Christ's Method
Love Ministry • Sermon • Submitted
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· 38 viewsThis sermon we will learn about the approach Christ used to connect with people. He met them where they were but the relationship grew to the point where they were willing to accept His teachings.
Kids are noisy
They didn’t come
I saw them eating out
They are having marriage issues
Aren’t you doing to...
Bank account
Sharing truth
“I won’t invite them.”
“I like their friendship.”
you give
before you take!
“I am giving...
I’m giving them a lesson on why they should not be eating pork.
I didn’t charge them for that lesson...”
That is a withdrawal.
it takes something from them.
Something they like!
Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, “Follow Me.” - Ministry of Healing, 143
Cliche but true
“They don’t care what you know, until they know that you care.”
Jesus was amazing at this.
What does it look like to mingle with them and show our sympathy for them?
Ministry of Healing Medical Missionaries and Their Work
There is need of coming close to the people by personal effort. If less time were given to sermonizing, and more time were spent in personal ministry, greater results would be seen. The poor are to be relieved, the sick cared for, the sorrowing and the bereaved comforted, the ignorant instructed, the inexperienced counseled. We are to weep with those that weep, and rejoice with those that rejoice.
Spend time with
less fortunate.
Christ’s Approach
Christ’s Approach
Jesus Heals Crowds
Jesus Heals Crowds
And great crowds came to him, bringing with them the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute, and many others, and they put them at his feet, and he healed them,
That evening at sundown they brought to him all who were sick or oppressed by demons. And the whole city was gathered together at the door. And he healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons. And he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him.
Jesus time spent?
Not Preaching...
What is clear
Jesus’ love for them.
When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.
Heart hurts
with love.
He loves
the unlovely.
Everyone can see
compassion in His eyes.
Growing Popularity
Growing Popularity
Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the sea, and a great crowd followed, from Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem and Idumea and from beyond the Jordan and from around Tyre and Sidon. When the great crowd heard all that he was doing, they came to him. And he told his disciples to have a boat ready for him because of the crowd, lest they crush him, for he had healed many, so that all who had diseases pressed around him to touch him.
When reading
accepted him
Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you are seeking me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves.
Many loved
But not
True Mission
Not true believers
Prosperity Gospel
But there are some of you who do not believe.” (For Jesus knew from the beginning who those were who did not believe, and who it was who would betray him.)
Goes from
one extreme to other
crown Him
leave Him
Not my kind of Messiah.
We want God of our creation!
Many leave
After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. So Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?”
From thousands
to twelve...
How did he weed them out?
Ten Lepers
Ten Lepers
Does He?
And as he entered a village, he was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance and lifted up their voices, saying, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” When he saw them he said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went they were cleansed. Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; and he fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus answered, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” And he said to him, “Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well.”
I’m impatient
Want result
Want them fast
Get bored.
Is this moving forward.
What am I getting out of this?
What am I getting out of this?
Satan can waste time.
How often
Jesus turn people away?
When He knew results!!!
Christ’s method is a method of perseverance.
A missions director once met with the mother of one of his agency’s missionaries and spent some time getting to know her. She prepared tea for the director in her parlor and as they drank the tea, she explained to him the difficulty of having a daughter on the mission field of China and a son as a missionary in Sudan. She loved and missed them dearly, but as she explained, her love for God allowed her to let them follow His will for their lives. The mother went on to describe the burden her son had for the Sudanese people. Her relay of his description of the people brought her to tears several times during the conversation. The missions director left her house with a deeper appreciation for the parents of missionaries and a greater burden for the country of Sudan.
A few months later the missions director got word that a missionary in Sudan had been killed—it was the Scottish lady’s son. Feeling he should be the one to break the news to her, he once again visited the mother in her home. After telling her the tragic news, the mother looked down, and in a few moments of composure she said, “Sir, I would rather have my son die in the middle of Sudan, alone, than to have him living here with me, disobeying God’s will.”
Fruit takes time.
Not microwave ministry.
built on relationships
that take time.
Not built on
Revelation Seminars
large baptisms
50% leave
biggest factor
Information only
goes so far.
Good Samaritan
Good Samaritan
Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him and departed, leaving him half dead. Now by chance a priest was going down that road, and when he saw him he passed by on the other side. So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion. He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him. And the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, ‘Take care of him, and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back.’
Who is the true Good Samaritan
He goes out of way
to save us!
D. L. Moody wrote the following words next to Isaiah 6:8 in his Bible:
“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do, and what I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do.”
And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”
had somewhere to be
take extra time
extra work
extra resources
extra effort
extra money
and more time!
Christ’s method
huge investment!
And 9 out of 10
Don’t say thank you!
The reward
is in heaven!
Yet truth,
long run,
most effective.
true life change!!!
The Master was searching for a vessel to use;
On the shelf there were many—which one would He choose?
Take me, cried the gold one, I’m shiny and bright,
I’m of great value and I do things just right.
My beauty and luster will outshine the rest
And for someone like You, Master, gold would be the best!
Unheeding, the Master passed on to the brass,
It was wide mouthed and shallow, and polished like glass.
Here! Here! cried the vessel, I know I will do,
Place me on Your table for all men to view.
Look at me, called the goblet of crystal so clear,
My transparency shows my contents so dear,
Though fragile am I, I will serve You with pride,
And I’m sure I’ll be happy Your house to abide.
The Master came next to a vessel of wood,
Polished and carved, it solidly stood.
You may use me, dear Master, the wooden bowl said,
But I’d rather You used me for fruit, not for bread!
Then the Master looked down and saw a vessel of clay.
Empty and broken it helplessly lay.
No hope had the vessel that the Master might choose,
To cleanse and make whole, to fill and to use.
Ah! This is the vessel I’ve been hoping to find,
I will mend and use it and make it all Mine.
I need not the vessel with pride of itself;
Nor the one who is narrow to sit on the shelf;
Nor the one who is big-mouthed and shallow and loud;
Nor one who displays his contents so proud;
Not the one who thinks he can do all things just right;
But this plain earthy vessel filled with My power and might.
Then gently He lifted the vessel of clay.
Mended and cleansed it and filled it that day.
Spoke to it kindly. “There’s work you must do,
Just pour out to others as I pour into you.”
—Author Unknown
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