this world end with us, isn't it? What the number one thing is our lives of all been affected by sin. And as it has been seeing effect. Remember, we put up those relationships God and people people and people are so people are themselves. I forgot what the other one wants but they all it represents. All of the relationships have been affected. What's wrong with this world? What's wrong with us? What's wrong? We look out now and we see things we never seen before we won't chase that rabbit at all. Okay. When you look at home, there is all kinds of things going on. Well, it's because we've got some nature now and unfortunately that is painted all relationship hate even the best relationship in the best relationship. Even though husband wants to get along. Well, there's a pressure for us to not get along well. And that's it. And we need to continue to deal with her own life and to see our own it so that we can all live in the best we can and then we still need to say I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I was on thoughtful I was burning I didn't consider your feelings whatever the case may be for all of us to just say one in the world. How come true friends have been really good. Just you had a great friend all of a sudden, you know, why cuz it's in their nature is at work when we did the study with Jim to get his last name from The Bob Jones. We did this story intended for his glory and the other one created for his image. Any who looked at human life and how people get along he was like he was the dean of student who did a lot of counseling among people and people would come here. I am I got this roommate and we both know price and just can't seem to get along in time. Jim would say I'm surprised you get along at all. He wasn't being critical. He was stating the natural fact that sin is permeated our life. And unless we work at it getting it out seeing ourselves like the life. We really are we making a mess of things. Okay, same similar question. What are some ways life is broken. You can see through those things and thirdly how was it is evil hunting. You know, what evil is always out because evil comes from the devil and the devil. If you can't keep you from knowing Christ the Savior if you've already trusted him, then you've ruined his plan because it's goal is to keep everyone's person laws not knowing Christ and depending on him for eternal life. But if you trusted him, he doesn't go home and say on I lost. Now what he does is he speaks to make us unusable to come? And he does that in many ways. Sometimes you're just no reason you're like why am I thinking this? Why am I doing this? Because evil Titanic really is and we need to stay on guard is not where the Bible takes a chapter and says put on the whole armor of God put on the song about it is a battlefield brother not a recreation room. I don't even know it but I know there was a contemporary Christian song It's a battlefield not a recreation room. We shouldn't go and do life in our spiritual pajamas. We can put the armor of God on and so it's vitally important and then we have the passenger on the growing and preparing bearing fruit out of the John 4:14 thing, but it might be right after the way but that that when we've done it here all week because he wants those who don't bear fruit to Bear some fruit and those who fear something to Bear more and those who bear more he wants them to Fair. extravagant fruit

and then you can talk about all what that is, but part of it is just relationship with people. Like a people magnet the God. Can you use to bring it to him chapter 3 Redemption Redemption the way could be how did it happen when God said that mankind is going to have to bring a sacrifice and throughout the Old Testament. We find them bring you sacrifice and having once a year they bring the sacrifice and they tracked they have to come to where the Tabernacle was and then later than Temple NH family would bring a sacrifice and if you were too poor for a land, that's it. I've made a couple other things you can do. You can bring a turtle job and something else but the fact is that bring a lamp. Are you going to bring a lamb and you better bring a lemon? I love I love Christmas. I really do. I really love Easter because I love being able to share that bring a lamp. Cuz it happened and when they left Egypt they would bring a lamb and put the ball across the door post. Almost sunrise at cross-eyed topside and the Death Angel would look over them. And that's how they got out of Egypt, by the way there wouldn't let him know and finally got that. I'll deal with you. You going to lose your first time.

Any Egyptian the did do new their Neighbours have a relationship with a we don't know, but if they did. They escaped that would have been Israelites and I just want time for this lamp thing. I'll just I've never really good friend. No matter what your nationality was. If you didn't put the bottom up that what were they were doing by doing that? They were sacrificing a is pure sacrifices, they could find but they were doing something we're looking ahead. They were taught right from Eve it one would come who would heal would be bruised. and he was bruised the Serpent's on the hill the circle be bruised and his head would be sorry. And edgy did they would tell the stories of there will be one coming, but there's going to be one that will finally end one and they called him the Messiah and Isaiah and many Old Testament books talk about that by the way. I'm even when

Isaac was brought Abraham brought Isaac to Mount Moriah. Because God wanted him to demonstrate that he loves him more wine will first of all, he had already tried to be God by going with his and his wife's request going with his concubine and bringing for this week. He was going to be gone all bring the one cuz we're too old to have children or so. God must have meant I'm able to go to the concubine and his wife said go to my concubine and they created instrument, right? How good does that work at will tell you in a minute, but you know what? God Said. That doesn't do I said you and your wife Sarah will will be giving birth with child and not long after that they did. The God says you need to take him to Mount Moriah need to sacrifice in there. And the reason I believe is if God the God wanted to know if if a room really loud in the way, he said he did because it already had a lot two of them had elapsed to get will believe them both just like in the garden right they will both but he goes and is he gets there with his son. They take the wood and they build the Orion the sun says father with the word. Here's the fire is just the older. Where is the land and Abraham says God will provide. himself away He's a bad he finds his son and takes the knife above his head. He's ready to bring it down Bible says in his heart. He already killed them. And an angel step for inside stop.

