April 25, 2021 - Romans 15:8-33
I don't know if it's just me or everyone that preaches up here. Probably, just me, but I need a bigger stand.
I got too much stuff.
Thank you worship. Team. That was beautiful head. Sounds great up here in the heaven. All you guys seeing here and you guys back here, it's great.
So, you guys are stuck with me again?
Little hahaha. I will make this disclaimer again, I'm not a pretty sure. I don't play one on TV and then say, a Holiday Inn Express last night. Play Jain. Come up with a good joke for you guys for this week. So the church Council met to discuss the pastor compensation package for the coming year, after the meeting, the chair of the council, told the pastor, we are very sorry, pastor, but we decided that we cannot give you a raise next year. But you must give me a race at the pastor I am but a poor preacher. I know the council chair said. We hear you every Sunday.
I'm not getting a raise.
So this week, we're still enrollment, we're actually coming to an end of Romans. So we've gone through quite a bit of theology.
We talked about the gospel message. God's righteous judgement righteousness. Apart from the law, we talked about being justified by faith alone. The results of justification by faith. Freedom of sin being bound to Christ life in the spirit, God's sovereignty, the word of faith being living, sacrifices submission to authorities. And the weak and the strong in faith. That's a lot of material. We've gone through. A lot of doctors in this letter and so now we're getting towards the end of that. The theology part is done.
Which makes this sound a little bit harder to try and find what to go off of what the other. The first part of the the letter we could go through and we can talk about the theology. Well, now or at the end of that. And so it's kind of hard to to find something to talk about towards this part. This last chapter
So, Paul write this letter to the Romans. Write Texas, 10-page, letter, front and back. And he sends us off to the church in Rome. And also that letter, we have books upon books upon Books, A Commentary. It's amazing, how something so small. And you get so many theologians that, just go through in and write so much break it down. Unfortunately, I'm not that smart break all that down, so luckily we have all of that.
Cuz Paul is wrapping up his letter here. I stood them about his travel plans, his expectations of the church in Rome and the actions of other churches. so, rather than just seeing his agenda here, I'm going to go through it. We're going to talk about how Paul shows this. What a gospel driven Church. Looks like we get a peek of how Paul sees his work and we can learn how we can look at that are working. God's kingdom. We can see an example of what a church should look like.
I want to read these characteristics of a church and I want you guys to think about these as we go through this last half of chapter 15.
So, recognizing that worship and Compasses are every breath. Not just those, when we're singing together committing ourselves to prayer of corporately and individually submitting, everything, we do to the word of God, which require studying it to see what it actually says. Joyfully giving ourselves to Fellowship as a community of Jesus followers, cheerfully, giving of our time, resources and gifts, to benefit our church, our community, and our world, voluntarily blessing, one another and others through acts of service teaching one another to obey Jesus's commands through intentional discipleship. Expressing the hope we have in Christ through words and deeds of evangelism sharing the good news joining God in his work around the world through praying sending and going on Mission. Don't you guys just to kind of think about those. We go through this. I'll spray before we get in God's word. Father we thank you for the time that we can just come together. Learn more about you re from your word. We thank you so much for your word. We thank you for your son Jesus and I pray that as we as we go through this study today, Lord that your will would be done. That. Your message would be heard and everything that we do is honoring to you and as to your son's name we pray. Amen.
Starting in verse 14. I myself am convinced my brothers and sisters that you yourselves are full of goodness filled with knowledge and competent to instruct one. Another Supposed to been a lot of time. The first are in this letter to the Romans, And he's gone through all this theology. You might think that the church in Rome was a mess, right? Cuz he's talked about
About how they need to to come together, how they need to have Unity. But here he talks about the righteous things that they are doing. He says that he is satisfied with the Christians in Rome, Paul commends them for their moral, excellent. They are living their lives right before the Lord, they're living their lives based upon a full knowledge of God's will they are not ignorant of the scriptures. They want to know God's Will and they're seeking it. So they might be found, pleasing to God. also, the Christians in Rome their able to instruct one another So he just kind of gives a little bit of character of this church, so he hasn't been there. But obviously this church has has been talked about throughout the Regents so he knows that they've been doing, right? And they've been doing good.
yes, I have written you quite boldly on some point to remind you of them again, because of the grace God gave me So Paul has written them boldly on some of these points, right? All the theology that he's gone through. It's just the way of a reminder. He's just reminding them and no matter how spiritually mature we are. We still need a reminder of God and of his will We should always be studying his word. We should always be in his word learning and seeking him.
