The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Randy Darnell
End Of Days  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Jesus even now is punishing the wicked and strengthening the faithful.

Last Sunday was Easter Sunday and ya’ll know I was excited we were studying Revelation chapter 5.
It was so cool though that on the day we celebrate the Lord’s resurrection from the dead, we read the passage of what happened in heaven on that day.
What we studied last week could not have happened without Jesus’ dying on a cross, being buried in a tomb and being resurrected by God on the third day.
But it did happen, Jesus was faithful, Jesus is the only person in the entire created universe who was worthy to open the scroll and implement the plan God has to make “all things new.”
We ended the service last Sunday by singing Andrew Peterson’s “Is He Worthy?” which was among the coolist songs I’ve ever sung on an Easter.
It was a good day all around - we had a number of folks we haven’t seen in a long time back and we had over 440 people on campus and 31 families watching by live stream from places such as Chelsea, Michigan and Ft. Collins, Colorado and we are thrilled they joined us.
It was a great day and here we are on the Sunday after Resurrection Sunday and we find ourselves face to face with some controversy.
You just heard ______________________ read the first 8 verses of Chapter 6 and it’s about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Has their ever been a cooler title of anything ever?
At least 4 movies have been made with that title - the earliest was a silent film in 1921.
If you go to Amazon and type in “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” book, it will return 351 results, one of which was a book written by Billy Graham.
It’s a cool title, but here is the controversy.
Many reputable people believe that between chapter 5 and chapter 6 of Revelation is when the Rapture takes place.
If you didn’t grow up Baptist, you may have no clue what a rapture is, other than a cool Blondie song from the 80’s.
The idea of a rapture, or a miraculous rescuing of the church, comes from something the apostle Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18.
1 Thessalonians 4:16–18 ESV
For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage one another with these words.
The idea is that one day in the future, Jesus will physically return to call the dead from the grave and all Christians who are alive will immediately change and will meet Jesus in the air.
And he’s going to do this is to save the church from having to go through the intense suffering of the Great Tribulation.
There are at least three schools of thought about the rapture.
The president of my Alma mater, SEBTS, Daniel Akin, believes the rapture happens right here, between chapter 5 and 6.
In Dr. Akin’s thinking, the 7 years of the great tribulation - the reign of the Antichrist, is about to begin and God rescues his people from it.
He uses something we’ve studied to bolster his argument.
In Revelation 3:10, Jesus says to the faithful church in Philadelphia.
Revelation 3:10 ESV
Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth.
It gives me the heebie-jeebies to disagree with my seminary President and I’m not going to say that he’s wrong, I’m going to say I don’t agree.
The second school of thought is the rapture will happen at the mid-point of the 7 year great tribulation before everything gets really bad.
This is the same argument as Dr. Akin, it’s just that the event will happen 3 1/2 years later than he says.
Again, I’m not going to say that position is wrong, I’m going to say I don’t agree.
Third school of thought is mine and a number of other reputable people: We’re just not sure about the rapture, but it’s definitely not between chapters 5 and 6.
Now before you call a deacon’s meeting to get me tossed out for Dispensational heresy, I’m not saying that what Paul says in 1 Thessalonians won’t happen.
What I am saying is, I’m leaning more and more towards the idea that we may have misapplied his teaching - there is a lot more thinking and praying to be done about this.
Now here is your choice.
I taught an extension class on Matthew once a long time ago.
Matthew has a section in chapters 24 and 25 that talk about the End of Days, about Jesus’ return and the final judgement.
The class went swimmingly until we got to Matthew 24 and here’s my deal.
I refuse to say that we know exactly how things are going to work when Jesus returns.
The Jews had it all figured out before Jesus came the first time and how did that work out for them?
When I didn’t agree with this guys concrete, step by step belief on the second coming, he got very angry, he implied I didn’t believe the Bible and he never came back.
If you find what I am saying too much of a challenge, you can do that to.
Or you can listen, and consider, and meditate and pray and see if maybe, just maybe the Lord might be trying to strengthen our faith.
Let’s get on with it.
At the end of chapter 5, after all of creation has praised Jesus to the top of their lungs, the four living creatures surrounding the throne of the Father say, “Amen.”
Or in my world, they said, “Bring it.”
And Jesus does.
He takes the scroll from his Father’s hand.
On this scroll is the step-by-step plan of how Jesus will make all things new and it’s sealed perfectly with seven seals.
In chapter six where we start today, Jesus begins to work the plan - he opens the first seal.
Some reputable folks believe that this happens at the end of days and ushers in the great tribulation - that there is a giant pause between the resurrection day and the end of days.
John doesn’t say that.
The way John wrote it, when the Amen was sounded, this scene immediately begins.
This has already happened, it happened 2,000 years ago.
The four horsemen are already roaming the earth - listen - doing Jesus’ bidding.
Jesus opens the seals and each time a seal is opened, one of the four creatures will say “Come!
Verse one says it’s a voice like thunder.
Thunder and lightning are symbols for judgement - that’s important to know.
