Abraham The battle belongs to the Lord
The Battle belongs to the Lord
Welcome and announcements
Doxology “The Blessing of the Lord”
The blessing of the Lord shall be upon his people
The blessing of the Lord shall be upon him.
Sing, sing, sing and praise his holy Name
Sing, sing and praise the Lord.
Call to worship and Greeting
Hymn no 152 “When morning gilds the skies”
Prayer of adoration and Confession of sins
Declaration of pardoning
Hymn no 102 “Sovereign grace over sin abounding” (Verses 1, 4)
Children’s Address
Hymn no 638 “Rejoice in the Lord always”
Offering and Dedication
While the Offering is taken up, all (remaining seated) sing) “Father I thank you”
Father I thank you for all you have done
You gave your Son freely for me.
And I praise You for calling me, drawing me near
Out of blindness You caused me to see.
Spirit of life, You are God’s holy fire
You kindled my heart with your blaze
And I know You’re refining me, changing my life
And by faith You’re revealing your ways.
Jesus, I need You as Lord of my life
I give all I have unto You
Lord, I want to come under your heavenly hand
And to praise You in all that I do.
Prayer of Intercession
Bible Reading
Old Testament: Genesis 14
New Testament: Ephesians 6:10-18
Theme: “The battle belongs to God”
Hymn no 459: “There’s a royal banner given for display”
Threefold “Amen”