Balaam's Prophecies

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But invite you now to join me in the Book of Numbers once again will be in the Book of Numbers. numbers And we'll start in chapter 23.

one day while I was young Seminary Student, we had a guest lecturer come in 10 to lecture was very insightful and challenging and we're enjoying the presentation to about halfway through when this particular professor gave a quote from a person that we didn't usually hear good things about a theologian who had questionable views at Baskin was off and frankly wrong and we all kind of we're taking a back that a professor school with pulled this this person who we normally did not hear the name dropped in a favorable way and he could sense are are being taken aback at that and say pause for a moment and said, well, I don't agree with most of what the man says, but listen every now and then you find a cake in a garbage can Now that's a curious way to put it down. You say I like cake but I'm usually garbage cans for it, but I was thinking about that quote this week because we're looking at this man called called Balaam does Private for-profit frankly. He's been an incredibly mysterious and puzzling character. He is a man who is a pagan a sorcerer a greedy covetor and yet God spoke to him as a prophet. I frankly feel like I'm seeing a garbage can if you will the way that this man Bailon was and yet we find some cake and that garbage can did you know that Balaam give some of the most profound properties of the Old Testament? Do you know that the Christmas prophecy? Primarily one of the great Christmas prophecies comes from Balaam of all people. It's a curiosity that you can find such cake in a garbage can was a walking contradiction you practice divination and sorcery yet. God commune with him talk with him. He Faithfully spoke God's message. Just yet evidently died as an unbeliever. He pronounce blessings on Israel yet Broadacres to is Real by counseling bail act attempt the people with sexual sin and idolatry Numbers 22 through 25 has sometimes been called The Book of Balaam because in that segment of the Book of Numbers, it's really all about Balaam and his activities very interesting and curious man has this real prepared to enter the promised land. There was a stunning drama unfolding. Let's introduce it this morning will start in chapter 22 verse 41 the last verse in 22 and let's set the set the stage for what's going to happen here in this drama of Balaam and balak in the Lord. So it was verse 41 the next day that balok took Balaam and brought him up to the high places of ball that from there. He might observe the extent of the people chapter 23, then Balaam said to pay electric bill seven altars for me here and prepare for me 7 bulls and seven Rams and they liked it just as bad. I have spoken and balak and Balaam offered a bull and a ram on each alter. Then balance said that they liked it stand by your burnt offering and I will go perhaps the Lord will come to meet me and whatever. He shows me. I will tell you so I went to a desolate height and God met Balaam and he said to him I prepare the seven altars and I've offered I need shelter a bull in a ram. Then the Lord put a word in balaam's Mount and said Return To Bay like and dust you shall speak to return to him and there he was standing by his burnt offering he and all the princes of Moab and he took up his Oracle and said they lack the king of Moab has brought me from Erin from the mountains of the East come first Jacob for me and come denounce Israel how she like hers whom God has not cursed and we're from the top of the Rocks. I see him. And from The Hills Have Behold Him there a people dwelling alone that Reckoning itself among the Nations who can count the dust up Jacob. We're number one for Israel let me die the death of the righteous and let my end be like his first 11 that bay like said to bail him. What have you done to me? I took you to curse my enemies and look you up bless them bountifully. So we answered and said must I not take heed to speak with the Lord has put in my mouth. May God bless the reading of his word. Let's take a look further at these three characters in the drama that info. First. Of course is Balaam Balaam does profit for profit. This curious man Balaam was a famous prophet and dipping her. So I don't buy the moabite king the Lord eventually as we learned in our last time looking at Balaam the Lord eventually permitted Balaam to go after the Lord got this thick-headed prophets attention to a talking donkey. The point was the donkey was more responsive to the Lord. Then this so-called Prophet question to the Lord and that's what made clear in that interesting event sometime.

