Ye Shall Live Also

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The Apostolic Oasis Church of Jesus Christ. Pastor A. Keene. Scriptures: John 14: 19; Romans: 8: 11, 32; 2 Peter 3:13

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the number 3

praise God and verse 13

He said praise God praise His name

Nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens and a new Earth. wherein dwelleth righteousness and finally we go back to the book of Romans and we read to versus there also has the word of God will Enlighten Us and Them power of today Romans chapter 8 and hold dear little heart the words of the Lord. Romans 8:11 reads, but if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead Dwelling you he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also Quicken your mortal bodies. by his spirit the Duelist and you now

verse 32 reads He that spared not his own son. But delivered him up for us all. How shall he not with him also? Freely, give us all things. Can somebody say thank you Jesus.

You may be seated in the presence of the Lord.

Just wanted to honor the spirit of the Lord and two or co-pastor moderate to to our praise team technical Team 2. or musician And our congregation in general to our faithful Brethren. I just want to greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and also to our extended family and following us by virtual space. We give thanks to God for you a man can everybody in a collaborative way say praise the Lord. Hey, man, you are happy to be here and we're excited. And so I just want to greet and welcome everybody those Brethren who we haven't seen in a long while some we have we have seen some we have heard but some we never having seen or heard but we're glad we're in the same physical space today a man. We want to give God. Thanks for you are a man and special greetings a special greetings to Sister daily McGregor. Amen. amen A man who came to receive of the blessings of the Lord so much that she'd want to come back next week a man. That's how it was in the book of Acts to know when the Apostle Paul minister of the word got to them. They wanted more. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen Church Say Amen. We're in agreement because we believe that God is doing something great Among Us. I just am extremely happy and excited because on today is April 4th.

I was twice born. Hey, man. on April 4th

a date like this date 1982 a man of God spoke over my life. And I was healed delivered from death. And filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Can somebody help me praise God?

Yesterday I missed the date and I was so excited even though I know it's today and I knelt down and I was giving God. Thanks, and then I realize that the date was wrong and I said, okay, I'm praising God in advance. Amen. Amen. Amen. Can somebody help me praise God? Hallelujah, if it if it was not for that day there would not have been this day. Amen. And if it wasn't for the resurrection of Jesus Hallelujah, then there would not have been that day. Can we really give God? Thanks. Amen. Somebody just jump to your feet. Help me praise God. I just said pasta is alive Hallelujah alive because Jesus is Alive.

tornado Can somebody help me please.

Hallelujah God wrote America in my life

Hallelujah I could have been dead but not should have been dead.

I could have been dead but not should have been dead. I should have been alive kind of hair on my today who cut the Lord has done. Hallelujah, healthy praising people of God the Lord has done that. Somebody got paid with me.

Remember we're excited on her birthday. When I tell you get me excited with me the woman at Jacob's. Well, come see a man Hallelujah, which told me that override ID is not this. the Christ so I give God. Thanks, and we're wherever we shock GW Johnson is today. I just want to release a blessing in the atmosphere for him right now. I'm going to ask everyone of us inside the said if it's right now to stand with me and lift your hands and let's pray a prayer for the man of God. father We don't know Bishop Johnson's current state as we stand here right now. But you who feel all the time and space knows this. High School Shanda Messiah Bush Academy crowbar Santa bachata Hallelujah I call into effect the law of reciprocity right now. And I release a blessing. We call La burra Tivoli release a blessing from this house up on his life and family that that which is the right way to continue to be made right? And anywhere anything is wrong or went wrong around him or anyone that has anything to do with him. God let the devil pray for strength and your manservant undergirding helium sustain and provide for him for taking Authority and praying for the servant of God lord here serves so many others and it's his time to be served today because on this date 39 years ago God hallelujah. You used him to Speak Life from you into my body. Every command. Eminem and his family and extended family right now. Who is the favor of God Be A Witness Kato Hallelujah from this house in the atmosphere in space in the name of Jesus on his behalf. We blocked you. Art block user Hallelujah with the favor of God to you right now. Can we just catch a glimpse of the glory of the grace of God and worship him?

Hallelujah I was dying as a young lad. And the spirit of God in the permitting gave a directive. Through my spiritual mother then mother you behind with her assistant pastor at the church in Clover Hill where I grew up. And the spirit of the lord gave the directive and that's how you know, that's how you know a true prophetic utterance from God. I was in the ruling on the bed that day. Seek couldn't interact with my friends and while the enemy waited on the final call. I've been to several doctors. And they couldn't help me. And I remember while I was in that room and they were in an adjoining Erie of the house praying for me. I remember it might have been about three persons or my mom a lady by the name of sister Jennifer Bullock. She's predeceased mother hands May her soul rest in peace and that lady special lady and mother high and said the spirit of the Lord said to take the boy to Bishop Johnson.

