Aprill 11

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Impact - Resurrection Message  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  14:24
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The gallery into the mountain where Jesus had appointed them. And when they saw him they worshipped him but some still doubted and Jesus came and spank them to them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in Earth. Go ye, therefore teach all the nations baptizing them in the name of the father and the son of the Holy Ghost. Teaching teaching them to observe all things whatsoever. I have commanded you. And lo I am with you always? Even unto the end of the world Amen. raise the Lord

Jesus died so you could live. You know, we rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus. You see we felt sad about his death. Then but now we appreciate it the crucifixion and the reservation Resurrection. It doesn't cause us anxiety anymore. We're nowadays. We have the basic understanding of the death and the resurrection of Jesus.

Do we really understand what this means for believers? Yes, we are free from the wages of sin. And death guess we are free from the condemnation of our past sins. I'm going to cut that. I'm going to keep you guys awake your that is something to celebrate. Yes. We are free from

You know, it was just up to the law of the Ten Commandments each one of them each one of us. Have broken one of those Ten Commandments. We are sinners. Thank God for Jesus. Who has taken away the law? UPS in which wages war against us we are free.

We are free.

Praise the Lord. I am free.

We can't get that music beer out of us today.

Now I can relax because the devil won't get me when I die. Now I can relax.

Because the devil can't get me when I'm alive. Is that what free means? confident

See that's a lot of way that's a lot of people live that way. They live free. They live clean. They live. Holy they relive relaxed. They live insured. 2nd Corinthians 5 14-15 says For the Love of Christ compels us because we judged us that if one died for all then all died. And he died for all the that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for him who died for them and rose again. If Jesus died then we all die. So we can no longer live for ourselves. You got to remove self. You felt it, right you felt it the day he rose from the dead didn't you? We text each other he is risen. You saw the little video you wake up and surprise somebody they just want to have he is risen.

Write a call to do something different a call to do something significant in their world. Superintendent Natalie call if they let me learn about Outreach. What are we going to do is New Life spread the word don't you want to see all these pews filled? We got to work. We are workers. We are soldiers in the army. Of course, we felt it. That's why Holy Spirit has come down to empower us for Judy. Give a soldier a gun he has already. Give a Christian a Bible and what he should have it at the ready.

And every single one of us walk around this world with a Bible. I know you got it on your phone.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

We can do something new we could do something different. You weren't saved to watch clean movies. You are safe to watch clean TV. You weren't saved live a clean life and to raise clean children. You are born of God. something Godly Are you with me today and man? Place that desire in your heart. What do you want to do?

Galatians 2:19 and 20 For though the law died to the law. That I might live to God. I've been crucified with Christ. It is no longer. I who live but Christ who lives in me and the life, which I now live in the flesh. I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.

Is that love?

Would you stand in front of a bullet for your wife or your child? Would you run out into the street to scoop him up as a car is coming down if you could you would. UC church, we need to think about Jesus. We need to talk about Jesus a whole lot more than we're thinking about him. Now we need to wake up and thank Jesus every morning for waking you up. You got to put your head on a spike you Jesus for getting me through another day.

Christ is living in you.

I'll put Jesus in the top drawer.

But Jesus in the morning in the mirror every morning. Wake up you get up you brush your teeth. Look in the mirror. Say, thank you. What will you do today choose choose?

Choose what you do?

Choose what you do? Jesus does or choose but Jesus does YouTube. Choose the one where Jesus chooses and the two of you cooperates to go out into the world and Conquer at hand.

You have to live this life by faith. You have to live in with risk. You have to live outside the box.

Just like the man who was struck by lightning.


they revived him that night he died and now he's alive every waking moment of the man. He was living. He paced his food now. He smelled his wife now. He feels the closed on his body. Now. He realized what he could have met.

If he had died. Now he truly wants to live you are given an opportunity to truly live. Let's go after this world and live 2nd Corinthians 5 16 17 there for from now on WE regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh yet. Now, we know him thus no longer. Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation old things have passed away behold all things have become new. when you look at a Christian a real Christian I want you to see more. I want you to see that that Christian has died with Christ and is a new creation made by God. You are a new creation made by God. All of that past life is gone as soon as you are a new creation. Oh, yeah. You can remember to know where you came from.

But I'm sorry buddy. I can't hang with you no more.

I'm sorry girlfriend, but all you do is get me in trouble. I'm sorry brother. I'm not going out to the bars no more. I'm not getting drunk. I'm not abusing my body. I'm not abusing other people.

Oh, yeah, I keep that as a memory we're belongs but don't dwell on it. Christ forgave you forgive yourself and move forward.

This person can do anything this person and this person I'm talking about is you this person can do anything.

Christ strengthens him or her this person has

and they can do amazing things.

Romans 8:37 nay in all these things. We are more than conquerors through him that loves us. We are more than conquerors. We are winners We Are Soldiers we will win this battle Thor has already been once Christ has defeated death, we go into this world knowing that Christ is our savior.

And death death death. Death Death is no more is no longer. We are alive. We are New Creations in a car Lord and Savior Jesus died so you could live.

not in heaven right here. Can you see the new you? Have you seen the new you and the mirror? Have you seen the you of now?

You are a new creation. You are no longer the person you are no longer the man you are no longer the woman. Yes, and someday people are going to stand up and testify and say if you knew me way back when But look at me now.

Are you Standing Tall with Christ in me?

And I come to church to worship him and to thank him for all he's done for me. Oh, yeah their struggles there are struggles. We got Christ on our side. Rejoice you don't have to return to the role-playing lifestyle anymore.

but the holy ghost power the holy ghost power the holy ghost power is going to pull you. The holy ghost power is going to keep you away. The holy ghost power is going to say no. I don't want to go with your brother.

And I just assumed here staying here alone.

And know that I am going to be alright. Yes ask yourself if you believe in Heaven and Hell by sure, I do it. I certainly don't want to go to hell. So what do you got to lose? You have potential. You have that Warrior Spirit we sing about it.

Don't let them be empty words that you sing know what you know what you know what you know. And don't let anyone tell you any different.

God will give you your holy desires. God will give you your vision. God will give you a challenge that requires faith. He will. And you may think that you're alone, but you're not.

And God will give you the victory.

Earn an accredited degree from Redemption Seminary with Logos.