I certainly was amazing that that would happen and in cases like this we're surprised equally that he speaks truth Balaam and chapters 23 and 24 and chapter 22 as Balaam was doing with the Lord didn't really want him to do the donkey spoke in a sense. The donkey saw the danger and warned Balaam in chapter 23 and 24 the same thing happens in a different way. There is Balaam who is seeing the danger and trying to warn balak who is refusing to see the reality of a situation. They owns first two messages and he'll give at least four messages in these two chapters are done in conjunction with sauce to read the first two he's doing divination and Magic if you will do the Pagan rituals, he doesn't even do that and got Spirit comes over Balaam and speaks directly now in these sessions of messages these four different sections you find into chapters four different sections. You should we break them down and say there's really seven pieces to this seven different statements that Baylen will make I find it interesting that clearly God is speaking through this Pagan and yet it's interesting that there's subtle differences for instance the word Oracle. We see in chapter 23 verse 7 and elsewhere in this section of scripture the word oracle's usually translated Parable or proverb. It's never used to be a Hebrew Prophet speaking for the Lord's on use of Balaam sort of a subtle hint that this guy is not like the others disease of a different character different nature and that is very much the truth. Another hint that he was not truly the Lord's servant. So first of all, he does what he knows to do the Divination the magic the saucery later got Spirit clearly comes over him and he speaks even more directly and powerfully the subject matter also changes from first more or less of correcting and instructing and educating the name Bailey. And later, you'll find that the focus to subject matters switches from that King and his plans to more talking about God's future for Israel and tact it gets into prophecy. Even the Christmas Prophecy of the coming Christ amazing transformation is you will see so balum. Is this Prophet for-profit the man called a lack who's the king of Moab? He is not a tool. He's a troublemaker Troublemaker was Balaam is just a tool a kind of a Hired Gun. He'll do whatever is offered to pay the most day like it's a king wears his own agenda. He's trying to oppose the people of Israel because he sees them as a threat he contracts with Balaam to curse Israel seeking help from the gods weather at the ball or the Lord. He doesn't care whatever. God will help me. I will serve that seems to be the The Motif Balaam two different spots. In fact, we don't know the exact location of Spots that would be mentioned in these chapters are there high spots where they can see and Survey the the vantage point of Israel. So several different spots and as the story unfolds balak is going to be frustrated. He doesn't get the result he's looking for and so he takes them to different places if maybe there's a different guy out here who will give me a favorable result and she keeps trying and trying again to get that is the result that he's looking for UC Balaam and balak. I like both think if you bring the right Talent if you give the right treasure the red commitment, maybe the right location. God can somehow be made to serve you he can be manipulated to give you what you really want. So they lack is spared no expense in getting this thing to happen. He sent to different delegation 400 miles away to where Balaam live to convince him to come and work for him each time offered more money than the time before he throws a feast on his arrival and then he sacrifices Three different times seven bowls and seven Rams builds seven altars on the first location offers 7 Bowl 7. Rams goes to the next location repeats the whole thing seven bull 7 rims and yet another seven bowls and seven Rams and 7 author. So he's shelling out the treasure. He's offering much more if Balaam can only give him what he is looking to achieve sacrifices were called the whole sacrifices or burnt sacrifices in this case. In other words in which nobody consumes any of the meat it's 100% consumed in fires a gift to God work. But Gods as we think these pagans probably thought and their bulls and Rams which were the two most valuable animals to to most precious sacrifices. So he's no expense to try to get the result that he is looking for a Alexa error is really a certain his will his agenda over the Lord and He will lose just as all the world's powerful. Eventually do who opposed to Lord you see Balaam and balak each. If you can somehow get the desired end if you just do the right Protocols are the right place or the right ritual then you can get God to conform to your will in other words. They wanted to be the Lord but that job is already taken. So only one God you see that third person in this drama is the most important person in this drama you have Balaam who's the tool you have baylock was a troublemaker and then you have the Lord who is God. Rival. There's no contact. He is God. He is God enough said this morning