To be Concerned

Appreciation (workers) v. 1-16
Avoidance (false teachers) v. 17-20
Paul cannot quit without one last word. And an important word, too: one that warns the Roman believers of false teachers who will divide the flock and disrupt the fellowship. These must be watched for and avoided, that peace and purity may be maintained.
For this reason, the Christian must not be naive and foolishly accept everything that comes along. He must closely observe and intelligently inspect all teaching lest insidious false doctrine ruin the church.
The word “avoid” means, literally, to turn away from. The protection and purity and peace of the fellowship is the goal of such decisive action. The imperative “avoid” is continuing action, too.
These teachers’ “fair speeches” serve to aid them in deceiving the naive (“simple”) believers. We do not need, in the church, a naive piety that believes everything and everyone is good. We need courageous, intelligent exposure of hurtful heresy.
Paul’s mention of the “simple,” trusting believer who is so easily deceived by false doctrine reminds him of the need for informed, judicious observation and action.
Encourage (from leaders) v. 20-23
Glorify God v. 25-27
That establishing will take place in perfect accord with the “gospel” Paul preached—and here “gospel” includes all his teaching about justification and Christian duty and development.
He knows how to accomplish His own good will in the wisest way.
Jesus himself glorified God, and what He has accomplished results in God’s glory.