God spoke to me and said I know now that you do really love me. And there was a lamb a ram caught in the weed and they sacrifice together and they went down by the way my son and I will go and return again. We will return again.

God knew he could sacrifice his son if that meant that and God would raise him from the dead if that's what it meant. They would come again in really interesting stuff. That's how Redemption happened and so through the years after years bring their sacrifice. Jesus comes on the scene. Jesus as his cousin John John the Baptist for John the baptizer what happens Jesus is coming by he's coming on the age of 30. He's walking by John baptizing people for remission of sin, and he sees Jesus in John says,

Behold the Lamb of God It takes away the sin of the world.

That day that he would sacrifice on Calvary. The veil of the temple was torn. Because no longer did they have to stay out of that area? Because that's really the high priest be going off at sacrifice. Now the high priest. I mean now the complete perfect Lamb of God would do what needed to be done for all time. So now those of us who live on the other side of Jesus, we will be back. They looked ahead to the Messiah coming back to the Messiah who has come.

Redemption it could be that way. It really can be that way.

In him, we have Redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sin in accordance with the riches of God's grace. Wonderful in him we have Redemption just needs to be brought back relationship in the garden. We had it was ruined now God by Zeiss back to himself by his own dear son. That's why no one else could live perfect. We just put new in any way, but God needed a perfect sacrifice. We send the Sun. Thanks for the loving Creator rightly shows himself to be wrathful toward our stand is determined to turn evil and suffering. We have caused in to good that will be to his ultimate Glory. Is that amazing to you? Even when we really mess up? God is able to turn it for his glory. There may be things to take place as a result, you know people cannot there was you choose easy example, you know, you lose a limb in a drunken auto wreck or something. You don't grow a new limb, but God still works all things together for good and he brings this working together to bring people to himself and people don't know and he still looking for good in their life to it. I'm drawing them to himself drawing them to himself. Like them scripture says he's not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance repentance is mean I didn't I was wrong Please forgive me. So that I can be right with you. To The Next Movement show God implementing a master plan for redeeming is world and rescuing Fallen Sitters in the person of Jesus Christ. God himself comes to renew the world and restore his people the grand Narrative of scripture climaxes with the death and resurrection of Jesus and it really does everything builds up to the death of the resurrection of Jesus. And I love Easter Sunday on the graveyard rules of singing this allow. They can hear me down and these others have a risen savior. He's in the world that he lived.

You know it all culminates at the death of Berlin and the resurrection of Jesus so that we can be forgiven what can fix you and the world problems real simple Jesus. What could fix the world? I think I put that in Twilight. I didn't really want Ken what could it's okay. Who is Jesus to you is Jesus your redeemer? Is he the one you trusted it? Is he your sacrificial lamb? Do you put your faith and trust in? If he is. He is your Redeemer if he's not you can be. Thirdly chapter 4 respiration, even though Jesus came and even know he's changed or Alive. Really everyone has had their life changed to one degree or another.

There's still a respiration of this planet this world and and all of us that needs to take place the way it will be.

Revelation 21:5, then I saw a new Heaven new Earth for the first happened in the first birthday passed away and there was no longer any sea I saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down out of the Heaven from God prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband and I heard a loud voice from throwing saying look God's dwelling place is now among the people and He will do well with that. They will be his people and God himself will be with them and be their God you will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or Mourning or crying or pain for the old Order of Things has passed away. Who was Seated on the throne that I am making everything new? And he said write this down for these words are trustworthy and true. You see he is in the suds making all things new and then there's a new Heaven new Earth with the Holy Jerusalem suspended between can't imagine what that's going to be like and all things are going to be new. It's going to be a new Heaven and new earth. And that we can be assured of that from Revelation 21.

What does it mean to flourish? You know when God makes all things new but there is absolutely no stick. No pain. What's going to be like You know, what's going to be like it's going to be like it's going to be like the garden before sin. And what's going to be there isn't interesting and he will go out with this people. That's the thing about the God of the Bible the god of the Bible one people love people.

He did from the garden. He's done after the fall and he continues to want relationship.

What does it mean with no more broken? Can you imagine? The heart's been broken again and again and again over different things and man. What would mean to be no more? They'll be no broken this anymore.

What's a guy?

Do you want hit the wrong button? I'm so thinking about heaven. I'm going back or something.

I want to call you this song. Okay? Everything to lose your Nintendo Prime.

I miss you.


from which I stop


Thank you for your love. We asked for that you would challenges. I won't wait to see the big picture what it's all about. Life is so full of so many distractions and so many other things.

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