as we continue in the book of Balaam as it's been called. We're going to try to pull some cake out of the garbage can as we sampled The Marvelous Prophecies of Balaam, who is this curious conduit that God chose to use this garbage can if you will permit me to say that and yet God gives us Some of the best and most powerful prophecies that we find in the Hebrew Bible this morning. I want to share with you three things that everyone must know we're in a sample from these different Oracles these prophetic messages short shirt with you three things that people in Balaam stay needed to know and people today here and now need to know as well. I'm sure the first of three things we must know first. We must know that God blesses his people God blesses, his people know that the Lord blesses those who are his isn't that the message that we heard in this first Oracle balak comes down or here's the message of Balaam and verse 8 Balaam says how shall I curse put God is Not cursed and how shall I denounce him? The Lord is nothing else to another words. That's a power that belongs to God not any privileged person. Nobody can defy God in that respect got people are uncomfortable because God protects them. They like wanted to curse is real, but the more he tried The more God blessed it's real and he ends up frustrated at the process. In fact, both balak and Balaam separates only serve to advance God's purpose. God bless his people and that's the whole theme here. God has chosen his Covenant People Israel, and he's blessed them in a way that is unique and special different than everyone else that Meme is picked up again in the second prophecy. Listen to chapter 24 verses 5 and 6 where it bail again sends after sacrifice Balaam to hear from God and here's what the Lord says in part through Balaam chapter 24 verse 5 how lovely are your tent. So Jacob your dwellings o Israel like valleys that stretched out like Gardens by the Riverside. Like I was planted by the Lord like Cedars beside the waters. He shall pour water from his buckets and a seed shall be in many Waters. That's a scene in ancient times of of abundance. When you had lots of water, that's a good thing, especially in the semi-arid place are climate like Israel. That's a good thing and it's saying God blesses his people abundantly. He Waters them. He gets them strength and Provisions. So they do not lack all these are ways of saying God blesses his people now when God was sending Israel into the promised land. He promised material blessings as well spiritual blessings. He promised those blessings to the people because they were his chosen people. Let me tell you that God promises something even better to you and me as Christians here and now today Listen to the words of Peter 1st Peter chapter 2 Peter rights to Christians in the first century and says you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation his own special people that you may proclaim the Praises of him who called you out of Darkness Into His Marvelous Marvelous Light, but once were not a people but are now the people of God would not obtain Mercy, but now have obtained Mercy. Let me tell you brother and sisters. Do you know that you are blessed you are blessed abundantly significantly Perpetual you are blessed in so many ways. God has blessed us. He brought us out of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light. He chose us as his own special people in your prepared a home in heaven for you and me God bless Israel because they're his people. Nobody can curse them. Can I say the same applies to you and me God has blessed us powerfully and abundantly so that no one can curse us. God is protected and blessed us. There's an old song. I heard as a young Christian count your blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done with some wisdom in that line. Isn't that God has blessed us in so many ways now, let me give you a challenge next time. Somebody says, how are you today? Why don't you answer blessed? What because we are blessed we are blessed above and beyond doesn't mean we don't have challenges and troubles but we are blessed in the midst of our troubles and we look forward to an eternity blessing in the time said Come Those are the messages that God would have us here. Let's look at a second thing. Everyone must know not only that the Lord blesses his people but I want to show something else has his people but he also wants us to know from these oracles these prophecies that he keeps his promises. He keeps his promises. Listen to chapter 23 and verse 18 verse 18. This is the second of the prophecies Verse 18. Then he took up his Oracle and said rise up there like in here listen to me Son of zipporah. God is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent has. He said and Willie not do or has he spoken and will he not make it good behold. I received the command to bless his blessed it and I cannot reverse it the first and second prophecies are really address to this King named balak primarily and basically they're designed to educate him because he obviously has no knowledge of the true God he might know his name. He