To be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentile. He gave me the Priestly duty of proclaiming the Gospel of God so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God Sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my Surface to God. I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me and leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I said and done by the power of signs and wonders through the power of the spirit of God. So from Jerusalem, all the way around to alegrium, I have fully proclaim, the gospel of Christ, it is always been my ambition.
I want to make sure I don't get ahead of myself. There is always been my ambition to preach the gospel for Christ was not known so that I would not be building on someone else's Foundation. Rather as it is written those who were not told about him. We'll see. And those who have not heard will understand.
Suppose talking about an Evangelistic Church, right? He's being Evangelistic. Supposed to minister to the Gentiles. So we see this in the story of his conversion and Acts chapter 9, right? He is chosen by God to be the chosen instrument to proclaim the name of Jesus to them the Gentiles. It is his duty to teach and preach the gospel. So Paul looked at this Duty as out of a priest has to offer up the Gentiles as an offering to God. Bryce was comparing himself to an Old Testament, priest on that the Gentiles, they are his offering. That is what he is bringing before, God desires that his offering of bringing the gospel to the Gentiles will be acceptable and made Holy by the Holy Spirit.
Paul says, here that he's proud of the work that he is doing, but he's not proud of himself. He's proud of what Christ has accomplished through him. Soap, all he gives all the glory to God. Hotels that are that he's been all over the region. I don't have a map here of it, but looking at the map, you got one in the back, your Bibles there and it shows the area from Jerusalem up to look for him, which is almost. We're a little north of where Italy is now. So he was almost to Rome, but he talks about how he has been all over that region planning churches, making disciples.
Any. He says that he has done it all through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Call wanted to lay the foundations of Christ and he wanted to let the others do the building after him. So each one of us is given a spiritual gift from God for Paul. It was being a planter, he writes about this in 1st Corinthians. He says I have planted the seed, Apollos has watered it but it's God has been making it grow. So this was Paul calling to be a planter Wrightsville, that's what he saying that he wants to do. He wants to go, he wants to get to Spain where the gospel has never been preached before. He's kind of a pioneering kind of guy, he wants to just go out and go where where Jesus has not been heard.
Suppose an evangelist. This was his act of service to God. Wheels of church and individually. We should have the same desire to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What we have many purposes and functions in the church, one of our most important is to seek the lost and appoint them to Jesus. We should be proclaiming Jesus everyday.
This is why I have often been hindered from coming to you. But now that there is no more place for me to work in these regions. And since I have been longing for many years to visit you, I plan to do. So, when I go to Spain, I hope to see you while passing through and have you assist me on my journey there after I have enjoyed your company for a while now. However, I am on my way to Jerusalem in the service of the Lord people there for Macedonia, and a chair. We're pleased to make a contribution for the poor among the Lord people in Jerusalem. They were pleased to do it. And indeed, they owe it to them for it. The Gentiles of Sheridan, the Jews spiritual blessing, then they all go to the Jews to share with them and their material blessings. So, after I have completed this task and it made sure that they have received this contribution, I will go to Spain and I will visit you on the way. I know that, when I come to you, I will come in the full measure of the blessing of Christ. The ball talking about a giving Church.
Because of Paul's Duty so he hasn't been able to make it to Rome. But now again he's talking about how he's covered the whole area. And now his desire is to go to Spain was planning on taking his calling to the ends of the world, right? Spain. At this time was the end of the world for for what the people knew.
football has an obligation obligation first to the Lord people in Jerusalem, so he has collected a contribution from Macedonia in it and a chair And notice how he says they were pleased to make this contribution, he's confident that he will be fully accepted when he arrives there. Excuse me to head there. Notice how he says that they were pleased to make this contribution, Richard was talking earlier about giving, right? So that's what this church is doing. So they are giving joyfully right. Dan Jerusalem at the time. There was a lot of love, just a poor Jewish Christians hard times of. Come on them. There's been a lot of unrest there with the Roman controlling Jerusalem. NAD. Picking up this offering to them.
