Meaning in the Mundane
Main Point: Everything you do and don’t, is important.
Main Point: Everything you do and don’t, is important.
ME: My wife hates doing the dishes. I mean she hates it. Anytime she ends up doing them she gets upset and just really does not enjoy doing the dishes. I also do not enjoy doing the dishes, but I don’t hate it. It is a mundane task that I know I will have to do at some point. I mean I could let our dishes pile up for three weeks, Sarah might kill me for it but I could indeed do that. Doing the dishes seems pointless to me at times. like how many time am I going to wash this plate. Its getting ridiculous. I get really tired of it, but I also know I have to do it. I have to do the dishes.
WE: We all have these tiny little mundane things we have to do. Things we don’t see as important, but if we put them off they can become important. And even then we really have two options. We can just not do them and be a jerk, or we can you know do them. Sucking up what little pride or whatever we have that says “I’m better than this” this is beneath me. Why do I have to do this menial mundane task. EXPAND A BIT ON THIS TALK ABOUT DISHES/MOWING/TRASH/BEING ON TIME/GOING SPEED LIMIT
GOD: Acts 6:1