Turn on the 4th of April 1982 my father in obedience to that word took me on a bus known as the male bus to Brownstown to Bishop John says Deliverance service and it was a power-packed environment when you walk in that when you could truly say I Feel Jesus in this place. It was just Jesus was written all over the environment and he preach the word for the fusions chapter 2. With God who is rich in Mercy. and at the altar call and that's why my my psychology spiritually is after this sort and you have to see with me. He spoke. No he when we came to the altar. He did not touch me.

You never did anything not that you can't be touched, but that was my unique experience. He looked at me and just spoke over my life because I was under serious demonic War. If you're ever the atmosphere around me was heavy was thick with the oppressive demonic presence because of a spiritual warfare. I'm telling you my true my real experience released against me to destroy me. And I used to become sick all my high school years. I suffered greatly. because of this opposing spirit

I could I could remove Monday from the school curriculum cuz every Monday I went to school for four years.

I was sick every Monday. Can you imagine every Monday? You are looking at a miracle.

Boils broke over my face. If it's not my eyes. It's my nostrils and when I went to the doctor new injection, nothing works and I was there wasting away becoming Ellen for the healing for the ill and in obedience to the directive from the spirit of God. Brother Paul when I walked into that church. I walked out that Sunday delivered and was baptized with the Holy Ghost.

Sister Sade God bless you. I was delivered. Filled with the Holy Ghost and all you looked at me you just drove away the spirit. The fault against me for years. He said believe me bro. Jesus demons leave the boy. That's all he said. Are you going to see the fire of God coming out of the man of God that was not possessed with demons that was oppressed by demons. You have demonic possession. You have demonic oppression. Sometimes we think it's everything that you can use psychology. And so to explain and psychoanalysis are some deep stuff that happens to people

Billy and me Brethren and thank you sister Sharon. God delivered me from the kingdom of darkness right there. And then We said that maybe you said it maybe two or three times but the atmosphere was charged and that's why when you come to church we need Jesus.

And the next word I heard him say was an unknown tongue is the Holy Ghost just like that. I was not praying to receive the Holy Ghost. I was looking for the Holy Ghost. I went to be prayed for to be he let me know what you can braid.

Somebody was saying the other day. I mean Chucky does this morning early? I read it that Usain Bolt for that 100 maybe 10 million dollars. He earns on the track. He might have run about 2 minutes.

He might have run about 2 minutes but of that two minutes here and you spent about 20 years in preparation. And that's how the apostolate church works. You know, what is that? You probably are so much for the event. So when you spend time in prayer and time with God. You coming down here and take off.

You don't go back out on the field to train you prepared already.

Jesus said he gives us power over the works of the enemy. So the man of God just spoke to her.

Hallelujah Thunder spirit in the atmosphere had to obtain from here. Am I today? Can we praise God? I received the Holy Ghost so quickly that I didn't even know. Bravery, no matter how many people tried to teach persons with only to speak in tongues. That's not how it is. And no matter how many persons want to discredit people receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues. That's not true. It's a reality and I am a witness. Nobody taught me. I didn't try to get dinner when it happened so fast, it's what I heard. The man of God is the Holy Ghost Don't talk to me. Call Georgia somebody praise God. I'm preaching already. I'm pretty chicken already. I want to hear the Bible says in Romans 8 and verse 32 peanuts. Not his own son, but delivered him for up for us all how shall he not freely? Everybody say free you see how he's feeling in it for me. That's just what God wants to do for all that you everybody here to Lorde me to Lord. I worship him for yourself. You don't try nothing just warship am the god of Heaven. Hallelujah, that's my testimony today. I'm a living Witness. How are you going to talk me out of that do are you going to explain that away scientifically? How are you going to rest of my life my experience? Is it Jesus real isn't Jesus alive? Because I live you sure meme.

Just lift your hands. I just enjoy the presence of God and thank God for life.

You you know when you know something. And somebody tried to tell you that it's not so. You know, sometimes how agitated you feel when somebody try to to make you look to make to make it look like. You're in Oblivion are your you don't you're not sure what you're talking about and they want to try to to explain away your experience. The man in John chapter 9 the man in John chapter 9 said one thing I know.

One thing I know that I was blind and now I am seeing a man you you're praising God.

