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Spiritual Gifts  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Why The Church Needs You

This text today talks about Spiritual Gifts. Every believer’s gift is Christ-centered. The words “He gave”. It is Christ who gives spiritual gifts to men. Man can’t work up the gifts, nor give the gifts to other men. Today i’m not gonna talk about the five gifts that are mentioned here. I want to talk about “Why The Church Needs You (us). You’ve heard the words said before “you need the church”, but the church needs you (us)! As God’s child, we are blessed with unique spiritual gifts and talents that can be used to benefit the body of Christ. We can use these gifts in at least two ways to benefit our fellow brothers and sisters:
But before I tell you the two ways, we must no there is a difference between Talent and Spiritual Gifts.
Talent is defined as a special ability that allows someone to do well. Talent could be a natural aptitude or skill. People at birth are born with certain genetics to excel in certain areas. As they grow up and discover their talents, they cultivate and improve them apart from other people and distinguishes them as being talented (Exodus 31:1-6). A talent can be possessed by anyone, Christians or Non-Christians.
Spiritual Gifts are a direct working of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers to fulfill God’s purposes in saving people (1 Cor. 12:7). Spiritual gifts are given only to believers. All are called and equiped to be involved in the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:12). Every believer receives a special gift (Romans 12:3,6). Spiritual gifts are bestowed on a believer first at CONVERSION and later on as he grows in his spiritual experience and walk with the Lord, he obtains more gifts from God (1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 1:6). Each person is given spiritual gifts according to the Lord’s will and not as man wills (Romans 12:3-8; 1 Cor. 12.
I. The Gifts God Gives You An I Promote Spiritual Maturity
God wants us to grow spiritually. In order for this to happen, He has placed gifted people in the church to fulfill different aspects of the of ministry. If the pastor, teacher, evangelist, and others carry out their duties, this not only helps to promote our spiritual growth, but also equips us to do better work for Him. Now, for this to take place, you (we) must be “fit together perfectly,” with each one doing their own special work, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. The church is one body, and every member is to strive to keep the oneness and unity of the spirit. Believers are not only a united, they are diverse. There are differences between believers. What are those differences? They are gifts, special abilities given by God which are to be used to strengthen other believers and to reach the world and minister to it. Christians are to walk using the gifts God has given him. Romans 12:3-8 talks about “The Believer and Himself and 1 Corinthians 12:-14:40 you have “The Questions Concerning Spiritual Gifts”.
II. The Gifts God Gives You An I Bless Others
Now you may not hold a prominent position in the church, you may be able to encourage others, care for the sick or those in need. You may be able to financially support the ministry outreach, or even help clean the church. If you (we) fail to regularly fellowship in a church with other believers, we are neglecting a great opportunity to use what God has given you (me).
In closing, remember this, that Christ takes every christian or believer and that christian or believer is:
is fitly joined together with all the other believers
helps to increase the body
helps to edify the body in love
What more could be said about the contribution made by every believer. What greater challenge you and I could have as a believer? We must give all we are and have to get the job done. There is a lot at stake for us. An eternal weight of responsibility rests upon every one of us as believers, we’re all responsible for reaching people and building them up. There are some people that will never be reached or ministered to if a single one of us comes up short. It’s for this reason everyone of us is gifted by Christ Jesus our Lord.
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