What's It Worth
Prayer • Sermon • Submitted
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· 8 viewsOur worth is intrinsic and the value of prayer is intrinsic. We must be sure to understand what prayer is and the importance of its gift.
Tell the story of “Do You Know Your Value” from Ty Bennett
Read about the value in:
Colossians 2:23
To the Colossians, the discipline demanded by the false teachers seemed good. Actually, forms of legalism still attract many people today. Following a long list of religious rules requires strong devotion, humility, and severe bodily discipline. But such people are empty shells, only seeming wise. True wisdom is found only in Christ, the source of all wisdom. But all this piety and asceticism was worthless. No amount of religious rules can change a person’s heart; they have no value in conquering a person’s evil thoughts and desires. Only the Holy Spirit can do that. Therefore, all human attempts at religion are worthless. By extension, then, the heresy with all its positive-sounding rules was also worthless.
Intrinsic Value - value that comes from within and is “in and of itself,” or has value for “what it is.”
Extrinsic Value (instrumental value) - Extrinsic value, aslo known as instrumental value, is the value that something has as a means to a desired or valued end. Extrinsic value is always derivative on, or is determined by, the value of something else, and it is always conditional.
Discuss the intrinsic value of our faith
No one can take away or control our faith
The measure of our faith is dependent on the standard and conditions that we set for it, no one else.
Faith is avenue that we can go deep with God
Discuss the intrinsic value of our worth
The place we draw our worth from is important
The view we have of ourselves should come from within
Do we know our purpose and our destination?
A correct understanding of our worth enables to approach the Father with boldness and authority
Use the example of a child or a senior adviser
Discuss the intrinsic value of our prayer
Do we have a view of prayer as first or last?
Do we understand the nature of the power of our prayer?
Prayer is a gift and a way of life, not rituals and listing of our desires.
Through prayer is the way we move forward, without it we will remain static only building frustration and confusion.
Remind everyone of the difference between intrinsic value and extrinsic value.
Talk about the importance of knowing the difference.
Read Job 28:1-28
End with discussing priorities and why prayer is so important.