Devotion 4-30-21 - Proverbs 15:4 - The Weight of Our Words
Devotion - Proverbs 15:4 - The Weight Of Our Words
4 A gentle tongue is a tree of life,
but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.
Do you have a gentle (healing) tongue? Do you comprehend what you can do, how powerful you are, your presence here in this world, with your family, your friends, your Church, your workplace? You have the power to create and to destroy, to heal or break, to sustain or to stop (drag down). Your words - but not just that - your tone and attitude and demeanor. These things make the world what it is, they make a family gathering, a friendship, a Church, a work environment, a community culture. I have told some of you this. Your presence makes such a difference. It's not profound at all is it. And, yet it is so profound. You bring life. It doesn't have to be by a thousand words, just by the simple words from a sincere and loving heart of faith - it is pleasant and encouraging and healing.
On the other hand, there are people who do the opposite. (perverse = not just sexual but general perversion of truth and reality and goodness and beauty). There are people, who just by their presence break the spirit of fellowship, some who are so self-absorbed that they think nothing but what's in it for them, think nothing but thoughts of fault-finding so they can feel superior (or perhaps not feel so inferior). We experience this in life, in family, work, and church - this is especially encountered in church plants where often people go not because they believe in the mission but because they are running from something else, have already fractured other fellowships and are looking for the next one to meet their temporary felt needs. And, this is because they themselves are broken in spirit. The Proverb literally reads, perverseness in it, it is a broken spirit. Purposely vague, this perverse way, comes from one who is broken in spirit, that's where the perverseness comes from, from not being whole, not being faithful or fearing God or having your salvation in Him. This perverse self-seeking way does not bring the desired result, it only leads to more brokenness - of others affected by it and of the one doing it.
The imprecise parallel (gentle-perverse, not gentle-harsh) suggests that the life-giving words and heart/being of a person does not contain underhanded/selfish motives, nor does it distort the truth but rather speaks the truth in a loving and trustworthy way, adorning it so that it may be accepted without the need for defensiveness,
The 'tree of life" and "fracturing of the spirit" purposefully calls to mind the Creation-Fall background to all of life on earth. There is a deep longing in us for the joy and wholeness of paradise, perfection, holy, unbroken relationship with God and one another and the created order. The perverseness, the crooked speech of mixing truth with lie, this first act of Satan to humanity to call into question the truth and goodness of God's words, "Did God really say", then this being believed and perpetuated by Eve to Adam and then Adam in his blaming God and his wife. This breaking of the spirit is what occurred. God told them this would happen. The Spirit breaks in sin and the body follows.
This Proverb puts these two ideas together with the communication of beautiful truth to be able to heal what has been destroyed. This beautiful truth manifests in all kinds of ways in the world with all kinds of opportunities for Christians to be salt and light in a decaying and dark world. But, we also see that the beautiful truth that brings true life, life eternal and abundant in the proclaimed good news spoken about the Savior, the Lord, the incarnate Word of God that reveals redemption, restoration, forgiveness to us - that God put the perverseness of our mouths and hearts onto His son and broke his spirit as a substitute for us*. Think of the gentleness of Jesus ("Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you for my yoke is easy and my burden is lite." It is prophesied of him, "A bruised reed he will not break, a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. A broken and contrite heart he will not despise.") This message is life and joy and peace for those who believe and know this beautiful truth. And, it is the greatest way we can bring life to anyone who will hear God's message in us - to share the gospel of God's grace with them, the offer of redemption from their sin, to restore them to God fully and make them new.
*Isa 50:4 - The Lord GOD has given me the tongue of those who are taught, that I may know how to sustain with a word him who is weary. Morning by morning he awakens; he awakens my ear to hear as those who are taught.