Luke 24:36 - 49 - Jesus Appears to His Disciples
Good morning church.
It's a privilege to bring the word of God to you today from Luke 24 3649. Sermon that I haven't titled Jesus our only hope and life. Let us pray. Father I thank you that we stand on the assurance that you will send forth your word and you will accomplish your purposes in our lives. We hold fast to your gracious working Our Father do a deep working us that we might love you more. I love the people around you more around us more in your name. Amen. It has been said that a good way to speak to an audience is to tell them what you're going to tell him then tell him then tell him what you told him. Long before someone thought this up God spoke through His prophets. delivered on what he said and then reminded them of what he had said and done to make the point that he alone is God that he is Sovereign and that he is faithful. We see this throughout the Bible and we will see this again In this passage. Imagine with me for a moment what the disciples must have felt and what we might have felt if we were with them on the night that Jesus was betrayed. One of their own shows up with soldiers and betrays Jesus with a kiss. They are momentarily paralyzed and then they flee the scene each one broke their promises to stand by Jesus. What's fear in Shane? They must have felt. Perhaps they questioned in their heart. Why didn't Jesus do something he raised the dead to life. He calms the storm and surely he could have stopped the soldiers great was their doubt and fear and I am sure great would have been our doubts and fear. We were there with them. The main idea that God has given to me for this sermon. Is that our lord Jesus in his great Mercy Stoops down to meet us in our needs that we might not know that he alone is the one who is our hope our salvation and our life. Jesus had told him throughout his ministry what was going to happen as proof in anticipation of this Resurrection day that he was indeed the Son of God the son of man sent to be the savior of all who would trust and Obey him. Remember that Jesus early in his ministry and likely many times thereafter had said destroy this Temple by which he meant his body. And in three days, I will raise it. Tell the disciples did not understand it at the time even his enemies remembered this and they sealed the tomb. Luke records and Luke 9 that Jesus plainly told them that he must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders in the chief priests and scribes and be killed and on the third day maybe rise raised and in Luke 18, Jesus was even more specific. He said to his disciples see we are going up to Jerusalem and everything that is written about the son of man by the prophets will be accomplished for he will be delivered over to the Gentiles and will be mocked and shamefully treated in spit upon and after flogging him they will kill him and on the third day. He will rise. As terrible as it was for wicked men to murder the Son of God. We are so blessed that all these things happened just as Jesus said they would and I can personally testify that Jesus death and Resurrection has been my anchor over the years when I could not make sense of God's word or I could not make sense of what was going on in life around me. Now this is the third sermon on what happened on that. Glorious Resurrection Day. Dude preached on Easter Sunday what happened early that morning? And then last week on what happened on the road to Emmaus and now we look at what happened that evening. Think of the experience of the disciples for the three years that they had had with Jesus. Play it seemed so clearly that he was their Messiah their Savior and King what Joy they must have felt what hope for deliverance the excitement they experience when they experience the power that Jesus had given them to heal and to cast out demons The Pride so much so that they argued about who would be the greatest in heaven. And now here they were three days later behind locked doors. So afraid shocked. Desperate their hope gone. And yet consider the evidence had been presented to the disciples on that day the eyewitness accounts of Mary Magdalene and the women of the empty tomb that Jesus had appeared to them and that some of them had even held his feet in worship. And yet the response of the disciples to the women was it there words seem to be an idle tale. They did not believe them. Jesus head also appeared to Peter into the two disciples on the road to Emmaus and They too had went and told the disciples. They did not remember what Jesus said said. They did not believe the testimony of the people who had shared in their Ministry with Jesus the ones they knew so well the ones they ought to have entrusted. Have you experienced times of joy and Times of hopelessness? Perhaps even in your relationship with Jesus. In those times have you forgotten what Jesus said and did for you? Jesus the King of Kings and the Lord of lords the one from whom one word should have been sufficient graciously stoop down to meet his disciples in there nice and we see this clearly needs versus 36 243 turn with me in your Bibles as we read this. Are there were talking about these things Jesus himself stood among them and said to them peace to you, but they were startled and frightened and thought they saw a spirit and he said to them. Why are you troubled? Why do doubts rise in your hearts? See my hands and my feet that it is I myself touch me and see for Spirit does not have Flesh and Bones as you see that I have and when he had said this he showed them his hands and his feet and while they were still disbelieve for Joe and we're Marvel. He said to them have you anything here to eat and they gave him a piece of broiled fish and he took it and ate before them. Jesus spoke to them for they knew his voice. He told them to see his hands and his feet in essence. Jesus was saying verify for yourself that I am your master in your lord if hearing and seeing was not enough Jesus told them to touch him and he eats food. that they gave him to confirm that he was indeed flesh-and-blood all to prove that he had risen from the dead just as he said he would First application Jesus know the needs of his disciples better than they knew their needs and she's a stoop down to meet them in their need in his perfect time and in his perfect way. And Jesus stooped down to meet us in our needs in our doubts are fears or anxieties when the father son and what the father son and spirit had said they will make happen for they are one God and their promises are sure. your brothers and sisters Jesus knows each one of us intimately in all our struggles and fears. I pray for you that he will lift up your heads that you may fix your eyes on him. I Rejoice with those of you who can testify to God Saving Grace and his faithful providing for your needs even in the midst of your struggles Do you know it's you and me when we are feeling the depths of our sin and cannot believe that Jesus will forgive us. God knows the believer who has fallen away who feels he is too far gone to return to Jesus. And he knows you and me when we question him. Doubt him or fear our circumstances or those around us more than we fear God. And he opens his arms out wide and he invites us to run into his Embrace to hide in him as a rock to find him to be our strength Our Hope and our joy run to Jesus. Even if you must ask him to help you to believe in order that you might run to him. Jesus knows us. Better than we know ourselves and he will make himself plainly known to us in his perfect way. Continuing on in versus 44 to 46 then he said to them. These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you that everything about me in the law of Moses and the prophets in the Psalms must be fulfilled and then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures and said to them that it is written that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead. Are the gospel writers do not tell us what Jesus specifically said to his disciples to enable them to connect the dots that Jesus was the Fulfillment of God's word. But God has given his written and complete Revelation to us the Bible and he's given us the holy spirit so that we can connect the dots dots and be assured that Jesus is the Christ Our Savior. So very briefly.