With the opening of the first seal of the scroll, the judgement of the world begins.
This idea of four horsemen in not new in the Bible.
In fact, as Matt Chandler - the Pastor of the Village Church says - there’s nothing in Revelation that you won’t find elsewhere in the Bible.
And that makes sense - God’s been working his plan since day one.
Ezekiel 5:12 talks about horsemen.
Jeremiah 15:3 talks about horsemen, as does Zechariah 1:8-10.
Zechariah 1:8–10 ESV
“I saw in the night, and behold, a man riding on a red horse! He was standing among the myrtle trees in the glen, and behind him were red, sorrel, and white horses. Then I said, ‘What are these, my lord?’ The angel who talked with me said to me, ‘I will show you what they are.’ So the man who was standing among the myrtle trees answered, ‘These are they whom the Lord has sent to patrol the earth.’
Now this is important so listen up - this entire section of Zechariah is concerned with God’s jealousy for his people and his plan to bless his people and fulfill his promises to his people.
Everything that happens in Revelation is because the Lord is jealous for his people.
He has a plan to bless them and fulfill every promise that he has ever made to them.
Listen, listen, Revelation isn’t just about crushing the bad guys.
It’s about gathering up and blessing the church - it’s about mighty warrior taking on the worst, strongest, meanest powers of all time to rescue his bride.
He will not be deterred.
He will not be defeated.
His love is too great - his power is too strong.
Let’s talk about the horses.
You would think that white horses always carry the good guys except - when the bad guys are trying to look like the good guys.
When we get to Revelation 19, we’ll see Jesus enter the scene on a white horse and all of the armies of heaven will be behind all riding white horses.
But here, there is only one, solitary white horse - its rider has a bow and a crown - and John uses the most peculiar choice of words.
“…He came out conquering, and to conquer.”
What he means is, he came to conquer - and none of his conquering is by accident.
Everything he does is totally by design.
The rider of the white horse is the deceiver - his goal is to deceive as many as possible and he will deceive many.
This isn’t a new biblical concept.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 says:
2 Corinthians 11:13–15 ESV
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.
Jesus warns us: Luke 21:8-9
Luke 21:8–9 ESV
And he said, “See that you are not led astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ and, ‘The time is at hand!’ Do not go after them. And when you hear of wars and tumults, do not be terrified, for these things must first take place, but the end will not be at once.”
The deceiver is loose right now.
When people say that children can’t choose what food to eat to be healthy, but they can choose what sex they want to be when they grow up,
When marriage can be between most anyone and anyone else,
When lies are called truth and truth is called lies, it’s pretty apparent that the deceiver is doing a great job conquering.
But he’s not working alone.
The second horse is the red horse and his job is to take peace from the world.
Now let’s say this about that - pay attention - every government that has ever been has promised peace.
Rome was the superpower when John wrote the Revelation and they promised peace to every land they conquered.
You’ve probably heard of the Pax Romana - the Peace of Rome - and most of the conquered territories did have a form of peace - and that makes sense.
When you could walk down a road and it was lined for over a mile with crucified people on both sides of the road, well, you’d kind of think twice before arguing with the government, wouldn’t you?
Every government promises peace - but every government delivers conquest and bloodshed.
Every government - our government.
Look at this, the red rider has a “great sword.”
This is where we are happy for those who read the original language.
The great sword is not a big sword - it’s actually more like a dagger but it’s a very fine, very specialized dagger - a great dagger.
It’s one that is used for hand to hand combat.
This is what you would use if you were going to walk up to someone, whisper in their ear and while you are whispering, you slide a knife between their ribs.
It is used to sew confusion, to make people wonder who is doing what and what is going on.
It’s used to turn a person against a person.
Today we call it community organizing.
We call it identity politics.
We call it cancel culture - and we shouldn’t be surprised - Jesus told us it was coming.
Luke 12:51-53
Luke 12:51–53 ESV
Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. For from now on in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”
The dagger of the red horsemen is equally effective at a government function as it is at a family reunion, or among friends, at work, at school, in your own house.
But he’s not working alone.
The third horse is black.
He ushers in starvation and famine.
You can almost guarantee that when peace is gone, food shortages are right behind.
It’s foolish in our current climate to assume we’ll always be able to go to Ingle’s and pick up everything we need.
We did have that toilet paper thing, didn’t we?
That was a shot across our bow.
Famine was not unusual - they had just had a famine in 92 AD - about the time John wrote this.
The way governments handled famines was to ration food and the way they rationed it was by weight.
Scales were bought out and for a day’s wage, you got enough food to last you for a day.
And if you had a family, you’d get more food but of a lesser quality.
Starvation was a real possibility.
Want a reason why I think the black horse is roaming the earth right now?
Since John wrote the Revelation, 357,377,000 people have died from starvation that we are aware of.
It is estimated that one of the greatest causes of death for children around the world right now is starvation.
And still, there is one last horse.
The last horse is described as pale - but the word actually means pale green - he’s the color of a corpse.
