A Blessed Man

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A Blessed Man

Jeremiah 17:7-8  7“But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.  8He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.  It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

God has maintained order throughout eternity.  Everything in all creation operates within God’s order, whether that brings about blessings or curses.  It’s a law that supersedes anything that we want to believe or live by.  And when you find a scripture that helps define your life or family structure, as I’ve noted before, it will backed by at least one other scripture.

Psalm 1:1-3 1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.  2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.  3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.  Whatever he does prospers.

We understand living in this time that Jesus is the foundation upon which we operate in spiritual realms.  The sacrifice he paid on the cross of Calvary and his resurrection made for us a solid base for us to build.  That is just plain ‘ole fundamental science for anyone who understands building.  Our lives work in the same way.  Jesus told a simple parable in Matthew 7 about building a house on sand compared to on rock.  We have seen in recent history the effects that storms can play on homes built, even on what seemed to be “up to code” foundations.

You see, a self-made man is weak.  A man who trusts in himself will fall short time and again.

Jeremiah 17:5-6  5 This is what the Lord says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the Lord.  6He will be like a bush in the wastelands; he will not see prosperity when it comes.  He will dwell in the parched places of the desert, in a salt land where no one lives.

Psalm 1:4 4 Not so the wicked!  They are like chaff that the wind blows away.

Tumbleweed separates from its root at autumn, tumbling across the dry ground spreading its seed as it moves.  They are considered noxious weeds, which, in layman’s terms, are plants that are injurious to agricultural and/or horticultural crops and/or humans and livestock.  In other words, a man who looks to his own means and abilities, and not to God, brings negative things to everything and everyone he contacts.  Everywhere he goes, everything he says and everything he puts his hands to become infected and affected by the state of his heart.

In John 15, Jesus tells us that he is the true vine and we are the branches.  He further instructs us to remain in him.  If we remain in him, we will bear much fruit.  Apart from him, we can do nothing of value in the light of eternity.  Remain in him, and the roots and leaves in him will soak in God’s nourishment and continue to keep us clean.

Being a tumbleweed is not God’s plan for us!!!  He wants us blessed.  His desire is that we live in His will; in His realm of life.  Jesus came that we could have abundant life.  His instruction brings about a harvest in our lives that the very “boats” that we maneuver cannot contain the catch.  The fruit that he brings from us will not only sustain our lives and health, but will be nourishment to others who are nearby.

A tree planted near water…  Water represents refreshment, cleansing and new life.  We understand that a tree springs forth in sunlight.  Its leaves soak in the nourishment from that light.  The root system not only pulls in nutrients and water to help the tree remain healthy, but it also sets an unseen foundation that holds the tree in place through the worse of storms.  The roots can reach as deep as twice the height of the branches and a considerable distance away from the base.

God’s plan is that we plant our lives under Jesus Christ, next to Christ and all around him.  He is everywhere.  All things we created for him and by him.  Through Jesus all things exist and have their being.  His will is that we live in perfect unity with him.

Thank God that we have such men in this church that show the example of Christ in so many ways.  We have such beautiful men that do so much for the body of Christ.  I’m so privileged to pastor you.  I count it a blessing to work with and be called friends with you in this, my first senior pastorate.  And I believe that this is only the first-fruits of what God has in mind for us as we continue putting him at the fore-front of what we do.

You see, when you break it down, God works on a personal level.  It can only start with one.  You make up that special place for which God designed you.  But, once that decision has been made, God’s law and order comes into play.  You influence your mate, your children, your family, your co-workers, your neighbors, your community, your church.  You affect everything that is around you.  When you stand in Christ, you bring to the table everything that God has built into the fabric of your being.  The root system of your life brings further foundation to those you influence.  The branches of your life soak in Jesus and feed many who rest under your shade.

God’s favor rests on you.  Though you experience the storms of life, you will endure.  Though the winds and the droughts change with the seasons, your choice to anchor in with Jesus keeps you year after year.  Though your blossom in season and lose branches or leaves through your days, God’s provision brings about life within you time and again.  God blesses a man who honors him, who fears him, who trusts him.  God promises to bless your life until the day he is ready for you to be with him, if only you put him front and center.  He is King of Kings, Lord of lords, Alpha, Omega, Redeemer, Creator, Provider, Healer, Righteous and Holy.  And all he wants, is you…and he plays for keepsies.

Are you a blessed man?  Do you want to be more so?  It’s God’s desire.

I believe that it would be appropriate for each man, as head of their homes, should gather his family together today and close this service out in prayer as one under his lead.  (Family’s gather as groups if they must.)

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