might have some concepts of God, but he misjudged God badly and the Lord is saying I'm not like a person. I don't change my mind. I can't be bought or influence or intimidated. You don't understand who you're dealing with. Felix problem is he doesn't know the Lord the name day like actually means Destroyer evidently. He's a guy that's used to getting his way. And here we found there was somebody more powerful than he assumed everyone could either be intimidated or bought but the Lord is not like that the second prophecy reveals. The character of God. The fact is God doesn't change his mind. He's not the man. He's not like a person that has one opinion today in a different opinion tomorrow or next week and got us the saying he doesn't change the fact theologians like to use the word and I remember one of my theology prop saying use the use the $25 words cuz sometimes that's my difference between you and the people listening to you. Well, I don't know if that's true or not. But let me give you a big word today the word immutable immutable which is a fancy way of saying he never changes. He never changes and that's one of the messages that the Lord is trying to communicate to this pack and King. I'm the Lord. I don't change. I don't change my mind. I don't have to make up for a mistake. I don't have to edit or amend anything because I never get it wrong. I'm the Lord. He's trying to reveal who he is doesn't change his nature to e doesn't change. His mind is always the same as the New Testament says Jesus Christ the same today yesterday today and forever. He doesn't change now. Is anybody here this morning? Glad the Lord doesn't change his mind. Are you glad the Lord doesn't change his mind. Are you glad the Lord doesn't change his mind about Mercy. Daddy doesn't get tired of our sins and give up on us and say, you know Bill you've done the same silly mistake about 16 times this week. I'm done for giving you no more Mercy. Now, he doesn't change his mind about being a merciful god. He doesn't change his mind about being faithful. He he doesn't get worn out on taking care of us and our many need from day-to-day the people and yet God never gets saturated or or fed up with caring for you and me because he's faithful and it never changes that he doesn't change his mind about love. He loves us on the basis of Christ rather than our performance. He loves us just as much on days when we're hitting foul balls and not doing anything right when we're getting angry at her family and not acting very Christian. He loves his just as much on those days as day is more going to church in her Halo Has Turned Up full bright and everything's coming up roses He Loves Us equally weather. We're having a bad day or a good day because it's not based on. It's based on his choice to love us. I'm glad God doesn't change aren't you and that's what God is communicating to this Pagan to understand God is not like people he goes on to give several examples. Look at some of them with Nate's verse 21 of chapter 23 Bay alarm continues he has not observed iniquity and Jacob nor has he seen wickedness in Israel. So God is telling a elective King who he is and then he's telling how he feels about Israel is people have not observed iniquity or wickedness in my people. Excuse me. Has anybody been paying attention as we walked through the book of Exodus and numbers God is Not observed iniquity or wickedness in his people that's a pretty stunning statement that tells us that God keeps his promises for instance. He forgives us we can count on him to forgive us. How can the Lord say of those people in Israel that people on The Exodus that I'm not observed in equity or Wicked? Well, let's see aren't these the same people who sew constantly questioned and criticized and doubted Moses and the Lord by ceeza same people complained and didn't believe when they needed water or food is the same people that when Moses went up on the mountain to get the Ten Commandments, they made a golden calf and worshipped it. I think it's the same people who got tired of mana and complained the same people complain cuz the way was hard and got sent fiery serpents. How do you say the same people? No iniquity wickedness. How can God say I have not observed iniquity or wickedness in this people? The answer is not that God is not aware he was Mattingly aware of all their sins and and fickleness the point is God chose not to respect them in that way. He chose not to remember those sins and I understand fully what has happened. But he chooses based on his love and character to overlook those sins and not hold them against them. Even though humanly speaking we would be tempted to do such don't you wish the word did the same for you and me did not observe iniquity or wickedness and Bill or you or you don't you wish the Lord did the same await he does he does because when we are believers in Jesus Christ, he sees us in Christ when he looks at Billy doesn't see Bill with his failures. He sees Jesus in Bill and he loves me on that basis that stuff that fact that's the promise that we have got does the same for us. What's new with the