21 22-34 Trading Land For Peace In The Middle East (Notes)
liberty bible church 2/3/08 P.M.
By Tom Zobrist
“Trading Land for peace in the middle east”
Who Should Be Doing This?
Genesis 21:22-34
Many believe that trading land for peace in Israel is a compromise. However, with terrorism growing, is this something that should be pursued? If Israel would give a little, maybe everyone could get along. Trading land for peace is a good idea, but who should be giving up land? That’s the real question.
i. who wants peace? vs. 22-24
a. Abraham has ______________________ on HIs side
Cf. Gen. 20:2-3; 17-18
b. can abraham be trusted?
Cf. Gen. 12:1-3; 20:14-16
ii. who dictates the terms of peace in the middle east? vs. 25-34
a. ________________________________ dictates the terms
b. Abraham ____________________ _______________
Cf. Rom. 11:1-5ff How should this affect Christians?