Praise God he has his experience and he's praising God. So we Rejoice with him. Amen, so we want to understand from the word of God today that Jesus because because of the finished work of calvary. Has brought us into this empowerment experience. Everybody says spiritual empowerment. And remember as I said as I coach, dr. Tony Evans remember what he said, he said you cannot build a skyscraper life on a chicken coop Foundation spiritually, right? Everybody. Remember this you cannot build a skyscraper life on a chicken coop Foundation your roots have to be deep in you have to come off the surface. Amen. Those who drill for Island oil fracturing. They have to go way down a member of the Breakthrough rocks when you're waiting. When when do you want a salad when you want to go tall your going to have to first goal deep a man. If you want Jesus Dead 2. Because he's going to take us far high he went deep down in the belly of hell. You see all the principal Works. Jesus went deep on right of head all the way to Calvary. He went for me. He died to set me free. So Hallelujah, I'm here to liberate somebody today through the word hallelujah the Apostle Peter use the word promise in his in his scripture in 2nd chapter 3 verse 13, and I just want to get that out of the way. The word promise is a declaration or assurance that one will a particular thing. Is that a particular or is that a particular thing will happen at a certain time? That's a promise promises were meant to be kept. You if you have integrity, you should not make a promise to a person and said and then you took me seriously.

I was joking. That's not what that's not what I meant. That's a promise is not intended for that.

No, the Bible calls that such persons slackers. The Lord is not slack the same author here who didn't even know that he had to book Cinema until he met Jesus first and second Peter. He said the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men please note. It's not all men are Slackers the Bible says as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. So we have to understand from the scriptures that a promise. What's meant to be kept? Know when we examine God's track record through the scriptures because one of the things we're doing with people. Evidence steers Us in the face on a particular subject matter and sometimes what we do we miss miss the evidence. Sometimes person Excel situation review Trends in events. That is it. It's you're a Discerning person. It's it's it's it's it's important to make note to those trends. UEC Trends in people's lives and and so it is that you make note of it so that you know, this Jesus there's a trend in the scriptures. That suggests that what Jesus says it's printable. There is a trend that says what Jesus says it's credible why when we check processes and their fulfillment we always see that's what he said. He would do he accomplished.

If you give your money to to somebody to go shopping for example, and every time the person goes shopping, they didn't fulfil the shopping list. Are you constantly going to ask the person to go make purchase for you? And let's see the person supposed to spend $50. Let's not break the atmosphere. The person is supposed to spend $50 on your behalf from $100 and bring the change back. You haven't paid for the service of that individual and every time the person comes back your change is never available. Thought you're going to say but hey, but this is costing me more than if I had gotten myself.

So when you when you read the train, you said no, but I I can't continue doing this until what you you reevaluate and you come up with an alternative Arrangement now according to the promises of God in scripture. God has given us no reason for us to resort to any alternative to him.

And we have to understand that I'm so there is one thing which goes like this if you don't what you hear believe what you see.

It's in fact is if you bought you have both heard and seen and saw if you don't want you here believe what you see just your eyes above your ears. That's why the Apostle say hi Witnesses of his majesty. You can tell me that I didn't see.

No, God has God puts his credibility on the line for all of us. His character isn't in his in his word Jesus in in st. John chapter 40 if it were not so I would have told you. What's in the Bible says with God there is no variableness with him or shut off turning the Bible teaches that it is impossible for God to life. Nobody the reference to him in the book of Hebrews and God that cannot lie.

Know what we're saying here. Where is stop pushing a premise on which to take the word of God? Seriously, despite how you feel? Real Madrid goal by Blues in your life. You may go to a dull moment tomorrow and you may say to somebody I see is down and the person they want to try to explain away your face. What do we go through tomorrow has nothing to do with who God is in your life. You do not determine your relationship with God by how you feel.

If you follow how you feel you will sometimes never even get out of bed.

But we're not talking about the sense of touch were talking about your emotions in this sense. It's not every time you feel a certain way. It is suggesting to you that your feelings are correct. Because we are humans and we go through we're human beings and we go through emotional swings or mood swings. We ever Peaks on or troughs. We have our highs or lows. We have our mountains and valleys.

But you know what? Everybody is called to have a a routine or a discipline? David Christian discipline is faith. No matter how you feel you have to still believe everybody stay with me. I'm not moved. By how I feel I am not. By what I see. I am moved by what I believe and I believe the word of God. Spell brethren. We want to understand. The promise that God will do for us just what he said he would do. The prophet Isaiah told us that Jesus was coming and he would be as a lamb to the slaughter another ship before her. Shira is dumb. He opened not his mouth. The Bible also said that he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows and he did just that the Bible said he came to die and he did just that he rose from the dead when Mary Magdalene and her friends went to the Sepulchre to anoint the body of Christ with sweet spices. When did Wentzville the stone was rolled away? Hey, man, if somebody M sent on WhatsApp the lockdown had ended. The princess had an angel rolled away the Stone from the door of the Sepulchre. Can we give dogs eggs? No bredrin, Jesus is Alive and Well now, can you send that the authorities lied that is not know you and I know but a Deadman can show up anywhere.

