#1 Bibliology - Revelation

Foundations in Christian Doctrine #1 Bibliology - Revelation Introduction to Christian Doctrine What is “theology”? The study of ________. Incomprehensible (Job 11:7) Knowable (John 17:3) Ten Categories of Systematic Theology: 1. Bibliology: The Study of the Bible 2. Theology: The Study of God 3. Christology: The Study of Christ 4. Pneumatology: The Study of the Holy Spirit 5. Angelology: The Study of Angels 6. Anthropology: The Study of Man 7. Hamartiology: The Study of Sin 8. Soteriology: The Study of Salvation 9. Ecclesiology: The Study of the Church 10. Eschatology: The Study of the End Times Bibliology Road Map: 1. Revelation: God has revealed Himself. 2. Inspiration: The Word of God is divinely inspired, “God-breathed,” and that poses several implications. 3. Canonicity: How do we know what books are actually Scripture? 4. Preservation: How do we know that the Bible we have today accurately represents what God originally gave? Revelation De nition • • fi 1 Foundations in Christian Doctrine Ancient Near Eastern Context • Natural/Divination: • Experiential/Prophetic: Biblical Context What biblical forms of revelation can you think of? There are two broad categories of revelation from the one true God. 1. _____________ (Natural) Revelation 2. _____________ (Special) Revelation Types of General Revelation General revelation is general in its ______________. It is available to all people from all time. Creation (Psalm 19:1-6) — For further study: Job 12:7-9, 12; Ps 139:14; Rom 1:19-21 Providence (Acts 14:14-18) — For further study: Mt 5:45; 6:26-30 Conscience (Romans 2:14-16) — 2 Foundations in Christian Doctrine Content of General Revelation General revelation is also general in its _______________. It contains only enough information for one to be judged but not for one to be saved. • • • • • Ps 19 The glory of God and His handiwork Mt 5:45 God’s goodness to provide Acts 14:17 God’s control over nature to provide Rom 1:20 God’s eternal power and Deity Rom 2:14-16 Man is accountable to God as Judge See Rom 1:18-23. Speci c Revelation Theophanies - Prophecies - Christ (Incarnate Word) - For further study: Philippians 2; Hebrews 1 Scripture (Inscripturate Word) - 1. We _______ God’s revelation (1 Corinthians 2; Proverbs 29:18). 2. We have a more __________ word of prophecy (2 Pet 1:19). Homework Read Psalm 19, considering the concept of revelation. Notice the David’s transition from general revelation to speci c revelation. fi fi 3