Pleasing the Lord as Children and Parents
Christ Above All: The Message of Colossians • Sermon • Submitted
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Big Idea
Tension: How do children and parents please the Lord in their relationship?
Resolution: By children obey and parents discipling.
Exegetical Idea: The Lord is pleased when children obey their parents and parents disciple their children.
Theological Idea: The Lord is pleased when children obey their parents and parents disciple their children because it reflects relationships with his Son and the Church.
Homiletical Idea: Our Father is pleased when children obey parents and parents disciple children.
Kids Sermon
Questions: Should we obey our parents?
How should we obey our parents?
Why should we obey our parents?
Why is this pleasing to the Lord?
Because God is our Father!
Don’t we want to listen to the Father? When we’re in Church, we want to listen to his Scripture, we want to sing his songs, we want to pray to him, because God is our best Father!
To those who have a hard time with the Bible’s teaching on Children
Those who do not have a good relationship with their Father. (Ps 27:10, 68:5)
Those who are not parents. God has a special heart for those who want to have children but cannot. You have the chance to be part of the children-raising task.
Some of us young people who do not yet have children, God literally created you to be fathers and mothers. THis is part of who you are. It will only make you grow in admiration for your spouse. It will only add fulfillment to your life. Some of the crankiest, most difficult people I know, when they have kids, suddenly turn into super parents. it’s amazing. I would also make a similar comment to what I made about not wanting to get married. A lot of young people think, well when I get to my late 30’s, maybe my 40’s, I’ll get married. First off, a lot of people, probably more than you would think, when they put off having children, it is much more difficult if not impossible. But I would say, it’s probably not a good idea to spend the next 5,10, 15 years cultivating an attitude of “I’m going to do what I want to do” and when you’ve had your fun, then spending life on kids. I think that will make you resent your kids, probably your spouse, and almost certainly yourself.
Children are a blessing
1st Century Roman society: In the first century, the birth rate among the Greeks and Latins had cratered. Many wealthy people were living without getting married, living as bachelors, without raising their cihldren and aborting their chidlren. They would leave their children out of the city gates to die so they didn’t have to have the responsibility of having children.
Children are a good thing.
Psalm 127:3-5
Matthew 19:13-15
Notice how Paul talks to the children: “Children, obey your parents.”
A Church that pushes the children away, a church that acts like they don’t belong, a church that doesn’t tolerate squirmy kids, or little noises, or kids running around and banging stuff up, is a church that is on their way to the grave. So here, we always want to be a chruch that has kids. Which means we always need to be aplace that doesn’t get distracted by noises, or squirminess, or by banging up the walls. We need to be a place that shows grace to motehrs whose kids are just off the wall. In other words, kids belong here, and God help us if they never do.
We are children of the Father
He has made us heirs (Col 2:12-13)
brought us out of the domain of darkness
brought us into the kingdom of his Son
He reconciled us to himself (Col 1:19-20)
We give thanks to God the Father through Christ (Col 3:17)
Goal: Raise your children up in the Lord (Ephesians 6:1-4)
Don’t be harsh with them (Deut 21:18-21)
Keep them from being “discouraged” - or enraged.
Is your child rebellious, wicked, and difficult? This is a picture to you of how you are to God. And if you still love your child after that, imagine how much your heavenly father must still love you.
Raising Christians
Be proactive. The worst possible time to teach your child about why they should obey you is when they’re grumpy. You need to be teaching them the ten commandments. Bring the 10 Commandments up, bring the Lord’s prayer, bring the gospel up. Model for them a Christian faith. In other words, raise them up to love Jesus.
When they do grow bitter, step in. Be the parent. But offer both law and gospel. Discipline when necessary, but lavish forgiveness on them. Don’t be passive agressive teowards them.
Grand Parents. You are not off the hook.