If Jesus had died, I did not come back from the dead. I would not have been preaching today. If you want to understand this better read 1st Corinthians chapter 15 in your own time and what the Apostle Paul and done in the early verses on the text because he wanted to qualify to the Brethren that makes the promise of the Resurrection is authentic. The change that the church would experience it is indeed. So he made sure he went to empirical data to prove to the body of Believers in Corinth. There is enough evidence that Jesus live body was not stolen. He came from the dead.

Hey, man, you can find the many infallible proofs of Jesus's resurrection.

What will you have to understand here and it isn't that Jesus went through? A sequence of events. He he was arrested as we know and in the process we saw where Judas first betrayed him and sold him for cheap

But if we look at what happened in the whole process of of redemption because the prophet Isaiah declared that surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. Why don't you just sold him for cheap? Duckworth the price we were worth

we we were just all sinned and come short of the glory of God. Paul said that we were Carlos don't understand. a man with no price on us

Thank you to cheat for that matter. But look what Jesus did Jesus flip the Splendor of heaven and came down and church somebody needs to run the highway because of the glory of God. somebody Barney's son. About Christ Hallelujah, and without spot precious blood Hallelujah, Jesus was willing to pay that price.

Turn off Skype somebody help me praise God praise him in the sanctuary Praise Him in the firmament of his power of the Holy Ghost praise him for his mighty acts according to his excellent greatness praise and praise and high Simba's praising a loud sounding cymbals.

Yes, but apart raise the praise higher raise the Praise Church.

Can you imagine this church? I I was Ward nothing on Jesus fed ever seen but nothing. Kumon Church Can you imagine. Talk to himself.

I need to know saying yours place to mine then somebody praise God.

Hallelujah Does that sound like a small transaction? Does that sound like a cheap deal? So why is it that we want to give God mediocre mediocre Time video to practice mediocre presentation? Video of capris when you're serving a God who goes to the arguments against you going come on Church.

Honey, I'm here to suck me to us. It's just the beginning. You ain't seen nothing yet. And that's why we are starting to his promise look for new heavens and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness. Come on Church. Hallelujah It's a complete transaction. He bought us and he made sure he secured the fierce to the next destination. Come on, sir. I'm going to heaven when Jesus comes back.

I know I'm hopping in Christ because his credibility is on the line. The price for my Redemption which is blood. Come on Church. Who won the Holy Ghost to fall among us? We want Deliverance to come Among Us. It's a proud of my heart. Today would be somebody's anniversary day 2. Come on Church.

We don't want any mix-up are preg. Do we want to look up power of God in bo4?

So Peter said just as he promised you that he will come to Earth for you it just that he told his disciples having been to Earth Book of Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days and three nights. The son of man will be in the heart of the Earth, but he's going to come back he did just that.

He spoke at the Mount of Olives. How do you say look I'm going on I'm coming back and I'm going to send the promise of the father you go to Jerusalem until the end of the high. They went to Jerusalem Hunter full feeling meaning of Pentecost at the 58th day after the resurrection Jesus the Holy Ghost in here today.

Play Jack Johnson. Do I owe Bob at Freddy's fun with the dog? That's when he said he's coming back.

Hallelujah by three what does eradicate no trouble in mind. I know it's a struggle but you're just move forward in faith, the circumstances of the time I've been testing our faith in God hallelujah petite antique money for a man. He put everything on the line the precious blood of Christ Hallelujah and the Holy Ghost Earnest of our inheritance down payment on the purpose for the purchase Redemption his church to guarantee that is coming back for us.

The Holy Ghost is it guaranteed that the church will be raptured?

Patron the Holy Ghost is the guarantee that the charge will be taken out of the word. Wish I could call and talk to me again in the air. Somebody's telling braids.

candle holders Hallelujah, you're worthy to be praised.

somebody worship Him Yes, we are going up. in the first resurrection You need to go also.

My God, yes worshipping take the liberty and worship him.

River Church worship God hallelujah That's all the people praise His name. Let all the people praise His name. Forever and forever more your sister.

All these troubles on charge when I get home on the other side one writer said I'm going to send my hundred and that's symbolic. I'm going to tell all the people. Good morning. Symbolic. I'm going to sit down beside my Jesus. Symbolic, but I'm not going to rest a little while. I'm not going to rest forever more shall we ever be with the Lord Jesus Christ?