Got started in Genesis 3 15 by saying that he gave the promise The Saviour with Cam and defeat Satan fast forward 2550 years the Lord plainly tells Moses and Moses tells Pharaoh what God is going to do by his mighty Deeds to set his people free. And you can read an exodus 12-2 prior to the last play God commanded his people to sacrifice a lamb and apply the blood to the lentils of their door so that the angel of death would pass over them and an Exodus 20 through 40, he gave them the Commandments established the Tabernacle in the sacrifices that they were to make that they would be constantly reminded of who got is that when they turn to God and repentance for their sins, he would forgive them all of this to point to Jesus the perfect sacrifice who is Hebrews 10:14 says by a single offering has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified. 750 years later we see and Isaiah the promise of a child to be born who would be the promised Messiah and mighty God. It would be God's servant suffering servant and we see a glimpse of that suffering and Isaiah 52:13 to 5312. And I draw to your attention God's Eternal purpose and plan in verses 5 and 6. But he Jesus was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace. And with his wounds. We are healed all we like sheep have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord laid on him the iniquity of us all. And onward throughout God's revelation. He declared and proved himself to be the one true God who would save and deliver his people and Jesus reinforcing God's narrative in his night lifetime confirm that he himself was God now in the flesh the Savior and that he was willing to be crushed by God to pay the just penalty that we should have borne for our sins. His resurrection was the living proof the crowning proof that Jesus was who he said, he was the son of God and that God had accepted his sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sins that we might be reconciled to God.
God speaks to us through his word and by his Spirit he invites us to come to him just as we are in our Brokenness in our pain in our doubts and fears. I remind you who do not yet believe. That God is merciful that God Delights to stoop down and meet you in your need and your greatest need is to be reconciled to God. Turn away from your unbelief and run to God. Romans 10:9 says if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved. Remind you as well do your brothers and sisters in Christ from Romans 6 628 that our old self was crucified with him an order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. And those sins includes our doubts and fears as much as their real as much as they touches as much as we can confess them to God. God says give them over to me. So we no longer need to be enslaved to them for no one who has died has for one who has died has been set free from sin. Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. He seals us with the promised Holy Spirit. He gives us divine power such that we can Embrace his truth know his precious and very great promises and live The Godly life. Our God is with us. Our God is for us our God enables us to live pleasing in his sight. I'm picking up Dan on verse 46 to 49 the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to All Nations beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things and behold. I am sending the promise of my father find you but stay in the city until you're close with power from on high. God's plan from the beginning was that the good news of Jesus would be proclaimed to all the nations and God who are day in the end that a countless number would be saved ordained the means that you and I who were once God's enemies in Act of rebellion against him that you and I in our weaknesses in our doubts and our fears would be his Witnesses his ambassadors with a boldness that is not naturally hours a boldness that comes from knowing that God will not fail to accomplish his purposes. The disciples were two stars in Jerusalem, and this is a good reminder to us J C Ryle writes in his commentary on this passage. This is a striking fact and one full of instruction it teaches us that none are to be reckoned to Wicked for salvation to be offered to them and that no degree of spiritual disease is beyond the reach of the Gospel remedy. Jerusalem was a wickedest city on earth. When our Lord left the world. It was a city which had Stone the prophets and killed Those whom God sent to call it to repentance. It was a city full of Pride unbelief self-righteousness and desperate Hardness of Heart. It was a city which adjust crowned all his transgressions by crucifying The Lord Of Glory and yet Jerusalem, what's the place which the first proclamation of repentance and pardon was to be made the command of Christ with playing begin at Jerusalem. We see in these wondrous words the length and the breadth and depth and height of critz compassion towards sinners. We must never despair of anyone being saved. However bad it may have been we must open the door of repentance to the chief of Sinners. We must not be afraid to invite the worst of men to repent believe and live. It is the glory of our great physician that he can heal incurable cases the things which seem impossible to men are possible with Christ.
God continues to work today in the midst of profound wickedness. In the midst of his children being persecuted and in the midst of us. To save those whom he has chosen from before the foundation of the world. God told us what he would do and then he did it and then he is told us again is recorded in his Revelation that we might know that he alone is God. You who have yet to believe have all you need to put your trust in Jesus and live for him. He has revealed what he has yet to do that. We who believe can live with confidence that God will continue his work and will complete what he has promised until he comes again. Unbeliever and believer like come as you are to Jesus. He Stoops down to meet you where you are. He alone is Our Hope in life. Give your life to Jesus for he is infinitely good faithful and abounding in steadfast. Love to those who believe and live for him. Whatever he asks you to do in his name. He will enable you to do as his Witnesses in your Jerusalem and Beyond into the world. Let us pray.
father God you have saved us for your own. Glory and Honor Video Holy Name father working us and help us to live our lives with all our might in love to you for claiming your name to those an archery wrist sling and to the world around us and to you be all the glory and honor and praise. Amen.