What makes Jesus ncry?
Storytelling- ever been to a celebration, someone in a corner looking unhappy
contrast, Debbie told us the Palm Sunday story from Marrk. Luke tells the story but adds a detail.
Luke 19:41–42 (NIV): As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it 42 and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes.
Contrast: Jesus' cries while others celebrate
What do you see that makes you cry? Sad?
Bullying experience or seen
Homelessness experience or seen
Medical (not personal journal, relate to and internalized the experience
See something terribly wrong. See pain suffering
What makes Jesus cry: blind! God is at work, people can't see what god is doing
At. Work right now pay attention
speak during worship, teaching in pain, missional needs in front of us.
God is present, doing something were blind to it
Blinded by 1) circumstances 2) solutions
Circumstances, accepted it you don't just recover, accept it
The need for study. Know what’s going on or miss what god is saying
Roman Oppression.
provisional governor appointed by their enemies ran the political affairs of the capital. an occupying army with soldiers trained in combat, to kill on command.
So focused on terrible circumstances not noticing god. Not glossing over enemy occupation, not glossing over my medical,(we get it, not to talk about me, deeply internalized, what is god saying to me in that crisis)
makes god cry: we seeing our pain, not noticing him, god hasn't stopped working.
Solutions - what is out of your hands?
Violence and revenge, only natural. What
Options limited to our imagination and abilities
Revenge? Heard the phrase Blind with rage.
Not glossing over problems, problems requires solution
Makes god cry? Continual Focus human solutions. What is out of our hands?
First step Confess blindness. Not sure, don't know
Desperate prayer - don't just ask god to giv us so something, show us something
Look to the cross
Bad circumstance, human solutions failed, god was at work