What does it mean to be Human?

Contemporary Issues  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Sunday morning Bible study series

Goal. The goal of this bible study series will be to examine some of the current contemporary issues in light of the scriptures. In other words, what the the Bible teaches about XYZ? In the course of this study, we will look at current ideas, definitions, and teachings in our society. Once we have examined the claims of these teachings in light of the Bible, we will make applications for the edification of the saints.
Why is this study important?
Society & Culture. Currently, within our society/culture, there is a prolific push towards a self-made ideology. What I mean is that defining who you are is based on who you discover yourself to be and who you say you are, irrespective of biological gender. “I am a woman trapped inside of a man’s body” is a phrase that is an example of the symptom of this kind of ideology.
Personal. It is not only a symptom in society/culture, but it is a real life experience for Christians. By experience I do not mean so much that they are questioning their own identity as much as that they have family and friends who have been influenced and are attempting to live out this ideology. Because of the societal and personal influence of this ideology, Christians must understand not only what the scripture teaches but also how the scripture should be applied.
Problem. Part of our problem is not so much that we do not know what the Bible says, at least superficially, but we either wrongly apply biblical principles or who are unsure how the biblical principles apply at a fundamental way. This problem leads to Christians who either cut off relationship with their family/friends, do not address family/friends, or wrongly address family/friends which are in this ideology.
Starting Point. Where do we start? It is my conviction that mankind does not know who they are because they have either refused or are distracted from God. God and man are interwoven in a way that cannot be separated — meaning to rightly know God is to rightly know who I am. The identity of mankind is inextricably linked to sovereignty of God.
Purpose. In this starting point, that of identity and sovereignty, we are striking at fundamental issues, and that is a more explicit way to consider the purpose of this series. I don’t want us to merely consider the contemporary issues and the scripture, but I want to make sure we are dealing with foundational truths rather than mere superficial topics or symptoms.
Our first question for study will be:
What does it mean to be human?
In response to this question, we will begin with the fundamental teachings of the Bible as follows:
(1) To be human is to be created in the image of God.
(2) To be human is to be created by a Creator to whom there is accountability.
(3) To be human is to be created as a dependent creature who is distinct from the Creator.

To be human is to be created in the image of God. Genesis 1:26-27

Attributes. Mankind is uniquely created in the image of God. This truth does NOT mean that God has two eyes, a nose, and two ears. To be created in the image of God means that mankind is made to be a creature who possesses communicable attributes. These attributes can be emotions such as anger or love. Another attribute that man possesses in likeness to God is the ability to reason.
Value. Because mankind is created in the image of God, he is valuable. It is not the function of mankind that makes him valuable first; rather it is the fact that he and she are created in God’s image. This value of mankind in God’s image is also seen in Genesis 5:1-2 and Genesis 9:6 [both of which are post-Fall accounts].
Responsibility. Because mankind is created in the image of God, he is given distinct responsibilities. Notice the dominion that is given to mankind. This responsibility of dominion is consequence of the fact that mankind is an image bearer of God.
Gender. Because mankind is created in the image of God, he AND she are valuable. Notice that God created them male and female, Again, this does NOT mean that God is bi-sexual. It means that both man and woman are created with communicable attributes of God and both are valuable regardless of differing job function between the genders.

To be human is to be created by a Creator to whom there is accountability. Genesis 1:28

The Testimony of God. There is inherent accountability that can be assumed, but Genesis 1:28 makes this accountability explicit. God blesses and commands Adam and Eve. This communication from God to mankind establishes the accountability that exists between Creator and creation.
The Testimony of Creation. While in Genesis 1:28, the accountability is evident between the Being of God and mankind, Romans 1:20 establishes that mankind is accountable simply from the evidence of God’s creation. Creation manifests the existence of God, and Paul seems to understand that this revelation of God in creation is sufficient to render mankind guilty before the Creator.

To be human is to be created as a dependent creature who is distinct from the Creator.