Good morning. Good morning. Judas paid was not the price of Jesus.

nothing that deceives his He managed the process was not so God made it easy for us to find it.

Come on charge. earnin

He was easy on Judas because what happened he was like, oh God here, man. That's got to do with it. Hallelujah because I did it come to this all I can to die.

Hundred my life. I run some how many I come to pay the price to get you back. You are the part of my creation that I do my breasts in.


I didn't do my breaking the animals. I knew my breasts in mind. Can you imagine Church who Angry God is with man? When we want to do speaker ourselves and turn away from him and believe that we own the patent on ourselves.

God is not happy.

And mine is operating as though he's on autopilot. Really. Really really his blood was precious blood.

We understand. That he did all of this. for a purpose Jesus came and did it just for me. One writer said I don't know why Jesus Loves Me But I know why. I know why first and foremost. It's his nature to love.

God is love. And the way he functioned us because Church look at you. He spoke everything else into me.

Children probably really miss the point your spiritual family.

He spoke everything everything to me. Today is my anniversary House of kneel down and worship him man. If you want to join me.


Can somebody help me worship Him?

Don't know just look cute. The 4in dust. Let's worship Him. Hallelujah, Jeff let's worship Him.

How do I need to bring that you going to gotten into the world? He said I let the angels of God worship. Him must worship him everybody. Let's worship Him. Let's worship Him. Worship Him must worship him. Let's worship Him must worship him. Let's worship Him. Let's worship Him must worship Him must worship Him. What let's give him a few let's worship Him. Let's worship Him.

Just worship Him. Hallelujah, let's worship him. I'm in for worship worship is for God. Billy Morrison young man worshipping young women worship Him

He's wanted to be praise the Lord the Lord Jesus. You are worthy. You are worthy. Boy, dinosaur Kingdom the power and the glory forever you are you are you are you are you are you are?

You love it you love it. You are you are.

You are they. You are you are you are you are you are you are you are they? Hallelujah

When will he be Anna?

to resurrect the Dead

will price Be able to resurrect the Dead.

Will he be able to Rapture of the church? Are you sure?

Hallelujah Jesus Jesus said Jesus said listen to this.

on the cross they didn't kill me.

Listen to this. I died. I bought your sins. I carry your Sorrows endured all your grief. What I went through was for you not for me because the Bible said he became sin who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. She's going to become the Bible said he was in all points tempted. Like as we are yet without sin which points the lust of the flesh the need for food in Need for every human that would sustain life In the Flesh the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes Temptation should I get and the pride of life Hallelujah the need for Progress power Fame recognition everything that has to do with myself right. Three categories the human Temptation fall within that framework Jesus experience all of that. He became sin who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. So because he came to die for us when it was time for him to be dead. One day. We're going around trying to hurry up the death of the TV beside him because remember there were two thieves beside him 100 the right one on the left one was saying that the Gates of Hell on one was lost at the Gates of Heaven because he had an opportunity and he missed it. But the one who recognized Jesus to be the Son of God the word they want he was saved Jesus calling today. You shall be with me in Paradise. So even while they were killing in crucifying him, he was still offering life. Tell me about your day. But not going now. I am come by the park. I feel the power and presence of God New Year. Jesus was under pressure 100 duress with anguish and lost he went to the craft and he was giving life. Brady was dying. I'm not going to do anything. What is it impossible for me to leave? But he was demonstrating that you came to give up on that light. So what happened to your church? I'm almost done. Definir with me. I'm almost done the scripture said He said no man taketh my life from me. I have power to lay it down and I have power to raise to take it up again. Just come on bender by received up my father. So the thieves they were whoring there. So they further torture them and they started to break the bones of those who were beside him so that they might die faster the scripture. But remember Jesus on it every prophecy October ends today concerning himself and the prophet said the bone of him should not be broken you can you imagine God has a long memory you don't worry about a thing. If a promise in your life. God made them to fruition unit. I received God got in. Forget your name your address your telephone number your email your Skype your what's up your telegram me God of all of those cover.

Dr. Miracle with your name written on it. Just believe God he came and did it just for me. So what happened to hear? No brethren? Jesus he knew what he's doing. So he made sure he told him I'm going to be making an exit. I'm going to go into the heart of the earth three days and three nights because since Adam fell that held you hostage and the only way to deliver you is to pay the price so I had to die. So the Bible said enrollment in that price died, then we're all dead. Just as how we all died in Adam the lines of Adam. Don't take this lineage King like Lionel Church.

