This series on the Kingdom of God is built upon this premise and truth.
But we may ask the question:
What does the Kingdom look like?
We want to know what it looks like right now. Or is the Kingdom strictly future oriented. I believe the Kingdom is both present right now but the culmination will be future.
Matthew uses the phrase, kingdom of heaven.
The Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew is the same as kingdom of God elsewhere.
The kingdom is surprising.
You may not always spot it if you are not looking for it. At the same time what may seem insignificant may turn out to be significant.
Small acts can change “big things”.
A little seed, a small amount of yeast, small acts of love. All can produce something great proportionally. The same imagery is used about being salt and light.
Where are you being transformed?
Sometimes we want the big changes. We want major change. God already worked magnificently on the cross. Now transformation matters no matter how big or great.
Live out the kingdom, today.
We are a small church in a small town. Yet, in the Kingdom we can know our work and ministry is important. The same is true for you individually.