psalmist wrote Psalm 103 for as the heavens are high above the Earth. So great is his Mercy for those who fear Him as far as the east From the West so far as he removed our transgressions from us. I've often thought it's a good thing the Lord n Save North and South because you realize it started make a geography lesson, but if you hadn't thought about it, if you go south at some point you at the South Pole star going north, right, but if you go east you can go east infinitely or west infinitely and it never changes Direction. The point is even the small details. Tell us something about God he sang infinitely. I've separated your sins from you the penalty the shame that guilt God forgives us. He cleanses us he cares for us. He has removed our transgressions, says our father pity's his children to a lord pity's those who fear Him for he knows our friend remembers that we are dust. The fact is God's people can count on him to forgive make sure he's something else continue on verse 22 God brings them up out of Egypt has strength like a wild ox for there's no sorcery against Jacob nor divination against Israel that must now be said of Jacob and Israel what God has done look up people Rises like a lioness and listen to self up like a line it shall not lie down until it devours its prey and drinks the blood of the slain God can be counted on to forgive a child should be counted on to to save us to save us to deliver us much of the prophecies that Balaam gives our prophecies about Israel's Victory and Triumph against their enemies and that's very fitting because in their point in history here, they're ready to enter the promised land and and take it over there going to fight many battles and in the process, so they Is a very relevant subject matter for them throughout these Prophecies of Balaam Israel compared to a lion or strong on that that will be victorious praying upon Israel. What God is saying is you know, you got it backwards. Israel's going to be your Predator. You are there pray you're their lunch because you oppose God and his people God is reminding them of this drop the verse Revelations that Balaam gives and chapters 23 and 24 nations are listed that they would defeat Moab and Edom among them even persons in chapter 24 a person named agag is is mentioned in later centuries after this a king named Saul would defeat this king of the amalekites. The point is the Lord Owen's all our enemies the Lord fights all our battles and that's what Balaam is communicating on behalf of the Lord. Let me show you something else chapter 23 verse 21. He is not observed iniquity and Jacob Norris heating wickedness in Israel with the last part of that verse. The Lord is God is with them and the king is among them here Spears another promise that God keeps he abides with us. You see the shadow of a king is among them in the king is with them. You know, the reason that Israel be victorious is not just because the Lord is for them. It's because the Lord is with them 24/7 the children of Israel had a reminder of visible reminder that God was in there. It was the pillar of cloud by day the pillar of Fire by night that was mounted over the Tabernacle The Dwelling Place of God. God wanted them to know that he was with them. He was with them. They're not only protected. They were accompanied in all their activities all their wanderings all their challenges. And I'd like to say to you today that Christians can claim the same promise God is with us. He does not send us to do errands but he goes along with us for those errands. Jesus told that to his disciples. In fact in the openings chapter of John John's gospel chapter 1 there's a fascinating verse where John describes the coming the Advent of Christ. He says in chapter 1 of John verse 14 and the word became flesh and lived Among Us literally it's pitched his tent Among Us tabernacled among us some of the old translation say he pitched his tent among us and we beheld his glory. The glory is of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth on the night of the Last Supper. Jesus would take it a step further and say as he prepared to leave that God would send another to be with them Chapter 14 verse 16 of John and I will pray the father and he'll give you another helper that he may abide with you forever, but they may live with you forever. The point is to say you never I want to hear believer God. It's not only for you. He is with you. He is with you throughout all the days of your life and even through the passage of death. He is with you you will never be alone. Again, Israel would face many battles and tests but through it. All God will deliver them and keep them company we to face trials and tests, but we do not face them alone because he is Emmanuel God With Us he is with us, Darcel blessed because God keeps his promises. He doesn't promise everyday will be good or easy, but just promise never to abandon or forsake us be content with such promises. Let's look at 8 third thing. We need to know turn to chapter 24 verse 10 as we continue to sample some of the Prophecies of Balaam that God delivered me a chapter 24 Chapter 24 