We were in the life. The Bible said we were not here and eat and what did Romans it's written with we sing and died after the likeness of Adam. I'm so Jesus came and he gave himself a ransom. So what happened on the cross scripture said he laid down his life when they came over to Jesus intending to break his bone. His word must be honored. The scripture said he just he ended up the ghost when they came they saw that Jesus was already dead. What is this stupid from the body? So Jesus what this is just a lowly Spirit to leave. I left the body there.

I remember I remember I remember a man was it in his rest of your family and self was talking about the death of another person in our community. He learned that the guy died of gentlemen died on you wanted to tell the tears and he came and said to me

Jawa Katakana Send letter words with Spirit the spirit left the body sensor Jaguar coterminal.

Because remember in the song is referred to as giant Jehovah to be accomplished by the pound kill me. I am the life Giver. Oh nice myself broncos off the frame. Come on Church Hallelujah.

But you know what happened? Chucky versus a part of himself that will not depart from us.

Hallelujah, so is he able to resurrect the body when it was time for him to come back from the dead sister new vehicle? I have power to lay it down. I have power to take it again before he died. He called Lazarus back from the dead. So he's the resurrection and the life. No. He died. Nobody had to call him back.

Barbie and the Bible said he rose from the dead and became the first of the kind of go to sleep the first fruit of them backflip Christ rose from the dead we have sufficient evidence.

35% Dundee Mi. Christ is coming.

That's why it doesn't shake him precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints. So what happens here today? because of all of this we can look forward to the next phase of our experience with Christ. brethren

don't lose sight of the price that is waiting us awaiting us don't have involved emerged overtime. But keep your eyes on the prize. Jesus said if I live you shall live also and the Clincher is this, who is he going to take us to be with him through the power of the spirit the Holy Ghost

He said that he would raise us up.

It's not an impossible thing. You remember when he spoke of the Resurrection an impossible thing with you that God should raise the Dead. Come on. Jesus said I will raise him up on the last day. Do something to bring you your daily View Parkway brethren? So this is what the Bible says as I get ready to close if the spirit of him from the dead The Same Spirit that went back into the corporeal are humans part of God the flesh the physical man. Life. Mary and her Brethren sistren went to the to the Bible said the door was open because an angel rolled away. The stone had a good news was that he is not here. We are going to talk that you reference the Lord to come an anointed body with street fights it but I have good news for you is reason I am giving you tighten to go back to decipher Countryside United him kill himself. Tennyson Tennyson site plan Peter and Peter your denial don't change the plan feature.

Jump in cast fetal heart issues in Psychology was damaged and he lost confidence his relationship with Jesus. Tell Peter get your heart desires to sift you as wheat, but I prayed for you already.

I know you're not part of the plan if you identified with me you would have died, but you didn't come to give you life around some. Giblet dinner put a redeem Humanity. So if the spirit of him. Dre's up Christ from the dead dwell in you, the spirit of God is what is resurrection to be accomplished.

But he's going to do it by the Holy Spirit. No, I want everyone of us. I can speak as an authority on the matter because of my experience. I have had the experience and so I can see this one more time. Listen to what the word says He that spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all. How shall he not with him briefly us all things during the hardest part was the first part. I'm God willingly did that.

God wants to rain Holy Ghost to see Richmond please everyday in expectation of the world goes and that's why I know I know social media and television and all of these things are convenient and they serve their purpose and we get a lot done cuz we're about to reach a wider audience today. Don't get so caught up in using these things until they control your life that you forget. You're focused when you are when you are driving and walking and working till God if you want to send liquids in the workplace. I am hoping for a Revival here. Bridget this is the kind of man that you think I'm prepared when God turn off. You think I have in my mind? I am pastoring to be a nice guy when the spirit of Revival shows up in the air can a ball in my mind? I am fostering in my in my mind for prime minister Trudeau. I'm the Holy Ghost move. If I am if I'm interrupting with a cop by the street. There is no use in the wisdom for me. Because the wisdom of God is wiser the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men wherever the spirit of God is ready. I don't know how many doors there are today's sermon cuz I keep closing but let the spirit of God work here. We have to understand this bredrin. How are these situation right now? We have to be acceptable to God. You have to be prepared to me. You was my God anytime anywhere anyplace show me the person want to silence you I want to fit you into their litter box and affect your your psychology so much that you do only one other person have done what God did for me when he filled me with the Holy Ghost boys unique.

I don't know how much we we tend to want to just open up your heart. Got Junk to you anytime anywhere.

Is there anybody here or the 120 Revival to work out of your at your workplace? Just because God use you.

Are y'all trying to be cautious?