God & Man. While this point may seem obvious from Genesis 1:26-28, it is often taken for granted in our society. Another way to consider the distinction between the Creator and mankind is to provide statements of contrast for clarity.
God is not man.
Man is not God.
Man is not a little god.
Distinction. Psalm 8:1-9 provides clarity on this point. Creation is once again called upon to remind mankind how little he and she are in view of the Creator’s power; but creation also serves a secondary purpose — to show that God and man are distinct from each other.
Dependence. In addition, to say that man is a dependent creature is to recognize the limitations of mankind. In Genesis 1:29, God provides food for mankind. This provision is a reminder that mankind depends on sustenance for life. Mankind requires food, water, and oxygen to live. This is distinct from the Creator. Thus, to be human is to be created as a dependent creature who is distinct fro the Creator.
While we would all agree that the scripture teaches us these truths about being human, what relevance does this have today? Specifically, how do the teaches of the Bible regarding humanity address contemporary issues today? Our response will be as follows:
(1) We do NOT know ourselves through psychology first but through God’s objective reality.
(2) We are not self-creators, we are created.
(3) We do not create purpose; we are given purpose by our Creator.

We do NOT know ourselves through psychology first but through God’s objective reality.

“Philip Rieff, the late professor of sociology at the University fo Pennsylvania, is significant for this study because of his application of psychology to the patterns and pathologies of cultural change in the last one hundred years....” (Trueman, Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self, 42)
In tracing the development of identities of mankind historically he provides the following categories of mankind and his identity:
the political man is the one who finds his identity in the activities in which he engages in the public life of the polis (44)
the religious man who found his primary sense of self in his involvement in religious activities (44)
the economic man who finds his sense of self in his economic activity: trade, production, making money (45)
the psychological man who is a type characterized not so much by finding identity in outward directed activities as was true for the previous types but rather in the inward quest for personal psychological happiness.
It is this last type of man that most-often (broadly speaking) characterizes the process in which people respond to the question, “Who are you?” or “What does it mean to be the human you?” In this process the person looks inside of himself or herself, identifies desires/tastes/likes and creates his/her own purpose for their life — at least this is the idea. “I am who I say I am based on what will make me happy, and no one has the right to tell me that I am not that,” is a statement is exemplary of this process.
This ideology of the psychological man stands in contrast to the scripture because it seeks to identify self and happiness on its own terms. God has already given the terms of who we are and to accept an ideology that commissions me to change that or not accept what God has declared is in direct contrast to God. Our starting point on defining what it means to be human or what it means to be me, must not begin with what I have figured out but with what God has said directly in his word and creationally in my biology. This leads into our second part of the application: we are not self-creators. We are created.

We are not self-creators; we are created.

“Self-creation is a routine part of our modern social imaginary.” - Trueman (42)
Science and technology can give us the sense that we are in charge of our own destiny. Phrases like, “You can be anything you want to be” are commonly heard today. But, if what we have seen about humanity is true, then there is only one Creator. We are not that Creator. Psalm 100:3 says as much.
Psalm 100:3 KJV 1900
3 Know ye that the Lord he is God: It is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
This means that we should not think of ourselves in terms which are only ascribed to God. We should not consider ourselves omniscient because we have much information at our fingertips. We should not consider ourselves omnipotent because we can accomplish a lot of things.

We do not create purpose. We are given purpose by our Creator.

If we are created, then we must accept that purpose is not made by us but rather purpose is given to us. This means that we do not look inside of ourselves for ultimate purpose. We look to God for purpose. Note Colossians 1:16.
Colossians 1:16 KJV 1900
16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
(1) To be human is to be created in the image of God.
(2) To be human is to be created by a Creator to whom there is accountability.
(3) To be human is to be created as a dependent creature who is distinct from the Creator.
App Review:
(1) We do NOT know ourselves through psychology first but through God’s objective reality.
(2) We are not self-creators, we are created.
(3) We do not create purpose; we are given purpose by our Creator.
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