verse 10 then balak Sanger was aroused against pelo many struck his hands together. What does that mean Balaam after the third prophecy? His boss is no longer pleased with his job performance three times. He's sacrificed 14 animals built different authors three times and he's never got the desired result. So basically he fires Balaam was aroused he struck his hands together. That's kind of a ancient culture way of saying I'm done with us. Some would say it's a way of saying off with his head. I want to execute you but it certainly expresses his displeasure. If not something more. He said I called you to curse my enemies and look you abundantly blessed them these three times now therefore flee to your place. I said, I would greatly honor you, but in fact the Lord has kept you back from honor amazing. He had an exit interview and it wasn't very long. It was kind of a don't let the door hit you on the way out Bail like maybe done but balak was not done until the Lord says he was done. Look what happens. Let's continue on B12 to Beyonce to be like that and that also speak to your Messengers whom you sent to me saying it Bay like where to give me his house full of silver and gold I could not go beyond the word of the Lord to do good or bad in my own will what the Lord says that I must speak and now there's 14 indeed. I'm going to my people, I will advise you what this people would do to your people in the latter days and in the following paragraphs Balaam gives a whole bunch more if they like was paying for the first three, he stopped payment. He fired fired his Apprentice if you will and now Balaam says the Lord's not done you might be done towards not done with you hear what the Lord will do to your people and the latter days and he goes on to give the explanation. And here's the thing I would take away from this and share with you. Think number three. Your sting number 3 know that the Lord rules over all in other words. They like you're not in charge the Lord is and you're done when he says you're done. Listen. Listen. I've got a message for you and it's not done yet at this point Bay like is Balaam is fired no longer on the payroll. He wants nothing to do with this man. But God says there's more to come he has more to say no to sin verse 14. He says I will advise you what these people do to your people in the latter day hasn't said these Prophecies of Balaam progressively develop to spend more time on Christ the King who will come and More Time On future events. I believe that the implications he prophesies some of not even really been fulfilled yet their prophecies that have a futuristic a fulfillment and so they explain much of what will come the fourth prophecy. Takes it further yet to look at Christ coming as Balaam. Can use with his prophecy. He says in verse 17. I see him in many translations. They him is capitalized meaning the translators assume that the Speak Of The Lord Of God himself. I see him but not now I Behold Him but not near this has been called a Christmas prophecy perhaps this is the very phrased that motivated the wise men from the East to come seeking the child Christ when he was born to be king of Israel fascinated. Listen to what he says he talks about that Starship come out of Jacob Israel does nature sound like what the wise men were talking about interesting that another group of pagans who understood this prophecy were drawn to the Lord through this fascinating prophecy. The star is a term sometimes used for Christ for the Messiah. In fact, the last book in our Bibles to Book of Revelation says of Christ. He is the root and offspring of David. Bright and Morning Star it's talking about Christ. He will bear the scepter a symbol of power and Dominion God give great insights into Christ. You're bailing this Pagan Prophet. Let me just quickly summarize some of the things he tells us about the Lord he tells his first of all about Christ that is coming is delayed but certain verse 17 he is coming he is coming that's clear. I see him but not now I Behold Him but not near that kind of a cryptic expression. I believe the point of this is to say he's coming but not yet. He's coming but it just be a little bit longer in other words. It's a promise. I guarantee of Christ coming the king will come though. It might not happen as quick as you might like, it's come. That's true of Christ in his first coming is real waited so long and it's true in these days of Christ's second coming as we wait for the Lord and our blessed. Hope he comes out of Israel. It says in verse 17 e comes out of Jacob out of Jacob out of the Jewish people the promised Messiah will come and look at verse 19 out of Jacob one shall have dominion and destroy the remains of the city. He speaks are in this prophecy of Christ's a not only does it come out of Jacob but furthermore, he will prevail he will prevail he's going to rule over. All he is the king of kings and Lord of lords. He has no rival no clothes second. No competition. There's no contest. He is the Lord. Do you find it surprising that one of the greatest Christmas prophecies came from a Covetous Pagan magician who tried