Easter People are Not Afraid
When I was younger, I was a huge Horror movie fan. Although now, I am not interested in watch people get hurt. The gore and the evil are not attractive to me anymore. However, I still like a movie that has a jump scare or two, or to watch Superhero movies and see the battle where good will win somehow in the end. It is that battle between good and evil that in some way give me some adrenaline and also a little bit of courage to fight my own battles as well.
I like stories where someone rises above their fear, or rises above what others say about them. I am encouraged by seeing a battle won, or good being proven right. Many of us like these stories, even if it is different types of battles. Good overcoming evil is inspiring to those of us who live on the side of good, or desire to see righteousness and justice prevail. However, these stories wouldn’t be the great stories that they are if the battle was easy. Wouldn’t you agree?
Pray and read Luke 24:36-48
While they were talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” They were startled and terrified, and thought that they were seeing a ghost. He said to them, “Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet; see that it is I myself. Touch me and see; for a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. While in their joy they were disbelieving and still wondering, he said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate in their presence. Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you—that everything written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms must be fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures, and he said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.
Being Fearless is not the absence of Fear, but is overcoming that which causes you Fear.
Being Fearless is not the absence of Fear, but is overcoming that which causes you Fear.
“While they were talking about this”, is where we begin today. So let’s first talk about, what they were talking about. Not only had Mary come that morning to tell them that Jesus has risen from the dead, but also, they have now heard from two others who followed Jesus’ teachings who swore they walked and talked with Jesus for seven miles on the road to a town called Emmaus. So, the disciples were pondering these things and talking among themselves about with they had witnessed and heard from others.
If you remember last week, this story is almost the same as last weeks text, just from a different Gospel. Luke goes a little deeper into what Jesus said to the disciples that first time He appeared to them. Jesus’ first words to them are the same, “Peace be with you.” Yet, this text goes a little deeper into what “peace” means. To be at peace is to recognize a situation, as bad as it may be, and working to overcome it. What you are really overcoming is fear.
To overcome their fear, the disciples were told to look at Jesus with the scars. First, recognize that yes, that gruesome death did happen. But the reality is still that Jesus is alive again. Realize the truth in this situation.
Next, Jesus moves them on from their shock and eats with them. Surely a ghost can’t eat, right? So, it seems they get to test reality for themselves, they get to see it for themselves. When we have a fear of something, often times we are able to overcome that fear by trying it out for ourselves. Thinking through our fear logically, thinking about worst and best case scenarios can help us see the bigger picture.
Finally, Jesus tells them plainly (paraphrase), “I told you that these things were going to happen. As a matter of fact, parts of the Torah, the psalms and the prophecies of Isaiah and others foretold the exact things that you have seen happen.” He also tells them that they are to witness to others about what they have seen and been taught. Jesus was going to send help, who we know as the Holy Spirit, to guide them in their witnessing and actions. We have the same help! We too have the written word of God that is filled with God’s promises for His people and also we have the Spirit of God to guide us in each step we take.
“Be Fearless in the Pursuit of what sets your Soul on Fire”
“Be Fearless in the Pursuit of what sets your Soul on Fire”
I have on the wall in my office a painting with the statement, “Be fearless in pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” I bought this at a time in my life when fear was rampant in me, and I was craving peace, endurance, and strength from the Lord. So I would meditate on those words. I would pray for God to help me do what I was called to do. Praying that God would give me strength and wisdom to rise above the battle that I was facing.
The battle I was facing had everything to do with God’s call on my life. If you think doing what God calls you to do is always going to be easy, then you are wrong. I want you to understand that all of life, the good and the bad happens to all of us. Nothing worth doing is going to be easy. I worry about some of you in this way, and know that this is a deep prayer I have for this church. If you think that doing any kind of ministry should be easy, fall right into your time frame, not take much of your resources and should always work out right, then you are likely to fail the minute fear creeps in. The minute that you see adversity, is not the time to give in or give up. Yes, you may have doubt, prayerfully discern that your concerns. Discern if there is certain details or elements that are not working and how you can work around or through them. Pray for courage and wisdom in doing that which God has called you to do.
In my own experience, when fear creeps in, it gives me to opportunity to go back to the beginning when I first had that dream or passion to do what God was leading me to do. Think about that, the passion-filled fire that was excitement and joy. The feeling of helping others, growing closer to God, seeing the smile on the faces of people and also yourself. Pursue that feeling again. That is what I call the passion for ministry. We all have it. We all are called, asked by God to do something, our career and our work among the church. That which God has called you to, He will give you the passion to do it well. It won’t be easy, it will take some work, but it will set your soul on fire. There are blessings abound for those who work according to God’s will.
So, what is your biggest fear? Do you allow your fear to keep you from living life? What do you fear happening in doing that which God is leading you to do? Is it other people, is it time, or is it your human limitations? These things are valid! These things are real! But so is your God! Where have you seen God promise to bless His people before and come through on that promise? Think, just how God is going to bless you and come through on His promise to you in your life? On your own, your fear can swallow you whole, but through the power of Christ and His Holy Spirit, you can know that you have the Almighty God on your side.