Pastorals: Personal Greeting
Pastorals, Message 22
2 Timothy 1:1-2
ETS: Paul greeted Timothy in a personal greeting to open his second letter to him.
ESS: We should pay attention to the special features of this personal address.
OSS: [Educational] I want the hearers to pay close attention to the special features of this greeting in comparison to Paul’s greeting in 1 Timothy.
PQ: What differences are there between this greeting and the greeting in 1 Timothy?
UW: Differences
Intro.: We studied the special features of 1 Timothy 1:1-2 when we began our study, and we began to understand the significance of paying close attention to the salutations. This greeting also contains special features. Though some are similar features to that of 1 Timothy, there are also differences.
TS: Let us examine the differences of this greeting together.
Paul identified himself as an apostle: (1:1a)
This is not unique to this greeting. He also identified himself as an apostle in 1 Timothy. However, Thomas D. Lea pointed out that here, there is a different tone and motive between this feature.
In 1 Timothy, he identified himself as an apostle to gain credibility amidst opposition. Here, he identified himself as an apostle to remind Timothy of that credibility, the source of the authority, and to communicate urgency to heed the teachings and encouragement.
2. Paul claimed to be an apostle by God’s will (1:1b)
This is different than the greeting of 1 Timothy where Paul claimed to be an apostle “by the command of God...” to emphasize the source of his appointment.
Here, Paul identified himself as an apostle by God’s will in order to remind Timothy that everything going on (the experiences, including hardships) should be based on the will of God (Thomas D. Lea, 180).
3. Paul provided the reason and purpose for his apostleship (1:1c).
“His mission was to make known that eternal life becomes a reality through fellowship with Christ” (Lea, 180).
4. Paul revealed his affection for Timothy (1:2a)
The greeting in 1 Timothy contained an address where Paul called Timothy his “true son in the faith” in order to validate him and give him credibility among those at Ephesus.
Here, though, he greeted Timothy as “my dearly loved son” to reveal his affection towards him. This, among other features in the letter reveal to us the tone and the nature of the letter: this letter is more personal; this letter is more emotionally intense; etc.
Conclusion: Paul wrote the second letter to Timothy with a more personal tone which is revealed through the greeting and the letter. He felt a close connection to Timothy, and he wanted to encourage him amidst the difficulty of the ministry at Ephesus. Thus, there are unique features in this greeting in comparison to 1 Timothy.
Challenge: Read 2 Timothy to familiarize yourself before next week- it is an easy read, and it is one that will bless you through its encouraging tone.