It has done. So the scripture says how shall he not with him? You know what the word says everybody say freely. Everybody say freely everybody say freely. Is the king is coming back to pray? Hallelujah, I want every one of us to just understand this I want the prayer after the word and then the song can go. I want every one of us to understand this that

The decisions we make make them for God make them for God to work in your life. Don't give up on this great experience the Salvation we receive of Jesus Christ. You have in your man. No matter how your fee you feel as a person. You are feeling cannot overwhelm this the power off this experience. Just remember that God is not working with you by your feelings. He's working with you in honor of the word. He declares over your life. I am the resurrection and the life that you said because you believe I shall live also the essence of this message today is to communicate the life that is in Jesus Christ. God bless you.

What a great privilege and a time right now to give explosive worship to the Holy Ghost now. They man haven't heard what we heard just now we're recognizing. Yes, there's worship in this house. There's an explosion in this house. The spirit of God is so evident right now. Come on, Holy Ghost people. Give me pull out of the Holy Ghost right now Hallelujah pull the word is a man has been deposited and pull out of him right now. Come on open Hallelujah Lisa Oliver made Jesus walk all over me hallelujah how to open your mouth and say all over you pay the price for me all I wanted Cheats by your God. Come on in the world is really Stop Hallelujah fire of God fire God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah We Worship You Hallelujah. Come on. I know where this stuff supposed to stretch your head wide right now. And man. I know there's a distance between your hands MMO. Why don't you sit from me to you right now? And man we connect in the Holy Ghost is cheese Hallelujah with the Holy Ghost In The Name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus app open your mouth. I need to hear your sound. I'm not feeling your sound up does not sound in your belly. There's a word in your belly rub your belly.

Oblivion water amen out of your belly out of your belly out of your belly Hallelujah. Come on Worship. The Lord. We're going to come on Worship the Lord I come on Worship the Lord come on Worship the Lord hallelujah. Hallelujah. I hear the Hallelujah. I hear the Hallelujah song in this house, since there's no sound in this house in the presence of God is evident in this house. You're probably right now I hear springing up into everlasting life. Amen. Somebody was not in talks for a long time. This is your day for this is the day that the Lord has made come on prayer to the Holy Ghost and come on prayer was in the Holy Ghost has now come on. Come on proud in the Holy Ghost. Now come on prayer for Revival. Now come on prayer for the floor of the water of God. Come on Jesus Hallelujah here. The Hallelujah, Come on shirt video. Come on. Now in the name of Jesus. Come on now in the name of Jesus for his here. Come on your bed. So yes, yes. Yes to the Holy Ghost. I hear you're Holy Ghost in This House. Come on people, What do you want? Call Dustin Briskey more Stardust in the Holy Ghost and the holy ghost videos of Powerpuff Girls.

Shut up shut down my key card. The people God bless your spirit into God right now. I say in the name of Jesus. I say in the name of Jesus. ISO Warriors come up Warrior Warrior Warrior.

I said poem The Name of Jesus.

I said healing in the name of Jesus are the sound in this house. I hear the sound of the abundance of rain. Come on. Holy Ghost people Amen in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Hallelujah. Don't make the clothes and go, pull something out in the OSS. Now. Come on people. Don't let Nicole if I'll ever come on the holy ghost caught on mic Pollo Revival right now right now right now. Play Revival Right Now Praise Revival Right Now Praise Revival right now. I say, yes. Florida dispatches said the word is French. The Holy Ghost is here and needs a voice of the people in the mashonda in the name of Jesus. Come on pull pull pull your street right now pulled pork. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on Church.

Come alive.

Andrus peat compartment in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth hallelujah hallelujah in the Holy Ghost as we pray in the Holy Ghost as we pray out in the Holy Ghost as we pray out in the Holy Ghost Hallelujah as we pray out in the Holy Ghost. The flow of the water is here. Hallelujah. We wanted to flow to the vessels in the name of Jesus by the flow of water is in this house of God flow to the vessels Hallelujah unclog Deborah. Well my God unclog every well and let the flow of worship and a water God hallelujah. Amen, fresh power and anointing of God. Hallelujah with people. We know you're here right now. The word is come to accomplish some of these calling out. Somebody came with an expectation. We're holding on for Five more minutes. Come on, we came without expectation. We're holding five more minutes, Come on.

