This is the Son of God 04/11/21
Slide One
This is the Son of God
John 1:1-19-50
Slide Two
John 1:19-34
Slide Three
John's Purpose in Writing
John 20:30-31
Slide Four
John 1:1-18
The Eternal Christ (v 1-3)
The Incarnate Christ (v 4-5)
The forerunner of Christ (v 6-8)
The Unrecognized Christ (v 9-11)
The Glorious Christ (v 14-18
Slide Five
John 1:19-28
Slide Six
John 1:29-32
Slide Seven
Matthew 3:1-6
Slide Eight
Matthew 3:7-8
Slide Nine
Matthew 3:11
Slide Ten
Matthew 13-17
Slide Eleven
John 1:35-42
Slide Twelve
Cephas = "rock" in Aramaic
Peter means "rock" in Greek
Slide Thirteen
John 1:43-50
Slide Fourteen
1. Have you truly repented?
2. Can you say, "I am not what I want to be, but praise God I'm not what I was?"
3. Have you identified with Christ through baptism?
4. Have you answered the call, "Follow Me?"
5. Does your life point others to Christ in the manner of John the Baptist?