He is sent out by Jesus - he’s not operating on his own - he was sent out by Jesus and he and the other horsemen were given the authority to claim up to 1/4 of all of the people alive.
Now, let’s put this in some kind of perspective.
Traditionally, I was raised to believe that 1/4 of the earth’s population would die of war and starvation and disease during the great tribulation, but guys, let me share something with you.
Since this was written, 545,827,000 people have died as a result of war that we know of.
Combine that with the folks who have died of famine, and that’s 903 million people that we know of.
Listen to me, why in the world are we thinking that the four horsemen won’t be loosed until the end of days?
We are over 1/2 way to have 25% of the world’s population dead right now with just war and famine.
I didn’t get stats on disease and pestilence.
When is the tribulation supposed to start?
It started on the day Jesus opened the first seal and Jesus opened the first seal on the day he ascended into heaven.
When John wrote the book of the Revelation, his world felt out of control.
Not only was he being exiled because of his faith, he remembered friends and maybe family that lost their lives when Nero persecuted the Christians in 64 ad.
They had a major earthquake in 60 that killed hundreds.
Mt. Vesuvius erupted in 79 and literally wiped Pompey and everyone in Pompey off the map.
In 92, a grain famine struck the kingdom and thousands started to die.
I wouldn’t fault Christians who start wondering if God really was in control when the world looks so out of control.
God gave the Revelation to John to remind him - God is in control.
Think about what you have heard today.
The four horsemen aren’t roaming the earth unrestrained.
Jesus sent them.
They can only do what he allows them to do and they can only serve the purpose he has chosen for them to serve.
Remember, in verse we hear, “And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth...”
Their authority is not their own - their power is not limitless.
They are working God’s plan.
Now, the big question - what is the plan?
First, Jesus is using the four horsemen to bring judgement on the ungodly.
The deception of the first horse is for winnowing people out.
Jesus said Matthew 24:24
Matthew 24:24 ESV
For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
Jesus has warned us - he’s made it very clear - this is what’s going to happen.
Study, read, pray - be ready - study like your life depends on it, because it does.
Know what you believe - know what is truth - hang on to that truth.
In a nation where evangelical Christians have just been labeled as extremists, it is very clear that a winnowing is happening.
We are being required to choose sides.
The white horse makes that happen that - there will be those who are deceived and those who believe.
Also, notice this too - while we were lulled to sleep looking for beasts and dragons and stars falling from the sky, the Lord was bringing judgement the way he has always brought judgement.
Didn’t the Lord use the Assyrians and the Babylonians to bring a revival to Israel?
Weren’t the Assyrian and Babylonian kings and people godless?
Weren’t they unbelievers and worse, weren’t they idol worshippers?
That’s why I thought it was silly when Christians were arguing about whether Donald Trump could be used of God.
If God used Sennacherib of Assyria and Nabonidus of Babylon, he couldn’t use Trump? or Biden? Or Obama? Really?
Ya’ll been listening to the rider of the white horse.
Didn’t God use the Israelites to bring judgement to the Canaanites?
What was their sin?
They sacrificed their children to the God Molech - burned them alive on his altar.
I just realized, if you add the 62+ million aborted babies to the numbers I had before, we’re up to almost a billion people dead from war, famine and pestilence.
Folks, we don’t need to be waiting for stars to fall from the sky.
The Lord’s judgement is occuring right now and he’s doing it the way he has always done it.
Secondly, Jesus is using the four horsemen to test and purify Christians.
And here is why I don’t buy the idea of a general pre-tribulation rapture.
God doesn’t appear to honor fluffy Christians.
The only church with the guarantee of not suffering through the most harsh trial was the church that had already suffered through a harsh trial.
They had already suffered through hard times and had proven themselves faithful.
Jesus said to every church, “The one who conquers...”
Folks, this isn’t going to be easy but it is for a reason.
What happens when Christians suffer for the faith?
Non-Christians see them and end up believing the truth.
Wavering Christians see them and become stronger.
What is the saying? “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.”
And one other thing happens.
As Christians stand for truth, truth is proclaimed and it becomes very apparent who belongs to the Lord and who doesn’t.
Matthew 12:36-37
Matthew 12:36–37 ESV
I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
Look around yourself, right now all around us, the world is condemning the truth.
You can’t stand on the fence any longer.
The four horsemen are loose - they are separating the world into two camps.
One will be cast into a lake of fire where they will die every day over and over and over again.
The other group will live and reign with Jesus forever.
This is the group who realized that without Jesus, they were destined to hell.
That their lives was a treadmill of their best decisions that always ended in hopelessness.
Always ended with, is that all there is?
To be a whole person, you must have Jesus.
He will wash your sins away - he will remove your guilt and shame.
He will give you a new life.
And he will walk with you forever.
We’re going to pray and then we are going to sing.
The altar is open for you to pray if you want.
I’ll be here to speak to anyone who wants to follow Jesus.
Please don’t wait - the time is shorter today than it ever has been before.
Let us pray.
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