6, 15-21 Does God Have Bad Timing (Notes)
“Does God have Bad timing?”
John 6:15-21
Why would God allow me to lose my job? Why would God allow my child to be rebellious? Why would God allow me to be sick? The question I want to answer today is does God have bad timing? Is it possible for Him to allow bad things at the wrong time?
i. god’s time is vs. 15-18
a. NOw is not prime time to be _________________
b. now doesn’t seem like prime time to ________
Cf. Mt. 14:22; Mk. 6:45-48a
ii. god is never vs. 19-21
a. god can do __________________ _______________
Cf. Mk. 6:48b-50a
b. We must stay _______________________ on him
Cf. Mt. 14:28-32
What are some bad timing decisions that we make?