3, 18-21 Overcoming The Fear Of The Dark (Notes)
“Overcoming the fear of the dark”
John 3:18-21
Fear is sometimes a good thing, but, sometimes fear can grip the heart of even the best Christians. How can we overcome not only the fear of the dark, but any fear that would keep us from fulfilling God’s will in our lives?
i. the light vs. 18-19
a. The light protects us from ___________________
Cf. Numbers 21:4-9; Rom. 8:1; John 5:24
b. the light protects us from the ______________
Cf. John 1:4-5; 12:46; 1 Cor. 10:13
ii. the light vs. 20-21
a. are you a light ___________________________?
b. Are you a light ___________________________?
Cf. 2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 2:20
Can this help me with real fears?