26 12-35 You Can't Stop It, You Can Only Hope To Contain It (Notes)
liberty bible church 6/22/08 P.M.
By Tom Zobrist
“You Can’t Stop It, You Can Only HOpe To COntain It”
The Fulfillment of God’s Will
Genesis 26:12-35
The world and even many Christians try to stop God’s will, but it can’t be done. God’s purposes will be accomplished. We see that in our passage tonight and we see how God gives the victory in the face of opposition.
i. the enemy will vs. 12-22
a. why?
b. They want to _____________________________________ him.
c. ________________________, ___________________________, everywhere
ii. the lord will vs. 23-25
a. GOd affirms His _______________________________
b. Isaac responds in ___________________________
iii. the enemy will vs. 26-35
A. Can’t we all get along?
Cf. Gen. 21:22-34
b. God continues to _______________________________ Isaac
c. more trials
How does this affect us today?