to curse Israel? I can't quite wrap my brain around that why with the Lord choose to do that and yet the Lord is God and he chooses sometimes to bring powerful messages through messages from very unlikely source of God can use anyone can you not he can use balum he could use balaam's donkey. He could use me and you could use you the message is what's important and God will get his message out. The fact is the Lord rules. Even those who oppose him are in fact, his unwilling servants these passages reminded said kingdoms rise and fall they come and go but God's kingdom will last forever Olympians 2 chapter 2 verse 9 says God has highly exalted him the Christ and give them the name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of those in heaven of those on Earth of those under the Earth and that every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the father. You know, that one day all create. All people 1-day confess Jesus is Lord where their mouth and bend the knee before Jesus Christ. Do you know that's true. It's going to happen. Why is people do that now, but one day all people will do that according to the scripture. Let me ask you a question. What do President Joe Biden Vladimir Putin Tom Brady and Oprah Winfrey all have in common? You might not have put those poor people together what they have in common. Here's what they have in common one day. They will all confess Jesus as Lord and bow the knee before him. So what all people all people wonder why is people do that now understand that he is God. He is Lord. He is the coming King and bow before him. Let us be wise and seek him now this morning. We've looked at the Prophecies of this unlikely Prophet. God sent his message. Sometimes you the most unlikely people the most unlikely people and that certainly is this man called Balaam this morning. I hope we've learned what we all need to learn that God blesses his people he keeps his promises and he rules over all so what is our proper response to this? Let me say that Balaam believe it or not new all these things. He spoke all these things knew all this stuff. But according to the latter part of the Book of Numbers he died. They lack and the Kings and leaders of Moab. He cause trouble for the people of Israel and every indication is he died without faith in God another words, even though he said in one of his oracles that I would die the death of the righteous availeth never did that. Why did he not die the death of the righteous because he didn't live the life of the righteous. See you have to live the life. You have to live the truth here is an example of a man who knew the truth and yet failed to implement it or act on it and as a pastor, can I say that that's a fear I have we can we can deal in truth. We can traffic and truth and yet somehow never let it land in our lives and that seems to be the sad story have this man called Baal. He did not live the life that he knew to be true. Do you know truth? Praise God? I hope you know truth. We spent a lot of time and effort in our ministry trying to share God's truth and that's the right thing to do. But that's only half of our task the other half is to live that truth. Not just to learn it. But to live it are you living that truth? And here's where it starts it starts with Valley before the Lord Jesus Christ before the Christ who is coming the king that starts with bending the knee and worship in humility and sand sheetrock God that I'm not that it starts with confessing. Jesus is Lord believing that God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins and raise them up from the dead is proof that there's life Everlasting. That's where it starts. Have you done that? Confess. He is Lord bend the knee humble yourself before him. Let's do that right now. Will you pray with me Father in heaven? We thank you for Jesus the king of kings and Lord of lords and Lord. We look forward to that day when every tongue will confess and every knee will bow before you as Lord father. May we get a head start on that this morning? Maybe we bow before you and understand that you are full things. You are the treasures of God's wisdom. You are the alpha and the Omega the author and finisher of our faith and we bow before you Lord we bow before you and praise your name. Father may we not just learn the truth like Balaam, but may we live the truth? By the way what hearing his words has a lot of knowledge about God and maybe could explain the Bible but they've never personally trusted you and your son never asked for forgiveness of sins repented by the maybe do that right now because knowing truth is not enough to say we must act on that truth today, whether you're young person or well advanced in years. Have you ever personally placed your faith your hope of Salvation in Christ. Have you turned in faith to him and him only do that now? Father thank you that you are quick to say that you keep your promises and that whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. May we be those people help us in this we pray in Jesus name and all God's people said amen.

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