Untitled Sermon (2)

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I. Scripture Reading
Chris - is unity a meaningless word? What does unity really mean? Unity needs to be grounded in real detailed examples. “We need to be unified as a church” - means not much to me. But..
II. Introduction
The first 3 chapters of Ephesians deal with .... And the very first thing Paul deals with, the very next word after therefore, is dealing with the unity of the faithful. The unity of the church. Then, he goes into how you live individually. Why might that be? Because the church, Christ in this world, is the people of God. Collective.
A. Introduction to Theme
- This is where I hope my title and theme will align. I’ll ask questions or make statements that help the congregation understand how the theme mattered then and relates to today.
B. Introduction to Text
- This is where I prepare for the exposition by introducing the context of the book/Bible, etc.
III. Exposition
  - Preach the text.
x reasons why we should be (are) a unified church


#1: We have been united to God in Christ. (Eph. 1:1-10)
Death is separation. death divides and creates distance. death destroys relationships. God blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavens in Christ. Through the redemption of His blood, though we were dead in our sins and separated from God, Christ has brought everything together, both things in heaven and things on earth in Him. We were made alive with Christ. We were saved by grace. He raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavens in Christ Jesus. We should live for unity in the church because we were given new life!

I, the prisoner in the Lord

#2: Christ gave his life for the church, and you have given your life to Christ.
The apostle Paul is believed to be the writer of Ephesians. Ephesians 1 begins with “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by God’s will”. Chapter 3 begins with “I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus on behalf of you Gentiles”. Paul used to persecute the church. It is simply amazing that Paul is preaching unity in the church as he himself was a master at persecuting the church, tearing it down, breaking it into pieces, putting to death the faithful. Yet here he is writing not just as a physical prisoner — chained most likely during this time to a Roman guard as he is writing this — but as a prisoner in the Lord. He has fully surrendered his life to Christ. There is not longer life the way Paul wants to live it. He has given his life to Christ. And Christ came down from the heavens to give His life for the church.
#3: We have been called to.

urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received

God sent Jesus from heaven to earth to save us. Why? To be holy and blameless in love before him (1:4). And not that we did anything to deserve it. It was simply by his incredible grace. God brought us back into communion, back into a relationship with him, despite being his enemy, why? for himself! We in our sin didn’t please God. God is not glorified in sin. The only way we could glorify God is if we were given a new identity. Our sin had to be erased.
4: There is one.... use Eph. 2:22-
#1: We have been called to

Therefore I, the prisoner in the Lord, urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received

This chapter begins with the word “therefore”. That is like starting a brand new sentence with the word “so..” or “now then...” or “because of this...” You can’t make sense of the sentence without understanding what came before.
Ephesians can be understood in two large sections. Chapters 1-3 and Chapters 4-6. Explain

with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love,


3 making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope, at your calling—5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.

IV. Conclusion
A. Gospel Proclamation
- How does this text point us to Jesus? His death, burial and resurrection But also what does Jesus make possible regarding this theme through his person and work?
B. Application
- We are to hear, receive and believe this word so that we might be changed by it and obey it. So leave a few Gospel applications for the saints.
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