Yes. A whole it go yesterday the Holy Ghost song Hallelujah. Something must be destroyed be destroyed monochrome balls must be destroyed. The people. That's the spirit boat with a republican in the name of Jesus. I want to feel your parts. Come on. I want to feel temperature in the name of Jesus. I'm holding on for you right now. You can't with an expected you came without a birthday shot. We're pulling out in the name of Jesus Hallelujah Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Christ As we reach out to you right now, Terry a mint territory. Amen. Almighty. God asked his disciples. Can you tell me with me one hour Terry with him? Come on, Kyrie with the Holy Ghost. Come on Terry with him Hallelujah. Jacob it all night long until he got his name changed Jacob made up his mind that I'm not leaving until you bless me. It requires at 10:50 it require somebody to Excel and go beyond even if you feel weak and your stomach feel better right now, he'll do 6 tell yourself. I'm not going by what I see right now, Even if you don't feel anything. God is going to release you I am here.

I'm here to pick up the Press. Are you feeling right now? Everybody feeling ever anyone else? I am here to connect with, I receive my blessing. I hear the phone in the whole episode in the house. How did the house?

Is Hallelujah Hallelujah by police in this house Revival is in this house in the name of Jesus? Hallelujah. Amen. Right now. I'm going to invite you as we go off on the last door. So 3 minutes. Amen. I know where distance so fine a partner to stretch your hand towards that partner right now and you're not going to touch where you are just point to somebody amen. Hallelujah Focus your attention on somebody. Amen raise your eyes if you can say about Which is far apart Amana stretch your hand. Amen. Speak. Remember Pastor said Bishop G W A Johnson. Hey, man, just said demons. Leave the boy Hallelujah Glory Hallelujah. He didn't even talk to you so you don't have to talk to anybody in here. Me about risio Point your hand to want somebody I said in the name of cheese. Bright Hallelujah, come on. Look in the spirit look in the person's life in the spirit in a person's life. And then I want somebody poke Us in and then a brother Jeffrey Eminem Brother Richard right now name of Jesus by i-thai prophesied over your right now. Tell your neighbor. Come on, man. Name a pizza boy fall in your life ever name of Jesus. Tell your neighbor praying over you right now. I'm praying over your right now. I'm praying over your brother brat truck. Come on. Tell me on the radio right now in the name of Jesus said she's something in your mouth. Suck suck come on church and out here radio said to stop.

Cheats us over the person your friend for right now break feta feta to right now Rachel right now in the name of Jesus say, holy ghost Holy Ghost Fire. Whoever you're pointing to open your people Holy Ghost Fire Fallen brother Jeffrey Holy Ghost Fire by Fall Out Boy. Schultz. Holy Ghost Fire call upon brother Edward. Holy Ghost prep rival in this house all undertow people in the south river river in the name of Jesus Hallelujah. Google, everybody say in the name of Jesus.

Amen, we speak these words right now. Amen. Like the empty vessel. Say Amen that was filled with water about 10 Miracle. Amen. Somebody push it. Come on. Now if somebody push up somebody's push it. Come on. Somebody's push it. Amen. Hallelujah Saints. Somebody's push it. Come on sings Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah.

Don't know if you'll know when a person from God is pop.

It couldn't be outside alone. Hello, Jesus.

Singapore shut I want to do it more cheese sauce. I said it couldn't be able to assist with the god of Jacob in the name of Jesus. Now Lord. Amen we go home with filled up vessels in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Yes, Lord. Hallelujah saturate is atmosphere saturated with your worship. He is risen from the dead and he is Brittany shell.



I love you.

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

Why did Creon my leader?

Hallelujah father we thank you one more time in man that your holy presence in your holy anointing is with us. We thank you for showing up for us in this day's worship. We thank you that you're spoken to us. So definitively and submissive Shawn Mendes get to clear, Bustleton somebody right now bring a Revival my God. Somebody have something for so totally goes The song In the Name of Jesus we bring the revive it comes to us. It comes through the church the Church of God, Amen come to the Revival Hallelujah. We pray the prayer. Amen reply for Hallelujah. We pray the prayer we pray the prayer with Britta prayers with prayer prayer is the present tense the prayers of revive up the prayers of a bundle the prayers of the miracle Hallelujah. Did it freeze a man walking in Dominion in the name of Jesus. What a notoriety authorities in the name of Jesus and the power through the Holy Ghost. He said I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and nothing selling anyways harm you and I give you power to Pina and whatever you bind on earth is Whatever yo, what's up in the name of Jesus Christ.

A brevet so we speak to your life and we speak over you right now in Jesus name. Amen. Thank you. One more time Oasis family for joining us for worship. Amen. We thank you. Amen for participating in such a great day Resurrection Sunday men and the information for our tithes and offerings. A man is a man in or group chat. Hallelujah. It's located. It's a man is coming up on the screen a man and we want you to know to a man man. We're going to make or

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