Paul says there that the churches in Macedonia. She said they didn't know the Jewish Traditions there. But they were still eager to help their brothers and sisters so that's how we should be right? We should be willing to help our brothers and sisters around the world. All the Christians so many being persecuted in other regions. So many missionaries out in the field.
suppose also hoping here at the church in Rome that they're going to help him with his journey to Spain so he's hoping to do a little fundraising there to
Renown verse 30, I heard you brothers and sisters by our Lord Jesus Christ. And by the love of the spirit to join me and my struggle by praying for God, for me, pray that I may be kept safe from the unbelievers in Judea and that the contribution I take to Jerusalem. ABS, payroll favorably received by the Lord's people there. So now we're Paul's describing a Praying church, so, Paul calls for the church to be praying for him. He knows when he gets to Jerusalem that there are those there that want to kill him? But he wants this gift to be received by the Lord's people there in Jerusalem. And he is asking those the church in Rome for prayer. Anyone send to pray for his journey getting to Rome. So we should be a Praying church, pray for each other. Pray for the church leaders. Pray for the gospel, to be spread, praying for God's will to be done.
pray that I may be kept safe from the
32, so that I may come to you with joy by God's Will and in your company, be refreshed, the god of peace, be with you all. Amen. A joyful church. So Paul is looking forward to being in the company of the Roman Church. He expects you will be refreshed by coming to them. This is how it should be when we come to church. It should be refreshing. It should be joyful to meet together. As a church family. We should be building each other up. When we come to church, we should feel rejuvenated. We should be refreshed and we should be refreshing others. This should be our joyous event every Sunday. And when we meet it, shouldn't be just Sundays.
Somebody trying to play this little bit of the scripture, what we've been talking about at Red Hills for the last couple years. I won't have a bulletin with them.
Got an open book test for you. Mission statement at Red Hills.
Cat, probably can't see on this one. For what's the top one?
And make disciples, all right. So, where is Paul fit into this?
Love God. Paul shows that he loves God by following his commands. He's being obedient to God by fulfilling what God has called him to be the minister of the Gospel to the Gentiles. He loves God by giving him all of the glory, he puts God first and he make sure that it's known, that it is all through God. He loves God by loving others. He loves God by joining him and his work of spreading the gospel. Loving others, Paul shows us that he loves others by taking that contribution from Macedonia and a cheetah to Jerusalem. All knew there was people there in Jerusalem and Judea that wanted him dead. He's still wanted to deliver this gift that have been given to them. All of the others by sharing the gospel with him, he devoted his entire life to sharing the gospel. He was beaten. He was put in prison, he was left for dead. And he did all of this to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Making disciples. So, after all of this, Paul still desire to take the gospel out, he wanted to go to Spain to proclaim the gospel. And Paul time this was the end of the Earth Acts 1:8 Jesus tells us you'll be my witness in Jerusalem and all of Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the Earth. Pause living out that order from Jesus. Paul lived, his life on mission for God.
Are you living your life on mission to God? Do you love God? Do you love others? Are you making disciples? Where do you need to grow in this? What area that do you need to work on?
What help do you need in following these commands?
As a church. Do we sound like the church that Paul was a thriving and verse 14? Or how about these characteristics of the church again.
Recognizing the worship and Compasses are every breath, not just those, when we're singing together. Committing ourselves to prayer, both corporately and individually. Submitting everything we do to the word of God, which require studying it to see what it actually says. Joyfully giving ourselves to Fellowship as a community of Jesus followers, cheerfully giving of our time resources, and yes, to benefit our church, our community, and our world. Voluntarily blessing one another and others through axle service teaching one another to obey, Jesus commands to intentional discipleship, expressing the hope we have in Christ through words and deeds of evangelism sharing the good news. Joining God in his work, around the world through praying sending and going on Mission. That's only the characteristics of this church. I hope it does. This is right off of our church website.
Yeah, I'm glad I looked at it cuz I wouldn't have known.
But where, where do we have the church need to grow in these areas?
Are we meeting all of these? Are we living this out? I know there's places, I need to grow. so, my challenge is this, Self assess where you can grow individually.
Where can you join God and going to church?
What spiritual gift has God given you. And are using that gift to further his kingdom. That's my challenge to you guys is to think about where you can can grow more in these areas and where you can grow more in the church. Will you play with me?
Father, we love you and we thank you. We thank you for your church. We thank you for your word. We pray. Father that we would grow more in you. That we would.