Faith the Lion
A Journey of Faith
A Journey of Faith
Chapter 1 - Holiness is Risky
Chapter 2 - Faith in Crisis
Chapter 3 - Faith in the Fire
Chapter 4 - Faithfully Humble
Chapter 5 - Righteous Judgement
Just as Daniel was progressively challenged, we are challenged as well.
The issues of our time are becoming so complex and polarizing. Taking a stance on either side of an issue, can have consequences.
QUESTION: What consequences can one face for taking a strong stand on a certain issue?
QUESTION: Do you think Christians today are more or less likely to stand up for their beliefs or compromise their moral ethics? Why or why not?
REFLECTION: What about yourself…If you had to take a strong stand on an issue, which would come with would you do?
Babylonian kingdom conquered by Darius king of Persia…who is also likely referred to as Darius in the book of Daniel
Daniel is estimated to be about 85 yrs
gained a lot of experience
Read Daniel 6:1-4
Satraps “protectors”
Governors set over the Satraps
Daniel was one of the Governors
Daniel clearly shined and was being considered by the king to be set over the ‘whole realm’ (V. 3)
4 So the governors and satraps sought to find some charge against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find no charge or fault, because he was faithful; nor was there any error or fault found in him.
Daniel was described as having an ‘excellent spirit’....We can take this as being very mystical…BUT if we look at V. 4 we are given tangible traits to Daniels ‘Excellent Spirit’
QUESTION: What are the characteristics/traits behind Daniels ‘excellent spirit’?
Sometimes we see the mystical elements of our faith as out of reach or unattainable.
When we look at those deemed to have an ‘excellent spirit’ and peer further into their lives, we begin to see a beaten path....the question is whether or not we choose to walk down it ourselves.
Read Daniel 6:5-9
Daniel was clearly envied by many for there to be a big meeting with the governors and satraps.
The king was ambushed by this group....Hebrew word describes a tumult.
unclear if Daniel was there or not.
Courage and Trust
Courage and Trust
Read Daniel 6:10-17
QUESTION: What traits does Daniel exhibit in these verses?
Lets highlight two
seeing the reality of the situation and choosing not to run but to face it
Making God honoring decisions in risky situations
choosing not to morally compromise yourself in difficult situations
Knowing that God has put me, in the current situation/position I’m in
Ex. Ester
Ex. Priest....there is always someone better than me to serve
God is orchestrating a bigger plan than I can see.
Read Daniel 6:18-28
Courage and trust are essential traits every Christian must develop over their lifetime by facing the various trails.
The reality, is that sometimes we can make a stand, but we are not sure if it made any difference at all?!
We wonder if we sacrificed or incurred loss for not reason at all
If I rarely see any change by my actions, then I will be less inclined to continue making stands.
This is why Hope is another essential trait of the christian walk. without it we will undoubtedly falter in our stance.
We must live knowing God sees our actions and desire to honor him in difficult situations, we must remain hopeful that He will use it for His glory
ex. three youth in the fiery furnace
5 What then is Apollos? And what is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, even as the Lord gave opportunity to each one. 6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. 7 So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth.