To be Concerned

The History of the Church  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  43:33
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Appreciation (workers) v. 1-16

This is the final chapter in Romans and Paul’s fair well;
Paul, in the chapter, is sharing his love and concern for a group of people because of their faithful work for Christ, the church and himself;
Not only that but he wants the church at Rome to receive them as though they were receiving him personally;
Now some of these people lived in Rome or, in the specific case of Phoebe, would be traveling to Rome;
But whats interesting is that Paul has never been to Rome but is still well known;
Why - because of his dedication to spreading the gospel to the Gentiles;
How are we “the church” appreciating fellow Christians - with love and compassion or knives and daggers?

Avoidance (false teachers) v. 17-20

The Book of Romans 3. Beseeching for Purity (Romans 16:17–20)

Paul cannot quit without one last word. And an important word, too: one that warns the Roman believers of false teachers who will divide the flock and disrupt the fellowship. These must be watched for and avoided, that peace and purity may be maintained.

In the King James Version they use the word “mark” instead of “note” however the intent is the same to recognize and identify those that are teaching different “contrary” doctrine;
So why did they, and ourselves need to watch out for them - because they can cause division within the fellowship by becoming stumbling blocks;
The Book of Romans Watching (Verses 17, 18)

For this reason, the Christian must not be naive and foolishly accept everything that comes along. He must closely observe and intelligently inspect all teaching lest insidious false doctrine ruin the church.

So what should be done on they are are identified;
Avoid them - we should stay away from them and they should be removed from access to the congregation;
The Book of Romans Watching (Verses 17, 18)

The word “avoid” means, literally, to turn away from. The protection and purity and peace of the fellowship is the goal of such decisive action. The imperative “avoid” is continuing action, too.

Understand them - they are not there to serve Christ but rather to be self-serving;
The Book of Romans Watching (Verses 17, 18)

These teachers’ “fair speeches” serve to aid them in deceiving the naive (“simple”) believers. We do not need, in the church, a naive piety that believes everything and everyone is good. We need courageous, intelligent exposure of hurtful heresy.

As a believer you should listen and then verify the teachings - don’t take what is said from the platform as absolute;
The Book of Romans Wise (Verses 19, 20)

Paul’s mention of the “simple,” trusting believer who is so easily deceived by false doctrine reminds him of the need for informed, judicious observation and action.

This why it is import to stay in God’s word individually and corporately;

Encourage (from leaders) v. 20-23

How are we encouraging each other, how are we letting each other know we care;
These eight men listed here wanted the church of Rome to know they cared, they prayed for them and they are with them in the work of Christ;
While this should occur within the congregation it should even more so be displayed by church leadership;
When the leadership truly shows they care and in the work it will spread throughout the congregation.

Glorify God v. 25-27

As Paul closes the letter he turns back to the most important think - glorifying God;
Because of God’s power to establish;
The Book of Romans 5. A Benediction of Praise (Romans 16:25–27)

That establishing will take place in perfect accord with the “gospel” Paul preached—and here “gospel” includes all his teaching about justification and Christian duty and development.

Because of God’s wisdom;
The Book of Romans 5. A Benediction of Praise (Romans 16:25–27)

He knows how to accomplish His own good will in the wisest way.

Because God glorified Jesus;
The Book of Romans 5. A Benediction of Praise (Romans 16:25–27)

Jesus himself glorified God, and what He has accomplished results in God’s glory.

“Any church or believer today that has lost a sense of urgency and fervor for reaching lost people would do well to study this letter. Understanding the gospel as the power of God should serve to energize a passion for souls and a desire to glorify God.” Michael G. Vanlaningham The Moody Bible Commentary Moody Publishers Chicago, Ill. 2014 (page 1771)
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