Biblical Frameworks in a Brave New World
I. Creation of Sexuality
a. God created humans as male and female and thus a part of His plan.
b. God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply.
II. The Fall
a. The Fall corrupts God's good creation and can affect a number
of things related to biological sex and sexual desires.
b. No one is righteous.
III. Redemption
a. God's grace opens up potential for forgiveness and transformation.
IV. Restoration
a. Marriage does not exist in the world to come.
b. The greatest happiness and fulfillment can be attained apart from
sexual activity.
Reflection Questions:
1. Where do you see the goodness of God on display when He formed you?
2. Where have you seen the brokenness of the fall impact human sexuality?
3. How have you witnessed God's redeeming and transforming work in your own life? What about in others?
4. To what degree does our culture believe sexual freedom is necessary for happiness? To what degree do you agree and why?